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I don't know what to do- please help

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 10:02 pm
by Michael Condit

I don't know if this is how we contact you or not but I figured I would leave it here.

I don't have all the right words to describe how what I am experiencing. But I will do my best. I have for some time been stuck. I am double minded and unstable in all of my ways. I dont understand why I can't serve the Lord. It's like I know the truth, but I am incapable of following it. I know that it is only God who can change my heart and I know that unless he does I will continue to be the absolute worst. I despise myself, but I feel that I don't abhor my self enough. I see my hypocrisy and self righteousness all through out the day. It runs so deep, to the point that I even feel like I have ground to stand on by messaging you and letting you know all of these things. I realize that no amount of change to my lifestyle (stopping drinking, quitting porn, and whatever else) makes me right with God. It's all external changes, my heart is so evil and it's so frustrating I'm so sick of being ruled by my flesh. I am so tired of being a slave to it. It's become so annoying and exhausting. But I'm at the point where I don't know what to do. I can't choose Christ, He must choose me I can't change my own heart and I am just so confused on what to do, all I keep thinking is I Just have to wait upon the Lord. Am I wrong? Please correct me in any errors. I know my flesh will not be able to handle the correction, or maybe I am admitting defeat too soon? I don't know. I just need some advice.

I have no clue as to what Gods will is for my life or where he wants me. I truly hate living in this world, it's all vain and doesn't matter. I know I will never be satisfied until I am wholly the Lords, but I have no idea how to get there and what makes me more frustrated is that i still want my own ways even knowing how awful they are, but I don't want to want them anymore. The Lord clearly speaks to you, and I know you will know whether I am to become one of His or not.

One question that keeps coming back to mind is why create me or any of us to begin with? Why did all of this have to happen? Why create a race that He had purposed to go against Him and have all of this Evil before his eyes. Because I know the wickedness in me that I see is probably only half of it, He has seen completel and utter evil from beginning to end. just why?

The last series of questions is just something I wanted to ask. I don't know if you want to answer them or not. But if you do that would be helpful.

Re: I don't know what to do- please help

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 3:38 am
by Ross Marshall
Hey Brother, get your mind off "fighting sin" and replace that useless loosing fight with some ministry.... I am worse then you! I drink a biut, still smoke, am single, sometimes sleep with people I ain't suppose to, but - heck,. everyone need a companion sometimes. You are not the only rotten piece of garbage on planet easrth. First stop looking at yourself. Start meeting people, visit, don't judge them, and REALLY!!!! STOP judging yourself. Maybe get a ministry going - I write books, and poor a sin, broke, 63 years old with a 20 year old sex-craved brain, and , well... you're in GOOD company.
I write study and pass out booklets and try my best to fellowship.
Love others, even if you can't stand your self.
No one likes themselves all that much. It is easier to like and love others.
You are a perfectly good child of Jesus, and He loves you. THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS!!!!!!!!
Now, ask me for a free copy of my book(s) and Ill send them.
Sounds like you need a friend.
GO HERE.....

Re: I don't know what to do- please help

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 6:02 am
by Edet Bassey
Dear Michael, I read through your post understandably, I was happy when going through your post in that you acknowledge that there is need to be identify with your creator. It is true that Jesus said "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, ..." Jn 15:16; Nevertheless, in John 3:16 the bible stated this: " For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." All you need is to believe in the saving grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Who ever believe in Him shall be save. Salvation is all about believing in the saving grace of Jesus Christ. For there is no other name given among men that we should be save except the name of Jesus. with your faith in Him (Jesus), your Sins is forgiven. It is not by work of righteousness;
May I ask you this, Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?
Do you also believe that he was killed because of our sins, and on the third day he rose from dead and ascended up to heaven, and he is coming back again?
If you do. Then believe that He has the power to set you free. He has given you his life freely on the cross of Calvary, with the condition that you open your heart and receive his free gift. And the Holy Spirit will enable you to live a God fearing life. Do you understand? Do get back to me for more clarification if you truly need God into your life.

Edet Bassey

Re: I don't know what to do- please help

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 4:16 pm
by Michael Condit
I appreciate the time you both took to reply, but unfortunately it didn't exactly answer what I am currently going through. So I will try to clarify some more.

I want to be obedient to the Lord, and that in and of its self can only be from God, however there is still sin in my life that I am not free from. My heart is still not pure. But I know that only God can create in me a clean new heart, one that is capable of obeying. I am still carnal, but I don't want to be. I still want my own ways but I don't want to want them. I am incredibly frustrated with consistently being dragged around by my flesh. For now what I've come to is that I must not worry, what good does it do? Only God can do a lasting work in me. So all I can do is trust that in his time, according to His will, he will bring me to him. One thing that you both did help affirm is that I need to stop trying and let God be in control, after all there is nothing I can do to get right with God that much is clear.

