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Afrikaans - The Good News

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 12:51 pm
by Sara V Schmidt
We have our first posting in Afrikaans:

Afrikaans: The Good News (Die Goeie Nuus)

What we have been hearing, referred to as “the good news” or the gospel, must be seen for what it is - bad news indeed! In its place must be declared the truly good news. Our selfishness would dictate that if news is good for us, it is good news, though it might not be very good for everybody else. Ultimately, if it is not good for all, it is good for none. Like it or not, none of us can remain an island unto himself for long, and if one tries to be otherwise, there is only stagnation and stench, even as when waters stop running, forming a black swamp in which nothing can live.

Click HERE to read “The Good News” in English.