Free Will

“O LORD, I know that the way of man does not belong to man; it is not in man who walks to direct his steps” (Jeremiah 10:23 MKJV).
Rene Ahrens
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Free Will

Post by Rene Ahrens »

The Essence of the Doctrine of

The doctrine of free will is an arrogant premise founded in the Adamic fall. Free will is a delusion, a denial of the Lordship of Jesus Christ. It says, “I am Lord.”

It is also an attitude of sour grapes. Instead of admitting he is wrong and repenting of trusting in himself, man essentially doubles down, taking the position he is right and God is wrong. “I fell, I was warned this would happen, but I convince myself I did the right thing - I’m free to do as I please now, I will do it and nobody is going to stop me!”

To think so is to slavishly serve error.

The notion of free will is a symptom of pride and self-righteousness. Men prefer to think they are the architects of their destinies, almost as though they are God Himself. The doctrine of free will is a doctrine of devils.
i am lost?
if god say my life before without saving - so i can pray and do what i want

Victor Hafichuk
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Re: Free Will

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

Rene, if you wish to suffer all manner of evil and misery, and to destroy yourself, then do as you please - disobey God. That should do it.

Rene Ahrens
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Re: Free Will

Post by Rene Ahrens »

no i want to be free of the evil kettle i can not

i can i be free?

Rene Ahrens
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Re: Free Will

Post by Rene Ahrens »

that is whart i "want to understand"

yesterday we had 2 sermons in my community ("church") about
1) grace love and accepting Jesus
2) the Will of God and your Responsibilty to Accept Jesus Call
Bibel Schlachter 2000
2. Mose 33,19 Und [der Herr] sprach: Ich will alle meine Güte vor deinem Angesicht vorüberziehen lassen und will den Namen des Herrn vor dir ausrufen. Und wem ich gnädig bin, dem bin ich gnädig, und über wen ich mich erbarme, über den erbarme ich mich.

Römer 9
Die Souveränität Gottes

→ Jes 45,5-12; Jer 18,1-6; Hi 40,1-14; Hi 41,3

14 Was wollen wir nun sagen? Ist etwa Ungerechtigkeit bei Gott? Das sei ferne! 15 Denn zu Mose spricht er: »Wem ich gnädig bin, dem bin ich gnädig, und über wen ich mich erbarme, über den erbarme ich mich«.[7] 16 So liegt es nun nicht an jemandes Wollen oder Laufen, sondern an Gottes Erbarmen. 17 Denn die Schrift sagt zum Pharao: »Eben dazu habe ich dich aufstehen lassen, daß ich an dir meine Macht erweise, und daß mein Name verkündigt werde auf der ganzen Erde«.[8] 18 So erbarmt er sich nun, über wen er will, und verstockt, wen er will.
The pharao was the first who don´t want to leave Israel and was stocked by himself BUT GOD knows that before he have done - He told that to Moses
2. Moses 7
3 Aber ich will das Herz des Pharao verhärten, damit ich meine Zeichen und Wunder im Land Ägypten zahlreich werden lasse. 4 Und der Pharao wird nicht auf euch hören, so daß ich meine Hand an Ägypten legen und mein Heer, mein Volk, die Kinder Israels, durch große Gerichte aus dem Land Ägypten führen werde.

3 And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt.
4 But Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you, that I may lay my hand upon Egypt, and bring forth mine armies, and my people the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great judgments.
I am frightend that GOD harden my heart too so i cannot believe anymore because my worse (evil) things i have done (played with occultism)

BUT otherwise HE called up EVERYONE to repentance
Hes 33
14 Und wenn ich zu dem Gottlosen sage: »Du sollst gewißlich sterben!«, und er kehrt von seiner Sünde um und übt Recht und Gerechtigkeit, 15 so daß der Gottlose das Pfand wiedergibt, den Raub zurückerstattet und in den Satzungen des Lebens wandelt, ohne Unrecht zu tun, so soll er gewißlich leben und nicht sterben. 16 Auch soll bei ihm nicht mehr an alle seine Sünden gedacht werden, die er getan hat; er hat Recht und Gerechtigkeit geübt, er soll gewißlich leben!
so i see my SIN i have done and now i want to turn all in my life to turn (away from evil) to god.

so i can pray and hope for his grace?

Victor Hafichuk
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Re: Free Will

Post by Victor Hafichuk »

If God chooses to harden your heart as He did Pharaoh's or any other chosen vessel of dishonor, what can you do about it? Nothing.

The best you can do is believe on Him the best you know how and do what you have to do. Whether one is a vessel of honor or dishonor, he is in the Lord's hands to do as He pleases. So deal with it. "Your will be done, NOT mine," okay?

Rene Ahrens
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Re: Free Will

Post by Rene Ahrens »

Thanks Viktor

I Know that i am helpless against him/his will.
But in this time of grace

A brother told me for a time that I am impossible to his will - I do always sin for his judgment and you can NOT bring Jesus your life or something else, if I do that I will dishonor him. Her must turn you, you can not effort him or bring him online pleasure and thanking.

And he is right - I can not love him but I want to turn and I can not I need someone. So I pray to HIM every day and wait. I read about real repentance reborn to come to him and follow (i do not know if he is a true teacher for a short time a brother gave me this sermon - hear that and look at him and not of yourself nobody can herlop you if you do not look at him - but i am blind in this section like a cage around myself and unvisible ropes which hold me down)[/youtube]

But I think that i was fallen - i do not want to believe that because i do not have another choice. eihter i pleasure for salvation and call him every time or i lose myself in ever lost and pain.

I am in a big trouble all my life is crashed down.

I there a point where god never can catch me out of sin?

(I read that you can not always turn - i have to hear his call and must answer like Samuel Samuel he called him in his dream and he answered Here i am i hear you)

Paul Cohen

Re: Free Will

Post by Paul Cohen »

Rene, you write: "I Know that i am helpless against him/his will"

If you are powerless against God's will, then why are you worrying so much? Believe and obey, as Victor has told you. "'Your will be done, NOT mine,' okay?"


Rene Ahrens
Posts: 12
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Location: kiel germany

Re: Free Will

Post by Rene Ahrens »

I understand that is GODs gift that HE give for expample me who asking for
He says NO one can good love or do his command because everone is an egoist

I can do it i have to try always thats right?

Sarah Stuckey

Re: Free Will

Post by Sarah Stuckey »

Amen, Paul.


Paul Cohen

Re: Free Will

Post by Paul Cohen »

Rene Ahrens wrote:I understand that is GODs gift that HE give for expample me who asking for
He says NO one can good love or do his command because everone is an egoist

I can do it i have to try always thats right?
"Jesus said to him, 'If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes"” (Mark 9:23 WEB).

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