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New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 3:01 pm
by Ronnie Tanner
On January 27, 2018, a Sabbath, Victor & Marilyn, Martin & Jeannie, James, and I were on a call when Victor received a knock at the door. Two ladies from the LDS/Mormon organization were there. Victor invited them in and let them know we were all on a call and asked if they would like to join, to which they agreed.

The visit lasted around 45 minutes. You can listen at the below link, the most recent episode at the top:" onclick=";return false;

Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 4:01 pm
by Braden Preston
Thank you Lord for this recording.

I had never heard the some of the facts that Martin presented about Joseph Smith! I was previously opposed to just the false doctrine promoted by Mormonism. I was unaware of how horribly wicked their founder was. Sin has blinded them into thinking he was a martyr. They even have a burial monument for this guy!


Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 5:08 pm
by Brandon LaBerteaux
Amen, and thank you Lord for this recording, organizing that meeting of the two LDS ladies during the Sabbath, for the benefit of them and all who may hear this recording.

Thank you, Lord for the matter-of-fact explanation of you manifesting yourself as your Son on earth that came from Martin's mouth. That is how we know you are here, at The Path of Truth, with those gathered here, because you bring Reality and Truth, and not religion, superstition, doctrine, confusion, or mystery.

And thank you for 1 Timothy 3:16. Not sure how I have never seen the "trinity" doctrine so succinctly debunked in that one verse before, and thankful to see it now. You are One, God of Israel.

Braden, I believe there is a link to an external website in the section on "Mormonism" that very thoroughly examines the contradictions, hypocrisies, dirty history, and insane doctrine of Mormons and then proceeds to debunk them all with Scripture and evidence.

The Lord led me to examine Mormonism some time before I found TPOT, after having a discussion on faith with my relatives who are Mormon.

Everything Martin, Victor, The Path of Truth say about LDS is true, proven, and collaborated (including testimonies of shunned ex-Mormons [they are forbidden to speak ill of LDS church, lest they be ex-communicated]).

Martin nailed it on the head, Joseph Smith was a scoundrel, interested in himself and not the Lord.

If I'm not mistaken, Mormonism wasn't even his first attempt at creating a cult, but he got chased from town to town for plagiarizing what he learned as a Freemason, before finally having his "golden tablets" episode. I could be muddling stories and facts though." onclick=";return false; <--that's the link in the "Mormonism" section.

Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 6:37 pm
by Michael Demerling
It truly amazes me how the Lord Jesus Christ organized this event and spoke to these two woman through Martin and Victor.

One of the women, before she left, said we will see you again. Not that she really meant that. I wonder now if one of them might come back to learn more of the truth. As we know the Lord's words do not return void. He always accomplishes the purpose He intended.

so shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing I sent it to do. Isaiah 55:11 WEB

Very interesting and thank you for sharing. Amen


Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 6:40 pm
by Braden Preston
Thank you Brandon. I ended up finding the same link in my search after hearing what Martin had said. I ran through it real quick, and it is astounding the contradiction and beliefs that they uphold. Thank you for referring it to me regardless.

I had quoted 1 Timothy 3:16 when answering someone on Facebook last week regarding the pagan trinity doctrine. I had a partial understanding of the scripture and how it applied, but I am thankful now that I have a clearer explanation.

Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 7:39 pm
by Isaiah Dillard
Brandon LaBerteaux wrote:Amen, and thank you Lord for this recording, organizing that meeting of the two LDS ladies during the Sabbath, for the benefit of them and all who may hear this recording.

Thank you, Lord for the matter-of-fact explanation of you manifesting yourself as your Son on earth that came from Martin's mouth. That is how we know you are here, at The Path of Truth, with those gathered here, because you bring Reality and Truth, and not religion, superstition, doctrine, confusion, or mystery.

And thank you for 1 Timothy 3:16. Not sure how I have never seen the "trinity" doctrine so succinctly debunked in that one verse before, and thankful to see it now. You are One, God of Israel.
Amen Brandon!

I am very grateful to be able to listen to this and see the fruits of The Lord manifest against the works of darkness. These scriptures came to light and were the reality of this call:

2 Timothy 2:24-26 MKJV
24 But the servant of the Lord must not strive, but to be gentle to all, apt to teach, patient,
25 in meekness instructing those who oppose, if perhaps God will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth,
26 and that they awake out of the snare of the Devil, having been taken captive by him, so as to do the will of that one.

