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Dutch: The Fellowship of the Saints

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 5:33 pm
by Ronnie Tanner
01-01-2018 We have a new translation in Dutch:

Broederschap onder de Heiligen (The Fellowship of the Saints)

“We weten dat de hele schepping nog altijd als in barensweeën zucht en lijdt. En dat niet alleen, ook wijzelf, die als voorschot de Geest hebben ontvangen, ook wij zuchten in onszelf in afwachting van de openbaring dat wij kinderen van God zijn, de verlossing van ons sterfelijke bestaan” (Romeinen 8:22 NBV). Dit beschrijft de afscheiding en afzondering die iedereen ervaart, ongeacht hoe goed ze met anderen lijken te zijn verbonden.

Waarom is dit zo? En wat is de oplossing, die hier voor je staat, klaar om deze meest basale behoefte, dit verlangen naar eenheid te bevredigen? Een schitterende verandering is in aantocht, die bevrediging zal brengen aan het verlangen van de mensheid naar … broederschap met de heiligen. Lees verder...

Click HERE to read this paper in English.

Re: Dutch: The Fellowship of the Saints

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 5:18 pm
by Lori Reneri
Hello everyone, hope you are keeping warm, for those of you who are a part of this frigid cold weather. After reading “the fellowship of the saints” I felt like sharing today’s event. Lynn Farris And I shared a conversation today that lasted a couple of hours long. She then informed me that she felt the need to call Victor and let him know about her reaching out to me to talk.

I felt good about her doing that because we both agree that it’s Victor that has brought us all together and he rightfully should know about these kind of happenings.

I told Lynn I believe it’s a good thing to have “brothers and sisters in the faith” to share and fellowship with. As long as we both understand and agree that the conversation should be about God and all he is doing with and in our lives.

As we grow in Christ, we both are finding we have less and less in common with family and friends, therefore making time to talk to our fellow believers is a nice thing to be able to do.

As we discussed our daily lives, the struggles and changes, we both were thankful that the Lord revealed to us some things that were hindering our walk at times and were thankful to be able to see these things, and help each other, NOT in comfort as to stay in them, but rather “enlightenment” to see through it and fight on.

As we discussed further, we began to notice some things about ourselves that we had in common, such as feeling alone at times, and I shared with her how I’ve come to realize that if we truly believe and trust the Lord, then we are not alone at all! We have all we need, in Him.

Just wanted to share a couple of things such as these, and how it made me feel. Although I truly never thought about it this way before, I’ve come to realize how nice it is to have new friends with things in common for a change, rather than the people I have to deal with at work on a daily basis, who live and believe differently.

Victor, knowing how busy you are, {and by no means do I mean I would rather talk to someone else} it’s good to know that we can talk to one another like this from time to time.

I’m thankful first and foremost to God. I’m thankful to you Victor for your guidance and all your teachings, your poems, and your music (that is truly sounding better and better) all of you at TPOT and Harvest Haven! Thank you Lord, you are Over All.

Re: Dutch: The Fellowship of the Saints

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 7:40 am
by Sarah Stuckey
Hi Lori,

I am thankful to the Lord for the good things he is doing for you. He is always faithful when we look to Him.

I thought of a scripture that I wanted to share that pertains to this section you write here: "I told Lynn I believe it’s a good thing to have “brothers and sisters in
the faith” to share and fellowship with. As long as we both understand and
agree that the conversation should be about God and all he is doing with
and in our lives."

Here is the scripture: "Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person" (Colossians 4:6 ESV).

I'm learning the same lesson in my walk with the Lord as well and am thankful to Him.
