Spanish - The Persecutors and the Persecuted

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Sara V Schmidt

Spanish - The Persecutors and the Persecuted

Post by Sara V Schmidt »

We have a new posting in Spanish:

The Persecutors and the Persecuted (Los Perseguidores y los Perseguidos)

How is it that the persecutor cannot see that he is the persecutor? How is it he sees himself as justified in evil, in returning evil for what he perceives to be evil? In many cases, the persecutor claims to be a Christian, yet Jesus Himself did not do as he does. But the children of darkness are true to their state...walking in darkness. The children of light, who suffer evil and are accused of it, rejoice not because they have power and opportunity to punish the wicked, but because they suffer for Christ's sake.

Click HERE to read “The Persecutors and the Persecuted” in English.

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