FT's - Wayne Cordeiro & Ravi Zacharias: Worldly Word...

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Sara V Schmidt

FT's - Wayne Cordeiro & Ravi Zacharias: Worldly Word...

Post by Sara V Schmidt »

We have two new False Teachers:

Wayne Cordeiro & Ravi Zacharias:

Worldly Word Wresters

False teachers who preach Jesus Christ don’t resemble Him at all. They may talk about Him, but they look like the world, appealing to its credentials and ways in order to attract converts and followers. It’s a twisted bait and switch where you get what you want, but not what you need.

Israel Lattimore

Re: FT's: Wayne Cordeiro & Ravi Zacharias: Worldly Word Wres

Post by Israel Lattimore »

Wow, the spirit actually spoke from the very beginning of the Wayne Cordeiro video saying, "You know where liars go....to church!!" I suppose he thinks this type of unseemly jesting is funny. The statement that Mr. Cordeiro made was true but for himself to be sitting in a position of authority in a church, which is apprently (by his own admission) full of liars, makes him a.....yes, the father of liars. That's fairly simple logic but perhaps not so obvious to the undisciplined soul which isn't converted. He has uttered his own condemnation. Also, his congregation is fundamentally Foursquare (founded by Aimee Semple McPherson) which is enough information, in and of itself, to make a righteous judgment.

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