Is there a list of “true prophets" apart from James and Ellen White?

Many ask, "Who and where are the true teachers of God?"

Is there a list of “true prophets" apart from James and Ellen White?

Post by Suwilanji »

(This is an archived correspondence at The Path of Truth. We have sent notification to the correspondent.)

Hey, I'm Adventist, and I'm sure you all are. The SDA church has condemned the charismatic movement a lot, in fact growing up I was taught that charismatics are false prophets! But then, when I went to University last year, I met a few charismatics and they formed a non denominational movement. I started to pray with them and I got very intimate with the Holy Spirit, I still am, I could hear directly from him. I also had a few visions. Which I'd never had in the SDA movement! I cannot speak in tongues yet! But I will, I still keep the Sabbath! I believe in the sabbath, but why can't I see people manifesting the gift as Paul said they'd be as Christians? And is there a list of “true prophets" apart from James and Ellen White?

Ellen white once said that we blacks are the result of amalgamation of a white man and monkeys??! Isn't that crazy??! Why does the Ellen White residence change what she really said? Why did they edit the pictures of her family members wearing jewelry? Is Ellen White truly a true prophet of God?

Paul Cohen

Re: Is there a list of “true prophets" apart from James and Ellen White?

Post by Paul Cohen »

You're confused, Suwilanji, because you've been a willing subject of Mystery, Babylon, “tossed to and fro and carried about by every wind of doctrine, in the dishonesty of men, in cunning craftiness, to the wiles of deceit” (Ephesians 4:14 MKJV).

The spirit you're intimate with isn't the Holy Spirit of God. Most who call themselves “Charismatics” have received another spirit, not The Baptism in the Holy Spirit. You've been exposed to devils.

Have you been reading our site? We aren't Adventists. Ellen White is a false prophetess who taught many untrue things, the worst of all being worship of the Bible rather than of the Lord Himself. See Seventh Day Adventism.

James White (The Forgotten God) is also a false teacher.

Read as much as you can on our site, Suwilanji, especially the teachings and testimonies. You ask where the harvest is. Read The Gathering.

Let us know how you do with the articles I've given you.


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