New FT: Tovia Singer: Idolatrous Judaism

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Ronnie Tanner
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New FT: Tovia Singer: Idolatrous Judaism

Post by Ronnie Tanner »

05/19/17: We have a new False Teacher:

Tovia Singer: Idolatrous Judaism

Tovia Singer serves many gods in the name of his Judaism, but none of them are the God of Israel, Lord and Savior. He serves himself and perishes. Read more...

Ronnie Tanner
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Tovia Singer: Resisting the False Because Resisting the Truth

Post by Ronnie Tanner »

05/29/17: We have a new paper on a false teacher, Tovia Singer (Idolatrous Judaism):

Tovia Singer: Resisting the False Because Resisting the Truth

Tovia Singer zealously tries to protect Jews and their false religion from evangelization by various manifestations of manmade Christianity. Between his own wrongness and that of the religious he contends with, confusion is rife. No light is allowed because Singer rejects the Truth that Jesus Christ is his Messiah and God.

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