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Update on False Teacher, Ravi Zacharias

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 8:58 am
by Ronnie Tanner
11/03/16: We have an update to a False Teacher, Ravi Zacharias.
Not only has Ravi Zacharias promoted himself as a man of God using the worldly title, "Doctor," in total contradiction to the Word of God and His ways, but it has now been brought to our attention that Ravi has even lied about his earthly credentials.
Read the full update here.

Re: Update on False Teacher, Ravi Zacharias

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 10:10 am
by John McIntire
Are you to Judge Ravi? who are you? what do you do with your time?
critic other Christians ? God gave you this mission ?

Re: Update on False Teacher, Ravi Zacharias

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 10:35 am
by Paul Cohen
John McIntire wrote:Are you to Judge Ravi? who are you? what do you do with your time?
critic other Christians ? God gave you this mission ?
Answering you here, John, point by point:

Are you to Judge Ravi?

Yes. Are you?

who are you?

Servants and brothers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Who are you?

what do you do with your time?

We serve the Lord Jesus Christ, Whose we are. How about you?

critic other Christians ?

Yes, besides many other things the Lord directs us to do.

God gave you this mission ?

Yes, He did.

Who gave you the authority to dismiss the facts and truth from God about Ravi's error and wrongdoing? Why do you approve of wolves in sheep's clothing roaming about freely, and strenuously object to shepherds sounding the alarm of the presence of such predators?

Paul and Victor

Re: Update on False Teacher, Ravi Zacharias

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 8:41 pm
by Christopher Martz
My name is Chris Martz, I thought I had faith but I do not, I am lost! Please don't smirk, most of us who have any honesty about their true state know they truly are lost also. My life has changed dramatically the past 10 years but I still live in confusion. I know I am not saved through the grace of God by the teachings of Victor Halichuk and Paul Cohen, though they don't need my endorsement as if it means anything, they have the Holy Spirit living inside them for their conviction. How do I know this, I don't, but I can tell you their words are made to stand while all others fall to the ground! It is as clear, as evidenced by us knowing there is a God by what's been made, that these men belong to the Lord Jesus Christ!

I have been listening to false teachers all my life through my own unbelief because I didn't want to take the time to seek the Lord with all my mind, soul, body, strength, and spirit, can't say I'm doing that now either. I am sick of always learning and learning but not getting anything from it. The tree of knowledge cannot sustain eternal beings. I don't know why the Lord has revealed His two prophets to us but praise the Lord He did, even though most of use with have to taste the second death I fear. The Lord has made their words have the power to stand while all others who fight against them have their words fall to ground threw pride and unbelief, I'm guilty of this also.

I hate to be lied to although I've been doing it to myself my whole life. The scripture tells use there will weeping and gnashing of teeth, this prophecy will definitely come true for most people because they really don't have any love for the truth, again myself included.

I for one exhort Paul and Victor to continue in the faith of the Lords work for the Lord to bless them with every heavenly blessing. I hope their work is not in vain for our sakes!

I prayer the Lord have mercy on our unbelief!

Re: Update on False Teacher, Ravi Zacharias

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 3:12 pm
by Paul Cohen
Welcome, Chris.

No one here who believes or seeks the Lord Jesus Christ is smirking at your situation. How could anyone who has known their own wretchedness and helplessness possibly mock another soul confessing being lost? We know the Lord and Savior precisely because our faith and enlightenment comes from Him and not from ourselves.

"For Who makes you to differ from another? And what do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?" (1 Corinthians 4:7 MKJV).

The glory is the Lord's, Chris. He is working all things together for good. We all need faith and patience in order to enter His Kingdom and have peace. Keep going. The Lord has brought you here and provides amply for the development of your faith, if you walk in what you're given.