No amount of ministry, do gooding or how much I try to accept him will make me right with Him. Only He can save me.

Edet, you are right He has the power to set me free, I fully know that. I do believe the things that you have asked me. But more so because to don't know how to not believe them. But the fact of the matter is belief, real belief, should result in obedience. The point I disagree with you on is that I have to open my heart and receive it. I am incapable of opening my heart unless He opens my mind and heart. I am truthfully 100% at His mercy. My prayer is that God would grant me repentance and a heart that desires Him above myself. (My disgust with myself is that even as I say that part of me is in total opposition to wanting that).

thank you again for replying, until corrected all I know to do is wait for God. That's all I know to do.

"My strength will rise as I wait upon the Lord" is the song lyric that keeps coming to mind.

Re: I don't know what to do- please help

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 4:28 pm
by Michael Johnson

Re: I don't know what to do- please help

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 6:06 pm
by Brandon LaBerteaux
Hi Michael,

Victor will answer you, Lord willing, when the Lord directs him to do so and gives him something to say.

Based off of what you said in your first post, it sounds as though the Lord is working with you. It is good: the sorrow you feel, the helplessness and hopelessness you feel in your own power to do anything about your state of sin. Those of us who walk with/after Him have been there; it is a mark of the beginning of the Way.

To recognize these things about yourself and present yourself humbly before the Lord is nothing short of grace from Him and a gift of faith for you to seek help. Consider it a blessing from Him.

Repent, Michael. It is the only Way to Him. By repenting, I mean get honest with Him and with yourself (which it sounds like you are doing already; the Lord has heard your prayer for repentance). You need to confess your sins--to God, to a man of God (Victor), to those whom you have sinned against expecting to reap the consequences of the wickedness you have sown in your life up until this point.

I can say that when my time for initial confession came, the Lord kept me in grace. Many of the people I confessed to forgave me or showed undeserved mercy. But I lost many friends too. The Lord will put a sword in your life, dividing you from those who don't believe. This is a part of the cross we are called to carry, ultimately a death sentence to ourselves (in the flesh, but to Life in the Spirit).

Don't listen to this Ross Marshall guy. I don't know him, I have never seen him here before, but The Lord allowed Satan to come here in him to try and distract you from the cross, to test your faith. Need proof that Ross doesn't know God?

1 John 3:4-9 MKJV
(4)  Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness, for sin is lawlessness.
(5)  And you know that He was revealed that He might take away our sins, and in Him is no sin.
(6)  Everyone who abides in Him does not sin. Everyone who sins has not seen Him nor known Him.
(7)  Little children, let no one deceive you. He who does righteousness is righteous, even as that One is righteous.
(8)  He who practices sin is of the Devil, for the Devil sins from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was revealed, that He might undo the works of the Devil.
(9)  Everyone who has been born of God does not commit sin, because His seed remains in him, and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.

He's falsely humbling himself saying he's worse than you (and he's right, because you come here repenting), but he wishes to remain in his sin and hold onto his vices. You've already proven where your heart is by not accepting his answer and choosing to wait on the Lord.

If you haven't already, read these articles:

Confession of Sin
The Three Degrees
How One is Saved
The Cross--Only the Death Sentence Will Avail
Taking up the Cross: What is Required of Me?

Wash yourself in the Truth contained at this site. In time, day by day, step by step, walking in faith, the Lord will bring you through. He is found by all who seek Him, not willing that any of those who are His should perish. He is faithful and true.
One question that keeps coming back to mind is why create me or any of us to begin with? Why did all of this have to happen? Why create a race that He had purposed to go against Him and have all of this Evil before his eyes. Because I know the wickedness in me that I see is probably only half of it, He has seen completel and utter evil from beginning to end. just why?
Also read "The Purpose of Evil." None of these things have been in vain for the Lord, Who works all things for His glory.

Romans 8:28 MKJV
(28)  And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

Re: I don't know what to do- please help

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 9:35 pm
by Oneil Richards
Amen, Brandon. Michael the Lord Jesus is sovereign over all things. It's His sovereignty that brought you here to hear and read His words.

Re: I don't know what to do- please help

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:17 am
by Michael Condit

Thank you so much for your reply, I actually got really happy when I read it. It is just a relief to know that God is working with me. How will I know who to repent to? Will the Lord show me? Or am I not capable of hearing him at this time? I mean a few people come to mind. But one of them that I have a question about, is my ex girlfriend who I cheated on when we were about 14-15 years old so it was 11-12 years ago and she is engaged and has a whole other life, should I still confess to her? To be honest I'm not so much concerned of the outcome for myself, but I don't like seeing other people hurt and I don't want to cause unnecessary pain for them. Maybe that is carnal thinking?

