I dont accept the Law

“In the Old Testament we had the law and in the New Testament we have grace, no more law.” Right? Isn’t that the common teaching? Let’s see what the Law, the Prophets, and the Lord have to say about that. Firstly, whatever the Law says is said by the Lawgiver Who describes Himself by His law, and secondly, whatever the Prophets say is said by the One by Whom the prophets are sent and Whom the prophets represent.

I dont accept the Law

Post by Olivier »

I dont accept the Law i dont trust your god ! Because condanation is Always on me no matter What i do is never enough.jesus christ is maybe the love but i am aslo the sinners so this is not fair and full of fuckine bullshit.i use to love jesus more that anything ,fuck him fuck you all i khow What i says this fight never stop.so wake the fuck up you only live it once ,one sacrifice mean à other sacrifice and that is the truth trust my words. If jesus is réal and i wish it is he do accept you the way you are that include murder .but anyway bottom Line is even if i have proof or évidence of any god i still préfèr sexe and ciggarette heavy metal désire of flèsh.so i mean fuck you jesus :) i live for m'ysefl and no one esle :).

Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk

I dont accept the Law

Post by Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk »

You never loved Jesus, Olivier. You never met or knew Him. You had religion and a false Jesus, not the reality of God in Christ. You got burned by false religion, but you can't blame that on God. You were the dupe who went after other gods because you perceived there was something in it for you. You weren't after the Truth - you were selfishly serving yourself. And now that your false god has failed you, you're bitter and twofold the slave of sin.

Is that wise or just to come here cursing the True God? He has nothing to do with your predicament, except to have subjected you to yourself in order for you to find out how messed up you are and without hope. So you want to spit on your only hope? Knock yourself out, until you've had enough of your ways.

Our God doesn't condemn sinners - He saves them.

Holy Waters

Paul and Victor


I dont accept the Law

Post by Olivier »

Hi the letters i write was full of hâte ,and atfer all i just réalize that write this only to evacuted my anger and i sincèrely apologize.i was not thinking to have à answer but thank you very much .i do agrée with your respond to my email because i just reading in all over again and this is anger thas all.i problably Will asnwer than you did.but There just one thing i khow christ and he is free to evryone At any moments so i truly love him by sacrifice m'ysefl to heal and keep walking.to be précise i feel betrayed by religion à certain level and i feel really sad about it .christ was my flèsh and blood whatever .i admit that i have lose my ways à little bit and yes i have become à atheist ans proud of it but i still think to love one and others CAN really help.you khow What i am à hardrock singers and i use to be à proffesional wreslter in the past call mike the messenjah ,so i am somoene who speak and act in à higher level by the music by art by strenght.whatever so sorry for the email and yeah christianity is really over for me ,and other things i dont khow if you réalize that more and more become atheist do your research something is happening and the gospel is becoming trash and miss understood ,i suppose to feel free to be me with god and feel love not hâte .what do you think of that ,this is so deluded or psychosis.maybe the end of Time really do is work Pretty Well i dont khow .what is sure for me is no need to paranoïd on What good and bad this is à paranoïd .really we are suppose to feel free not feel the weight of shame.

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