Thankful to The Lord for Him providing ears to hear these wonderful things.

I also saw the false love essence of Satan, where they continued in their piety and using verbiage of "we don't want to waste anymore of your time", where really this was a deflection of how they really felt. I pictured them gnashing their teeth spiritually (don't know if they were physically) while Martin delivered The Truth against Joseph Smith, and them mocking and scoffing after leaving the home.

Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:49 pm
by Alan Agnew
I felt creeped out listening to those Mormon girls talk, especially when they giggled. There is a lot of false love with them, and that love’s hypocrisy was addressed later on.

Martin did a great talk on why God came in the flesh, and, of course, it went over their heads. Very insightful, nonetheless, so thank you.

Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 7:51 am
by Thierry Bwuzure
Amen. Thank you Lord for this conference call.

To know and understand that God is One like He says in the Scripture
is a liberation. When I took contact with Victor, one of the first question
I asked was: "Who do I have to pray, the Father or the Son?"

I was so confused. When he said to me that Jesus Christ is God, at first
it was not clear but then I red the articles referring to that matter.
Since, by the Grace of God, I am free of this "trinity" teachings. I am grateful.

Such a belief is spread everywhere, the most of people I know refer to the Lord as the Son of God. I had a conversation on a post on Facebook on that matter. In a comment, I declared that Jesus Christ is God. I shared two teachings of TPOT in French ("Who is that Prophet" and "The Good News").

One fellow response was:
" My brother if this doctrine allows you to reach the stature of the Messiah so be it. It's a belief that may be true or may not be. Let's stay humble."

"It is better to have a humble lie than a truth filled with pride, then imagine a false doctrine filled with pride? personally, I am already proud enough, I don't want to pretend to know the truth. I would not like to be scolded by the one who is."

I am not sure he red the articles. I left it like this 'cause I thought it was not necessary to answer more. Still, something was bothering me, I asked God if I did the right thing the right way.

Hereby this recording, I understand that people are afraid to face Reality.
And when the Truth is spoken, we must stay humble but not be shaken by the "wisdom" of men or the "empathy" that they can manifest.

Thank you for sharing this post, thank you all for sharing your thoughts.

Praises to the Lord.


Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 4:13 am
by David Larsen
Jesus said in John 16:23 And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily verily I say
to onto you. Whatsoever you ask the Father in my name he will give it you.
So my thought is would it not be more correct in the light of this stament to say God the one true God is Christ then to say Jesus is the one true God. I guess my thought is no where in scripture is Jesus refered to as God the son. Which is what those who believe in the trinity doctrine say about him. Calling Jesus God sounds some what like that. Might be nit picking but I do believe Jesus was trying to get us to see some thing here. In other words God is God and no other. Some things to think about.

Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 10:46 am
by Victor Hafichuk
David, when you study at TPOT, you'll find your answers. We do not preach "God the Son," but the Son of God. We do not believe the monstrous trinity lie. To call Jesus "God" is the Greatest of All Truth(s). He is Lord and besides Him is no other, as the Scriptures amply declare.

Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 11:59 am
by David Larsen
Hello there Victor I have read quite a lot on your site. And am fairly sure of what you believe. My thought about this is I believe in line with the truth. And they sound similar but I think it is more in line with the truth to say that the one true God is who Christ Jesus is as the thought that Jesus is God. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. Kind of like the Sun has rays that extend to the earth and those rays are as much a part of the sun as the sun it self. But you could not have the rays just by them selves. The rays are not the sun it self and to say so would not be correct. And yet you would have no rays with out the sun as the place form where they come from. Jesus always stressed he could do nothing with out the Father John 5:30. His will and the will of God as His father were two diffrent things
As in the garden not my will but yours be done. My point is we are one with God through Christ and we are to become like him through Gods seed in us. I find many who dont put things in a proper order to end up thinking they are God also because they make Jesus God and not say God is God and Jesus His son as we are now through Him Christ.

Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 2:37 pm
by Terri Cabreros
The women came in seemingly excited about sharing their truth and left shaken (offended) when confronted with the Lord's truth.

It amazes me how people (myself included when I was in worldly religion) never bother to check out the history and founders of the religion they become a part of and if you look at what we are a part of now, it was started on the very foundation of Christ! What a difference...huge changing!

Thank You, Lord for Your mercy and grace...not to be taken for granted!

Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 4:46 pm
by David Larsen
Hey guys something wrong with the post I made yesterday? Looks like it did not pass muster?

Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 4:58 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
David, I can agree with what you say concerning Jesus Christ, depending on how one chooses to interpret the words and expressions. As the rays of the sun are an extension and manifestation of the sun, so is the Son the extension and manifestation of the Father. The Source and Essence are One.

This much I know: without the Son, there is no God.

Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:12 pm
by Oneil Richards
Amen Victor

Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:20 pm
by David Larsen
Victor. This much I know without the Son there is no God.
Talk about a mouthfull. I have heard a lot a people who call themself believers
in Christ Jesus say alot of things in the last 34 years that I my self have been one.
Many of the people on your false teachers list I have talked with or knew in person but never have I heard someone make a statment like the one above. So in saying that I am very curious what you base it on. I would agree no one can know the one true God except through the Son. But to say with out the Son there is no God.
That is quite a bit to say. Some scripture would be nice to go along with it.

Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 9:50 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
David Larsen, so that we don't re-invent the wheel for you, read this full section for answers to your questions. ... /index.htm" onclick=";return false;

Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 1:35 am
by David Larsen
Victor. Before I enter a mans house I thourly examine it. I have spent many hours and weeks studying what you have written on your site. More then you would believe but then again I have always been like that. I believe one should be well prepared for all things. I have read your whole book about your self so as best I could get to know you and how you think. Something that you werent able to do with me. Which is one of the reasons I wanted to talk with you on the phone. Only one of the reasons there are others. The Apostle Paul seem to think letters were fine but when ever possible face to face was better and I tend to agree. Any way my thought at the moment is I thank God for Jesus Christ His Son because with out Him I and all others would be lost and in hell or the unseen realm. I thank God He choose to create all things through His word. And also choose to cause that same word to become flesh and now plant that same word in me and you so we could become like Him through that word or His son. But to suggest that if the one true eternal God and Father of Jesus Christ would not be if he would have never choose to express Himsel and creat all things and send His word wraped in flesh as His son if just false and found no where in scripture. I am aware of what you have said and written. Which Is why I came or was sent. I talk to very few now adays but have spoken to many in days past and some have even visited when possible. Dont have a web site and never will. And if Paul did not already claim it would say I was the least of all in Gods Kingdom. But thank God almighty I am who and what I am by His Grace through His son Jesus Christ. In the end all that will really matter is how we treat one another. Many profess love for God but hate their brothers. In fact it is not possible to hate those God has made new creations and even really know Him. Oh well I think you get the message. Many have come before me none ever come after. I hope you hear what is being said a phone call would have been better I was hoping we could be friends.

Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 9:57 am
by Victor Hafichuk
More from David Larsen by email. I'm asking you all to consider a particular subject he brought up and answer us on it. Have we gone astray in our attitudes toward such as the two Mormon women who came by as David charges? If so, we need to humble ourselves and repent before God. You'll find the conference meeting with them posted in the latest podcast that took place between a few of us last Sabbath. Here's David's letter:

Hello Victor
thank you for writing back. You have your reasons for writing I have mine for as close to possible face to face. If you were close by I would have came and visit you in person. Who knows maybe someday I will. I have left you a message on the forums which kind of summs up what I have to say. Jesus seems to think it is important how we treat one another. If fact He thought how we treat one another was how we were treating Him. Paul did it and did not know who he was doing it to. I may not agree with a mans doctrine but I dont hate him for it or a couple of mormon girls who clearly dont know Him who most take delight some how that the two said girls were really put to task and made fools of. What a victory? Any way some things are about to change brother as you well know. And for those who want to treat their brothers like shit the coming change will not be a pleasant one. I hope you make the right choice brother. I have talked to many on your list of false teachers and got the same response as you. But I have learned to be careful with what God has made even if I dont agree with them. One other thing you say you have never meant a man with a submissive wife. Well brother I have her right in my house and have been married to her for 25 years and she is truly worth more then gold or diamons. Dont feel bad I have only seen one or two others my self. Oh well I am leaving with these thoughts brother and will not talk any more I have said all I need to say. Of course If you desire to talk dial me up I am always here.
Your brother and friend Dave Larsen

Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 10:21 am
by Victor Hafichuk
To hear the meeting with the young Mormon women, listen to: ... =13&t=1963" onclick=";return false;

Note David's words in particular:

"I may not agree with a mans doctrine but I dont hate him for it or a couple of mormon girls who clearly dont know Him who most take delight some how that the two said girls were really put to task and made fools of. What a victory? Any way some things are about to change brother as you well know. And for those who want to treat their brothers like shit the coming change will not be a pleasant one. I hope you make the right choice brother."

