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“The Bane of Bitterness” is now available in Japanese

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:49 pm
by Mariko Benson
Hello everyone.

“The Bane of Bitterness” is now available in Japanese. ... panese.htm
(“The Bane of Bitterness” in English: ... erness.htm)

I found this is an amazing paper.

I would like to share my thoughts on a couple of statements in the paper.
“Bitterness is much more than an emotion, bad feeling or attitude. What then is it? Bitterness is a destructive lack of understanding; it is a result of not having God’s perspective. Not seeing things His way is so significant and powerful that, if left to do its work, it can defile and destroy a body and even a soul.”
I have experienced that destruction for many years without knowing what it was, yet I chose to be destructive, and as a result, I harmed and destroyed others.
“Is there a link between the evils in your life and your ancestry? God knows, and only He can show it to you. Break that link, by His grace, and you will find an eventual removal of the curse that was brought on you by the sins of your ancestors; eventual, I say, because all things must run their course, but He is just and merciful, and will break that chain for your sake when you are fully repentant, even as He promised. I know; He has done it for me, and I know He has done it for others, for those recorded in Scriptures and others since. The testimonies in this matter are sure.”
I was born in Japan, very proud of being Japanese, proud of my origin, my name, my parents, and myself… So when I heard Japan was a dark country in the Lord’s eyes, I never wanted to admit it. While I could see the darkness of Japan or Japanese people, I didn’t want to see it in me thinking “Well, I am different from other Japanese people because the Lord pulled me out from Japan and I am a believer so I am OK”. That made me even worse than a regular non-believer.

Last Friday, when I was talking to Victor and Marilyn on the phone, Victor pointed out to me that two weeks after I came to the farm for a visit, the farm started to change for the worse. Although I didn’t want to hear it or accept it, I believed what he said was true. It wasn’t my ancestors’ fault nor anybody else’s but MINE. I chose to live under the curse, affecting others and didn’t want to repent of it.

At the end of the conversation, Victor asked the Lord, Jesus Christ to destroy the curse and to remove the darkness completely. The chain of the curse needs to be cut and I believe He has done it! Praise the Lord!


Re: “The Bane of Bitterness” is now available in Japanese

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 10:07 pm
by Jeannie Van Popta
I'm thankful to hear what the Lord has done for you, Mariko.

Re: “The Bane of Bitterness” is now available in Japanese

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 10:19 pm
by Beryl Knipe
Thank you, Mariko. Thank You Lord for Mariko's change - the good news!

Re: “The Bane of Bitterness” is now available in Japanese

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:12 pm
by Diana Laumbach
Thank you for sharing This Markio. Praise the Lord! I a thank as well for what the Lord is doing for you.

Re: “The Bane of Bitterness” is now available in Japanese

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:12 pm
by Diana Laumbach
Thank you for sharing This Markio. Praise the Lord! I am thankful as well for what the Lord is doing for you.

Re: “The Bane of Bitterness” is now available in Japanese

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 2:00 am
by Dan Lysthauge
Good to hear Markio, I said this during the Sabbath meeting, religion or people in general think they are "born ok the first time." It is a good thing when He opens our eyes, even though it is hard.

The background on "born ok the first time."
I drive all over Lincoln, Nebraska for work, one day I saw a vehicle with a "vanity plate" that said " 1 with God" and below the plate was a bumper sticker that said, " born ok the first time."

Dan L.

Re: “The Bane of Bitterness” is now available in Japanese

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:01 pm
by Mariko Benson
Thank you, Jeannie, Beryl, Diana and Dan for your reply.

Yes, Dan, it is a good thing that the Lord is teaching us we weren’t “born ok” at all. I read these verses last night concerning opening our eyes.

Psalm 119:17-21 (GNT)
17 Be good to me, Your servant,
so that I may live and obey Your teachings.
18 Open my eyes, so that I may see
the wonderful truths in Your law.
19 I am here on earth for just a little while;
do not hide Your commands from me.
20 My heart aches with longing;
I want to know Your judgments at all times.
21 You reprimand the proud;
cursed are those who disobey Your commands.