Also via what means can I confess to victor?

But yea as far as Ross Marshall goes I didn't, I was a little dissapointed to see that as the first reply, as it was totally opposite of everything I know to be true.

I have red 3 of the ones you posted. I will continue to keep reading the material on here starting with the ones you have posted in this message, thank you for providing these.

Thank you so much for your response again, it was truly helpful and encouraging.

Re: I don't know what to do- please help

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:47 am
by Brandon LaBerteaux

It's good to hear, and I thank the Lord that He is working with you and that you can receive what He has to say. We all rejoice here when we see someone truly repenting, humbling themselves, and seeking the Lord. It is a rarer sight than one may think, and precious for those who have the eyes to see.

Faith is how you will know, Michael. You know in your heart who you need to confess to. We all have carried around the burden of private sin (or public) and the only way to relieve ourselves of it is repentance by His grace. And it IS a relief, as He carries the burden for us from that point on.

I can't speak specifically on the subject your ex-girlfriend, that's something you need to know from the Lord yourself, but I believe I have heard Victor answer someone elsewhere in a similar situation that with something that long gone and passed by it MAY not be necessary. Rather, a confession to God and acknowledgement of your wrongdoing COULD suffice. That said, if the Lord is giving you to do so, if it's something that truly needs to be done, He will make it clear to you. Ask Him for faith, and He will provide.

Start with what you know you need to do first, turning to the Lord for the grace and strength to do so. The Lord makes it all clear, and trust Him in that. Just take it step by step, a little at a time, and as you go on what needs to be done becomes clearer and clearer.

I've been here at The Path of Truth for over a year now, and each day I learn more of things that need repentance--which is not always just a confession, so much as a change of attitude or action (I believe the repentance paper discusses that). There was an initial outpouring of understanding over which sins needed immediate correction, and now there's been a deeper transition into dealing with bad habits, their source, and the overall sin nature.

He molds us, fast in some cases, but slowly more often, into His image by dealing with the sin in our lives and drawing us closer to Him in understanding and wisdom.

Ronnie, Lord willing, could you help Michael Condit out with contact information, and perhaps the appropriate Forum in which he could contact Victor, if Victor hasn't already written a response by then?

Re: I don't know what to do- please help

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 11:45 am
by Michael Condit

Thank you again for your response, it is truly helpful. I have gone through three of the articles this morning. The purpose of evil was helpful, i still don't understand the why on it, but I think as I'm writing the why became clear, because that's How God knew it had to be, it couldn't have been any other way, because God created everything perfectly.

I definitely am glad to know God is working with me, because now that means anything I go through will be for my good. There is hope now.

I will ask him for faith as you have said and I will be obedient to what He has given me to know to repent for.

Thank you for your insight on my ex-girlfriend, I did see what you are talking about with someone in the same circumstance. I will ask Him to make it clear to me so that I am not doing something of my own will.

I have been seeking the truth for some time now and about a year ago I made amends with a lot of people, but I didn't know that was apart of God working in me. However there are 2 things that for sure come to mind that I know I need to confess to so I will start with those.

It's just such a relief to know I am not going through all of this in vain. I do t know why but I had no clue it was God. I just thought I was doomed. I still know that I don't know Him, I've known about Him. But honestly more than anything I want to be known by Him. Because I know that is where life has to begin.

I will do as you have said to take it step by step little by little.

Truly thank you so much for your replies.

Re: I don't know what to do- please help

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:19 pm
by Ronnie Tanner
Brandon LaBerteaux wrote: Don't listen to this Ross Marshall guy. I don't know him, I have never seen him here before, but The Lord allowed Satan to come here in him to try and distract you from the cross, to test your faith. Need proof that Ross doesn't know God?

1 John 3:4-9 MKJV
(4)  Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness, for sin is lawlessness.
(5)  And you know that He was revealed that He might take away our sins, and in Him is no sin.
(6)  Everyone who abides in Him does not sin. Everyone who sins has not seen Him nor known Him.
(7)  Little children, let no one deceive you. He who does righteousness is righteous, even as that One is righteous.
(8)  He who practices sin is of the Devil, for the Devil sins from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was revealed, that He might undo the works of the Devil.
(9)  Everyone who has been born of God does not commit sin, because His seed remains in him, and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.
Amen, Brandon, and we can add these Scriptures as well:

"Afterward Jesus found him in the temple and said to him, Behold, you are made whole. Sin no more lest a worse thing come to you" (John 5:14 MKJV).

