What Is This Racism Thing about Zionism and Israel?

Discussions about Israel and the Jew.
Victor Hafichuk
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What Is This Racism Thing about Zionism and Israel?

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

What Is This Racism Thing about Zionism and Israel as a Jewish Nation?

Yes, it is racism to discriminate against people simply because they are of a certain race, while having no other just cause to fault them. Now Zionism is the advocation of the exclusive right to a country by a certain race. That is, Israel is primarily for Jews and not Gentiles (other nations), though some Gentiles are welcome and aren’t ostracized because of race.

So is Zionism therefore an expression of racism? Racism is to exclude a race for evil's sake. It is discrimination with intent to shortchange or harm those not of one’s race. Zionism is no such thing. Zionism is the determination of a people sorely discriminated against because of race to have their own nation for a haven FROM evil, and not FOR evil.

Because Jews have been persecuted throughout history as a disenfranchised and scattered people, essentially strangers and aliens wherever they've been, they have in these last days determined to have their own home.

Is it wrong to have your own home? As a human being, should you not have the right to private home ownership? Do you not have the right to accept or reject any shared rights to your home? Must you receive anyone who chooses to live with you, even friends, never mind enemies? Of course not.

If Israel were to open its doors equally to all peoples, there's no doubt it would soon be overwhelmed and watered down beyond recognition. By those who seek their destruction, the Jews would be democratically voted out of their own destiny as a national people. They would be overcome in their own home and their lot would return to being insecure outcasts, if they were allowed to live at all. Those who presently insist upon living in the Jewish homeland also insist on the annihilation of all Jews. If refusing lethal enemies from entering one’s home is racist, we all racists.

The Jews came out of persecution accentuated by a horrific holocaust. The Jews had an urgent need for security and independence. Because of their obvious plight, their ancient homeland was granted them to be reinhabited by consent of the majority of nations in the world. This was determined by a UN General Assembly resolution on November 29, 1947.

As a wolf in sheep's clothing, the declaration that Zionism is racism is hypocritically disguised as a defence against racism. To define Zionism (the return of Jews to their homeland) as racism would be to deny human rights, peace and security of Jews in their own home.

This prejudicial UN declaration on November 10, 1975 is in itself racism in its purest sense.

http://unitedwithisrael.org/un-marks-40 ... n_dark_jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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