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Simply Overwhelmed by a JW

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 1:27 pm
by Abike
Good evening Mr Paul and Victor,

I came across this site while trying to make sense of ending my two years engagement to my JW fiance. It was doomed to end. I was raised as an Apostolic with strong support from other pentecostal denominations where I reside in Nigeria.

Obviously, there was no way I could avoid assimilating some ideas propagated by them. It challenged me to be more introspective of my religion and though, it wasn't all in our favour, I believed better to stick with it.

Surprisingly, after reading a couple of your articles,I felt you endorsed the JW's until I saw other articles that emphasised otherwise.

I'm in a turmoil because it seems we will keep having series of religious organisation startups. I had thought at best, although I have seen some few exceptions, only JW's share your sentiments about the church system but their bubbles have been deflated by scriptural reasoning. If I also entertain your disposition, how could I be sure that it is not another 'deluded' organisation with charismatic reasonings that I have committed to.

Yet, I have kept at your site. I am still reading and learning. I also put my trust in God to show me the path of life.

Beyond that, as far as I can admit, It's been quite an expose.
God bless you.

Abike Akin

Re: Simply Overwhelmed by a JW

Posted: Sun May 08, 2016 4:45 pm
by Victor Hafichuk

We differ very much with the JW's. The prime difference you'll discover in our section on falsehood concerning that organization. They are purely anti-Christ and “when push comes to shove,” they openly mock Him. They are diabolical.

Continue to read at our site and we advise you to read articles again and again. Don't assume you understand what you read the first or second time. You need to ask God to show you the Truth, to reveal His will for you, which begins with repentance and confession of sin. He will not, cannot, countenance sin, no matter what religious group you're affiliated with or how much right doctrine you believe.

Keep reading at our site with your Bible and see what the Lord has in store for you. He didn't bring you here for nothing.