I'm not sure David is referring to the podcast or the comments on it or both. It won't hurt to consider both, of course. No need to get defensive from those who come speaking. If they speak truth, we need to receive it; if not, we go on; no harm done; we have nothing to fear.

Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:02 pm
by Oneil Richards
I have listened to the podcast and red most of the comments and I can't find where the two ladies were either bullied or talked down to. I find Victor was very patient, in fact he listened more than he spoke. Martin was patient and wise in the way he presented the truth to the ladies. The ladies on the other hand were haughty and contradicting on all they presented. And especially as Martin asked simple questions you see and hear more frustration from the ladies who were not even prepared to give their own message. I appreciate and I'm very thankful for they way this was handled.

Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 2:57 pm
by Victor Hafichuk
More from Dave Larsen to me personally:

If all you got out of are little talks is about the Mormon girls you have missed it.
I dont really care about what was said about them and what they believe. Last time I looked they were not christians any way. Which is just my point. Who ever told any of us to have a show me up club? Most of your web site and those on it
spend all their time trying to prove they are right and every one else is wrong.
And in the process become much like the very thing they think they fight against.
This letter is sent to you Victor you are the head of your ship. You are the one I am talking to you are the one making disciples. People who are always looking for the bad in every thing. And you do it with a smile on your face. Most any church I have visited does the samething you are doing. Come on in we love you and just when you think you can sit down they hit you with now we have to fix you and make sure you are like us. And if not out the door you go. Trouble is you guys put their name on a wall the internet in this case and try to ruin them with your words. So the whole world thinks they are monsters killing them with your words and all the time saying you are doing Gods work. Now a days we see many in the world using the social media to speake things they believe to be true and in so doing ending others lives with a press of the key and not caring a bit. With us as believers it should not be. I thought we were to preach the good news of Gods kingdom. How is shaming any one who does not agree with us good news?
Who knows we could be wrong about some of our ideas. Those girls are not the main thrust of what I had to say in fact a very small part. The whole or most of the site is about look at me I am right you are wrong and I will use this forum to tell the world you are all devils and I am not. Kind of reminds me of the boys who wanted Jesus to bring down fire on some folks. Any way already this has proved my first thought and after ward I will only answer phone commutation you were the one this was and is for. After all you is the boss.
Dave Larsen

Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 3:11 pm
by Terri Cabreros
I listened to the podcast again and I see/hear both of you, Victor and Martin speaking in a reasonable, teaching tone. They were, (as was David Larsen), brought to hear the Lord's truth. Factual, bible based points were made and it was very good.

They are following Joseph Smith, his doctrines and beliefs in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and were brought to hear what the Lord had to say about it and for judgment.

David stated:
Jesus seems to think it is important how we treat one another. If fact He thought how we treat one another was how we were treating Him.
the two said girls were really put to task and made fools of
And for those who want to treat their brothers like shit the coming change will not be a pleasant one

He, like them, confuses good with evil and evil with good.

What David doesn't know or cannot understand without the Lord giving it to him is that you do not speak of your own accord, you speak from and for the Lord, having been emptied of all false religion (old wine in old wineskins) and given His Spirit (new wine in new wineskins)...
Matthew 9:17 MKJV ~ Nor do men put new wine into old wineskins; else the wineskins burst, and the wine runs out, and the wineskins perish. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved together.

David also said, " I am aware of what you have said and written. Which Is why I came or was sent." My question is, has David come to teach or to hear?
He sounds as religious as the two LDS women.

Reading through his e-mails, he comes as a wolf in sheep clothing. Or as the devil, saying, "did God really say that." "Is that what He meant." "Maybe it should be this way?"

Seeing his most recent e-mail to you just proved it...showing his true colors.

Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 4:40 pm
by Brandon LaBerteaux
"I may not agree with a mans doctrine but I dont hate him for it or a couple of mormon girls who clearly dont know Him who most take delight some how that the two said girls were really put to task and made fools of.
I don't see specifically where those who commented here, or those who were present during that Sabbath meeting, delighted that the girls were "put to task and made fools of."

From Braden, I see revelation.

From myself, I see thankfulness for the Lord's Truth.

From Michael, I hear hopefulness for the reconciliation unto God of those who walk in darkness.

