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I Am That Prophet

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 2:26 pm
by Ronnie Tanner
11/29/2017 We have a new video, I Am That Prophet.[/youtube]

You can view the video on Facebook as well: ... 905411950/" onclick=";return false;

Also, papers you can read:

Who Is That Prophet, Part 1 - Eliminating the Fraud
Who Is That Prophet, Part 2 - Identifying the True

Re: I Am That Prophet

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 8:36 pm
by Steve Beiler

Amen, Praise The Lord!

Thank You Lord for raising up that prophet,(Victor Hafichuk).
Blessed is he who comes in The Name of The Lord! Hallelujah!!

What a blessing to be alive at this time in His tory! It is a serious matter and I don't take it lightly, as I seek (Him) first the Kingdom of God and walk by faith ( and that only by His Grace) He is revealing more deeply to me, how NOTHING,I am of myself, and any good thing I have is from The Lord. John 3-27 A person cannot receive even one thing unless it is given him from Heaven. Amen!
Thank You Lord for ears to hear,eyes to see and a heart to understand and to receive The Truth proclaimed here and for the revelation confiming Victor being that prophet spoken of by Moses.

I confess my sin nature, this man of sin

When I first saw the video (I am that prophet) my first thought was what certain people would say about it , and with anger rising my thought was go ahead and refute it if you can, immediately I was convicted that I am the man , this man of sin rising up inside of me, settling him self up as god, o that this man of sin be revealed and that You O Lord would destroy him with the breath of Your Mouth! Your will be done O Lord, in Your time to the Praise and Glory of Your Great Name.

Stephen B

Re: I Am That Prophet

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 2:08 pm
by Ronnie Tanner
Below is a FB response to one of our papers, False Teacher – Todd White (you can read the full thread at the bottom of this paper), followed by a response from Victor:

Jim L. Webb said:

Victor Hafichuk "Holier than thou" comes to mind.

Victor Hafichuk said:

Jim L. Webb you have much to say and much more to display... of yourself at your page, as you engage in a rage to disparage, me.

But let me ask you, "Do you hear the Voice of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ? Do you commune with Him, daily? I'm not asking you if you read the Bible or depend on the Bible for your communication with Him. I'm asking you if you have genuine, personal, ongoing fellowship with the Lord?"

I say this not only to you, but to all: By the Lord's grace, I have been granted to walk with the Lord in all sobriety, knowledge, holiness, patience, and faith. He has chosen me from among men to represent Him in this world, as Moses and Noah were chosen in their day.

This is the Day of the Lord. I am that prophet Moses spoke of and I come with the Lord Jesus Christ to declare His Sovereignty of the Universe and to let you all know His will. I've come for good and not for evil because His will is good.

You accuse, mock, and attack me as though you know better. Do you? Can you honestly say? How do you know I'm not who I say I am? Has the Lord told you otherwise, or have you drawn that conclusion based on your own knowledge as taught of men and as arrived at by your own understanding? Be honest, now, Jim? Can you be?

How do you know YOU aren't the mistaken one, the one who blasphemes, whether in ignorance or otherwise? Can any of you who open your mouths wide say? DO YOU KNOW?

Understand, I'm not here to prove who I am. The Lord will do with me and you as He pleases. It's not up to Him to prove anything, either. He does as He pleases. But if you are going to question Him and me as to who I am and where I'm coming from, then I say it's up to YOU to prove I'm not who I say I am.

But if you don't really, really know, then you are in trouble and if you don't receive what I have to say, It will not go well for you, even as Moses and Peter declared. This is not a threat, not even a warning; just a declaration of what is.

Re: I Am That Prophet

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 8:20 am
by Francis Duwaldt
The multitudes of books most certainly reveal you are not "that prophet"!

Simply sad for you.......

Yet while breath(spirit,air) is, Hope IS!

For TRUTH IS! and Miracles do happen.......

Re: I Am That Prophet

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 10:33 am
by Michael Demerling
Satan [Francis],

Don't you have some place you need to be on your (christmas) day?

Your lies and seeding of doubt does not work here among the Children of God.


Re: I Am That Prophet

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 6:14 am
by Francis Duwaldt
Sadly, you have your portion with the gods of pagan catholicism and her harlot christian daughters, and all who believe The LIE that is religion's way in this day and age!

Simply sad for you.......

Yet while breath(Spirit,air) is, Hope IS!

For TRUTH IS! and Miracles do happen.......


Re: I Am That Prophet

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 6:20 am
by Francis Duwaldt
Oh, and it came to me that i didn't mention that christ-mass is but one of a multitude of holy days that are of 'd'evil "god of this world"!

Thankfully TODAY IS The Day of Salvation for those souls who have "received a love of The TRUTH so that they might be saved" from their own self("I",ego,id,pride)life!


Re: I Am That Prophet

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 11:36 am
by Dan Lysthauge

It is obvious you have yet to read anything on the site.

You come in here screaming with your hair on fire, you are a very foolish person.


Re: I Am That Prophet

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 8:16 pm
by Eric Balmer
If any one says, I am the Prophet sent by Moses,needs to be slapped by Jesus!

Re: I Am That Prophet

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 8:34 pm
by Eric Balmer
The Path of Error