"Acceptance" is now available in Japanese

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Mariko Benson

"Acceptance" is now available in Japanese

Post by Mariko Benson »

Hi everyone. The paper "Acceptance" is now available in Japanese. If you know any Japanese speakers, please pass this on.

Japanese index page:

“Acceptance” in Japanese:
http://thepathoftruth.com/japanese/teac ... anese.html

“Acceptance” in English:

My personal comment of the paper: While I was translating this paper, I had to ACCEPT several things, including a conflict I had with my parents, which was caused by me telling them where I stand, stand with the Lord and follow Him, not with my husband, my kids, or anybody else. While their reaction wasn’t easy to accept, the Lord granted me to do so with a help of reading this paper.

A quote from the paper:
“What is more difficult is to accept adverse, unwanted, unpleasant circumstances and stations in life apparently inferior to that of others. The Bible warns us against emulation, envy, jealousy, and covetousness. Pride is also a vice dragging us into comparing ourselves to one another, thereby causing strife and enmity. When we fail to accept ourselves in thankfulness for our circumstances, bitterness establishes itself and, slowly but surely, defiles and ultimately destroys us.”

I have been jealous of others, not accepting the circumstances I was in, and very proud. It indeed made me very bitter, not thankful, and …destroyed me.

It was a perfect timing for me to translate it. Maybe it is a perfect timing for some of you to re-read this paper again? ;)

Thank You, Lord, for this paper, Your direction, and Your goodness to us.


Ingrid Benson
Posts: 9
Joined: Tue Nov 11, 2014 11:44 am

Re: "Acceptance" is now available in Japanese

Post by Ingrid Benson »

I re-red "Acceptance" tonight, and was grateful for your suggestion and your personal comment on the paper. I wanted to share this sentence from it:

"If we believe God reigns supremely over all, we rest in confidence that He is in full control and does all things perfectly. We give thanks and confess Jesus as Lord in the most practical sense. We love our neighbor as ourselves, for if we accept ourselves as a work of the wisdom of God, we will accept our neighbor as a work of the wisdom of God and be thankful for him, too."

Lord willing, it will be next on my translation projects...


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