From Isaiah, I see discernment between the true and the false, something David doesn't disagree with.

From Thierry, I see freedom from bondage and confusion of false doctrine.

From Terri, I hear compassion and understanding, having once been in a place of religiosity by her own admission.

Thus are the fruits of this podcast so far, and the Lord said we would be able to tell these things from the fruits.

Are these the attitudes of people who have gone astray, or are they the attitudes of those who have come to recognize The Lord and the work He does in all things? The Lord knows the answer and our hearts.

What was pleasant, surprising, edifying, and joyous about the podcast was the specific Truth, attitude, and gentleness the Lord used to deliver the Good News to these two ladies. Not only was it edifying for them (even if they did not receive it), but it is clearly edifying for all who have commented here on hearing it so far.

Victor, does the Lord not come Today as a Lion through you, that prophet prophesied by Moses? We agree and testify that He does and you are. If we're wrong and in sin because of this, the Lord will not leave it a mystery to any involved. But, we have assurance by the works of the Father in you that you are that prophet.

As it is, your questioning of yours and our attitudes in all humility and gentleness bear witness that the Lord is with you and that your heart is set on Him. Should He not also expose the darkness, lay waste to those in the high places taking His Name in vain, and rebuke the demonic spirits that exist?

Is that a bad attitude? Is that not treating our neighbors as ourselves? What would we have, now that we have a taste of the Light? To remain in our darkness at the expense of our feelings? God forbid.

In a conversation I had with Martin a few weeks ago, he said that when dealing with the false, the harlot church, the lukewarm, etc., it is better to air on the side of killing--that is don't spare; overkill is better than underkill when dealing with the powers of darkness. Today is the Day of the Lord, the beginning here on earth of the Reconciliation of All Things to Him.

Taking the Land

The Lord is over it all, and should we be wrong, let us repent, but what specifically has David Larsen found and charged us with? Perhaps I am missing this, and perhaps it is obvious, but I only hear admonition without specifics.

David does not recognize, by his own words, that Jesus Christ is Father God, nor that those who are in Him are One with God.
David Larsen wrote:I find many who dont put things in a proper order to end up thinking they are God also because they make Jesus God and not say God is God and Jesus His son as we are now through Him Christ.
Philippians 2:5-7 MKJV
(5)  For let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,
(6)  who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God,
(7)  but made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Himself the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.

John 17:20-24 MKJV
(20)  And I do not pray for these alone, but for those also who shall believe on Me through their word,
(21)  that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, that they also may be one in Us, so that the world may believe that You have sent Me.
(22)  And I have given them the glory which You have given Me, that they may be one, even as We are one,

(23)  I in them, and You in Me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that You have sent Me and have loved them as You have loved Me.
(24)  Father, I desire that those whom You have given Me, that they may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me, for You have loved Me before the foundation of the world.

John 10:33-38 MKJV
(33)  The Jews answered Him, saying, We do not stone you for a good work, but for blasphemy, and because you, being a man, make yourself God.
(34)  Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your Law, "I said, You are gods?"
(35)  If He called those gods with whom the Word of God was, and the Scripture cannot be broken,
(36)  do you say of Him whom the Father has sanctified and sent into the world, You blaspheme, because I said, I am the Son of God?
(37)  If I do not do the works of My Father, do not believe Me.
(38)  But if I do, though you do not believe Me, believe the works so that you may know and believe that the Father is in Me, and I in Him.

Re: New Podcast - An Unexpected Visit with Mormons

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 7:24 pm
by Steve Beiler
I don't understand what David is talking about, I don't see any hate or wrong motive in the podcast or the responses, The Lord spoke to me after listening to the podcast, our journey here is a walk of faith and not feelings or the seeking of a sign, this scripture came to mind after listening.

Mat 12:38 Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we want to see a sign from you.
Mat 12:39 But He answered and said to them, An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign. And there shall be no sign given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.

After reading your last email, David, I better understand where you're coming from, though I did suspect it all along,

Even if you might not have the authority from God, The Lord Jesus Christ, to speak The Truth, to teach, to rebuke, to exhort, and to expose the false, as Victor does, do you know for certain , from The Lord Himself, that Victor doesn't? What if He has chosen a mere man at this time in History, to speak The Truth and expose the false, how else can we know with all the confusion in our day unless someone is sent?

Terri and Brandon, I'm in full agreement with every thing you wrote, Amen to all!

Thank You Lord!