Mark 9:43-48 ESV
(43) And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than with two hands to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire.
(45) And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life lame than with two feet to be thrown into hell.
(47) And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into hell,
(48) 'where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.'

Re: I don't know what to do- please help

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:15 pm
by Michael Condit
I have struggled with sexual sin my whole life. Started when I was about 4 or 5. How do I give it to God and how do I stop.

I had to break up with my girlfriend because of everything that's happening. I don't even know if that's the right decision. I'm becoming more and more upset. I don't know what's happening to me. I feel as though I've slipped into self pity which is also not good. I am a case manager and deal with helping mentally ill patients most every day all day. I don't know if I should quit or what. Part of me feels a pull to quit and pack my things and travel, but I don't know if that's my urge or Gods pushing me. How do I tell the difference, I've red so much on here but it all points back to God as it should, but there is obviously nothing I can do I feel so hopeless. I want to be rid of this diseased flesh.

Brandon or Ronnie or Victor any advice, correction, help?

Re: I don't know what to do- please help

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 12:17 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
I say, again and again, something that sounds so perfectly trite, irrelevant, watered down, so general it's of no direct or specific use, but the Truth remains: Jesus Christ the Risen Person, God Almighty, Who holds all keys, Who has all Authority in Heaven and earth, is The Answer. HE is THE Solution.

What is required of those formed in His image? That we trust Him, as lesser creatures of His creation appear to do quite naturally, and which creatures the Bible clearly speaks of as being provided for by the Lord, the Engineer and Sustainer of All.

He's in Full Charge, Michael.

Romans 10:1-13 MKJV
(1) Brothers, truly my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is for it to be saved.
(2) For I bear record to them that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
(3) For they, being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God.
(4) For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness for everyone who believes.
(5) For Moses writes of the righteousness which is of the Law, "The man who does those things shall live by them."
(6) But the righteousness of faith says this: "Do not say in your heart, Who shall ascend into Heaven?" that is, to bring Christ down;
(7) or "Who shall descend into the deep?"; that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.
(8) But what does it say? "The Word is near you, even in your mouth and in your heart"; that is, the Word of Faith which we proclaim;
(9) Because if you confess the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.
(10) For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth one confesses unto salvation.
(11) For the Scripture says, "Everyone believing on Him shall not be put to shame."
(12) For there is no difference both of Jew and of Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call on Him.
(13) For everyone, "whoever shall call on the Name of the Lord will be saved."

"But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him"
(Hebrews 11:6 MKJV).

Re: I don't know what to do- please help

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 2:45 pm
by Michael Condit
I see. There is nothing I can do. I've been doing a lot of trying and working to please God.

I just trust Him. Everything is in His hands. So there is nothing for me to do. Repentance He grants and Faith he gives right? So with decisions I don't take any action and let them play out how they are supposed to?

I know I am not His. But I want to be. I will trust that He will make me His in His time.

Please let me know if I am in error in any way.

Thank you for your reply, to this and my other question.


Re: I don't know what to do- please help

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:32 pm
by Thierry Bwuzure
Hi Michael,

I also indulged in sexual sins from a young age.

Not so long ago, it came to the point I was lusting after women without being able to control it. I can tell today that the desire to watch depravity and to satisfy the flesh is gone since I came to TPOT. By the Grace of God.

Though I am not totally free, a burden has been removed. With the time, things are getting better. But we have to keep resisting and endure to the end.
From what I understand things don't change in a blink of an eye.
Patience is needful.
Ronnie quoted the Scriptures;

Mark 9:43-48 ESV

(43) And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than with two hands to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire.
(45) And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life lame than with two feet to be thrown into hell.
(47) And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into hell,
(48) 'where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.'
These Scriptures are so relevant. I remember the first time I red it I was a teenager. I should have listened back then but I didn't know better.
You have that choice today. The Lord brought you here.

Obey Him by acting on what it is given to you to understand.
Step by step, the Lord will lead you because He is the Way.
No matter where you are now. Keep your focus on HIM.

He will purge you but don't ask yourself how He will do it and trust HIM.

Pray, read the Scriptures, listen to the songs provided by the Lord to Victor and keep reading the writings on TPOT.

Here is a writing that may be helpful; ... tation.htm" onclick=";return false;

Psalms 101:3-4 WEB
(3) I will set no vile thing before my eyes.
I hate the deeds of faithless men.
They will not cling to me.
(4) A perverse heart will be far from me.
I will have nothing to do with evil.