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New Proverbs

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 12:21 pm
by Sara V Schmidt
2052. Nature can never be changed from without, only from within.

2053. The Sabbath is the Strength of God in the weakness of man.

2054. The Sabbath is a taste of the coming Peace of God.

2055. The Sabbath is the freedom of nothing left to lose.

2056. The Sabbath is the Declaration of the Sovereignty of God.

2057. Life originates and is regenerated in the Sabbath of God.

2058. Only in the Sabbath is there the complete victory of God.

2059. The Sabbath is the blessed union and harmony of soul and spirit.

2060. There is only faith and no fear in the Sabbath.

2061. Both the day and the night proclaim the Quiet Might of God.

2062. The streets of the Sabbath are paved with pure gold.

2063. Unauthorized wings cannot overcome the walls of the Sabbath.

2064. Only the Sabbath-keeper dines on the Bread of God.

2065. The Sabbath Potion of Heaven is too powerful to be diluted by less than six to one.

2066. Man’s rulership presumes to impose every day of the week on the Sabbath and pretends to gift the Sabbath on days of labor.

2067. The acceptance of reality is a thing of beauty; it is the essence of emancipation.

2068. Thankfulness is eyes for seeing, an ear for hearing, a mouth for eating, and a heart for living.

2069. The Sabbath is a banquet of thankfulness.

2070. I have learned that no man forgives another’s offenses, great or small, but for the grace of God.

2071. The Sabbath is the Declaration of Dependence on God.

2072. The Sabbath is the Declaration of Independence from Self.

2073. The Sabbath is the Acceptance of the Charter of Responsibilities.

2074. The Sabbath is to know and to do the will of God.

2075. The Sabbath is to reside in the throne room of God.

2076. The Sabbath is to agree with the will and perspective of God.

2077. The Sabbath is the joy of being as God intended His children to be.

2078. There’s no success without failure.

2079. Make sure your steps; they each lead in a certain direction, whether good or evil.

2080. Prisons don't leave open doors or post maps for the exit.

2081. The righteous will know the goodness of the Lord, but the rebellious will not be partakers.

2082. Our shortages are our greater provisions.

2083. The proud labors for pride, and the sluggard in pretense to escape labor.

2084. Those who judge after the appearance are the greater offenders in those things for which they fault others.

2085. One doesn’t go hanging apples on a willow; apples are gathered only from an apple tree and that not just any time, but in season.

2086. It is the nature and duty of every lover of good and right to do battle with evil.

Re: New Proverbs

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 12:47 pm
by tom4men

Re: New Proverbs

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 1:25 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
Amen! God IS our Sabbath. And seeing He is no respecter of persons and we seek to be as He is in this world, we shall receive words of Truth from anyone, even devils, if appropriate or necessary. We can only possess this ability if we know Him as our Sabbath.