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Testimonies of Believing Jews

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 9:13 am
by Victor Hafichuk
Give a worthy listen, everyone. See what you think. ... ntent=1714" onclick=";return false;

Re: Testimonies of Believing Jews

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:21 am
by larry webb
Listened to half a dozen testimonies and cried during a few of them. God is amazing and will reach us through anyone he chooses! They all should start reading the teaching gs on the Path of Truth.

Re: Testimonies of Believing Jews

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:28 am
by Simon Mwebaze
Hi everyone

I watched four testimonies; Mordechai Baleston, Michael Goldstone, Rose Harrison (first three) and Debra Goldstone. They were interesting stories to watch and hear.

Despite the wrong doctrines there e.g. accepting Christ, I think the Lord gave them something. A start in coming to know Him in truth. I also saw the Lord blessing and bringing them healing for their troubles.

Its amazing to see how far sharing can go without trying to proselytize or strive with people to believe what one believes. The Lord has His perfect timing.

I am thankful to see His work with them!


Re: Testimonies of Believing Jews

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:34 pm
by Beryl Knipe
Amen! Blessed Sabbath, Simon.

Re: Testimonies of Believing Jews

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 9:50 am
by Ronnie Tanner
I listed to a few of the testimonies. ... i-baleston" onclick=";return false;

I appreciated what this man had to say how he began to realize that rituals and empty rules and culture not being the deciding factor between God and man. He also mentions it finally clicked that believing on Yeshua was the most Jewish thing he could do. ... rant-berry" onclick=";return false;

Grant said he met a young lady who confessed Christ and after spending some time with her:

"It caused me to go after a relationship with God"

Then months later, he had a tangible experience of water crashing on him and said the following:

"From that moment on, I believed."

God begins His work in men the day they are born. Circumstances - all of them, begin to play a role in the eventual salvation of every man or woman, whether in this life or the next. ... h-flashman" onclick=";return false;

I appreciated his story, particularly how he mentions thinking he was the center of the world. Also, how he asked his mother what was the purpose of going to bed early, only to be told (through a series of "why's") that it was eventually to get a nice job and house, leaving him with a sense of dissatisfaction. Praise God for that!

This thought comes - "What actually is happening with many here at TPOT as compared or contrasted to what is happening with these people, as compared to the Biblical testimony of God meeting man"? What is the reality? How does the man of sin within fit into this? It's likely each of these people believed as I did (or are being taught) that they are now "born again" and likely filled with the Spirit, and have "evidence" to prove it, such as being drug-free, burden free etc. Perhaps this is how the Lord works, and we are all on various places on the path of truth, being made in His image as He wills it. I just know what has been happening here has been a cataclysmic event, nothing like what happened in times past, which closely resembled the essence of these testimonies.

Re: Testimonies of Believing Jews

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 7:49 am
by Victor Hafichuk
Lots of good stuff there from each of you.

Larry, those tears usually speak of something genuine having happened in one's life. I cried some with Baleston, as well. I recall crying like a baby in the week or two after my conversion when people would come forward to receive Christ.

Yes, Simon, we need to watch out for the term "accepting Christ" and realize that despite using it, a genuine encounter with the Lord can have happened. I'm sure I used that term for myself for some time even though the Lord had done a real work in me. On the other hand, many have trusted in their own righteousness by presumptuously "accepting Christ" and received nothing but delusion.

Ronnie, I appreciate all that you say there. While the Lord has been so gracious to us, He's doing things on various levels with many people in many ways. Yes, we need to be careful and not be deceived (only by His grace will we not be), while at the same time, we need to guard from self-righteousness and egocentricity. God is God of all men and does as He sees fit with all.

Joe mailed concerning Baleston: "I listened to several, and wanted to say that I really appreciated what Mottel Baleston had to say about the outward ritual of religion, thinking to impress the Lord by what you do, wear, eat, how you look, where you face to pray, etc. It was very good."

I replied: Baleston’s revelation sounds so perfectly simple, reasonable and obvious, yet unless God gives it to us, we are alike locked in powerful darkness. It’s like we can be tied up with a few strands of weak, thin thread, but are powerless to break them. Then when the Lord makes us free, we look back at the broken strands and think, “Those things held me?! How was I so weak and foolish? Why couldn’t I see that?”

It’s also true that “the children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light.” The world often sees through the silly and illogical practices of the religious and scorns them, while those who consider themselves enlightened and godly look down on the “wiser ones.”

Re: Testimonies of Believing Jews

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:00 pm
by Paul Cohen
Yes, lots of good stuff. Bless the Lord!

Something struck me in a couple testimonies was the lie some Jews were taught that Jesus couldn't be the Messiah because He didn't bring world peace. What those who teach this lie fail to recognize is that they lack peace themselves because they aren't reconciled to God. Until the Lord begins to draw them, they have no idea how unpeaceful they are, but when He draws a person, then they see their wretchedness and can obtain peace from the Only One Who can give it, the Prince of Peace.

"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" (John 14:27 MKJV).

This world was never meant to give or have peace. It was meant to be judged by fire through the Lord Jesus Christ:

"I have come to send fire on the earth" (Luke 12:49 MKJV).

How wonderful the way He works all things!

"But as it is written, 'Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,' nor has it entered into the heart of man, 'the things which God has prepared for those who love Him'" (1 Corinthians 2:9 MKJV).

Re: Testimonies of Believing Jews

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:25 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
Amen, Paul! I must also warn all, even as Ronnie seemed to indicate, that because Jews profess faith in Jesus Christ doesn't mean they've had a genuine experience and relationship with Him. See the millions of Gentiles professing faith and worshiping Him in vain with their lips. It's no different for Jewish converts. Watch for life change, repentance from sin, love for the Scriptures, unbiasedness.

Unbiasedness: For example, when we visited a Messianic synagogue in Philadelphia in 1980, many Jews believed, but what was the nature of their faith? They professed faith in Yeshua, their gathering even named "Beth Yeshua," I think, yet we were given to perceive they were worshiping an historical, Jewish Messiah, One they were "taking back from the Gentiles" or claiming ownership of. It's about Him claiming their lives and not they His.

We did not witness a personal relationship with the Present Christ. Not that there might not have been Jews there who sincerely believed. It didn't seem so with those we encountered, not even the worship leader and elder. Several were offended with us.

So, people, profession in itself means nothing, whether by Gentile or Jew. As well, only those who endure to the end will be saved. Starting out great and genuinely doesn't mean the story's over.

Re: Testimonies of Believing Jews

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:22 am
by Dan Lysthauge
Thankful for your replys P & V!