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by Michael Preston
Sun Feb 17, 2019 5:13 pm
Forum: Teachings
Topic: New Translation in Spanish Quejas y Más Quejas (Bellyache)
Replies: 0
Views: 2348

New Translation in Spanish Quejas y Más Quejas (Bellyache)

2/17/19: We have a new Translation in Spanish: Quejas y Más Quejas (Bellyache, Bellyache) Debido a que las condiciones nunca son perfectas, el espíritu de queja nunca puede ser calmado o apaciguado. Por lo tanto, el dejar de quejarnos no puede depender de un cambio en las condiciones, sino que debe ...
by Michael Preston
Fri Feb 15, 2019 10:09 pm
Forum: Teachings
Topic: New Translation in Chinese 惡魔般的教義:人有自由意志 (Free Will)
Replies: 0
Views: 2369

New Translation in Chinese 惡魔般的教義:人有自由意志 (Free Will)

2/15/19: We have a new translation in Chinese:

惡魔般的教義:人有自由意志 (Diabolical Doctrine: Man Has Free Will)

上帝是萬物之主。只有祂才是所有命運的主人; 否則祂是無所不能的主。任何一方有自由意志,非此即彼的。自由必須是完全的,或者它不是真正的自由 — 這只是令人沮喪的折磨。閱讀更多…

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by Michael Preston
Sun Jan 13, 2019 10:53 pm
Forum: New Postings on
Topic: New Translation in Chinese 撒旦的起源和身份 (Origin of Satan)
Replies: 0
Views: 1970

New Translation in Chinese 撒旦的起源和身份 (Origin of Satan)

1/13/19: We have a new translation in Chinese:

撒旦的起源和身份 (The Origin and Identity of Satan)

撒旦是誰? 他是從哪裡來的? 他是如何獲得權力的? 他怎麼運用? 他的力量如何被擊敗? 如果你在基督裡成為得勝者,這些是你需要知道的事情。


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by Michael Preston
Wed Jan 02, 2019 2:26 pm
Forum: New Postings on
Topic: New Translation in Chinese 以色列,你遭受極大頂撞的解釋 (Contradictions)
Replies: 0
Views: 1948

New Translation in Chinese 以色列,你遭受極大頂撞的解釋 (Contradictions)

12/31/18: We have a new translation in Chinese:

以色列,你遭受極大頂撞的解釋(Israel, the Explanation for the Horrendous Contradictions You Suffer)


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by Michael Preston
Mon Dec 31, 2018 2:35 pm
Forum: New Postings on
Topic: New Translation in Chinese 上帝今日治癒,以祂的方式 (God Heals Today)
Replies: 0
Views: 1869

New Translation in Chinese 上帝今日治癒,以祂的方式 (God Heals Today)

12/31/18: We have a new translation in Chinese:

上帝今日治癒,以祂的方式(God Heals Today, His Way)


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by Michael Preston
Tue Nov 27, 2018 6:27 pm
Forum: Teachings
Topic: New Translation in Chinese 正確分解真理的道 (Rightly Dividing Word)
Replies: 0
Views: 2450

New Translation in Chinese 正確分解真理的道 (Rightly Dividing Word)

11/27/18: We have a new translation in Chinese:

正確分解真理的道 (Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth)

“神的言語句句都是煉淨的,投靠祂的,祂便做他們的盾牌。祂的言語你不可加添,恐怕祂責備你,你就顯為說謊言的” (箴言 30:5-6)。閱讀更多…

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by Michael Preston
Sun Sep 30, 2018 3:28 pm
Forum: Teachings
Topic: New Translation in Chinese 人人都是上帝的孩子嗎?(All God's Children?)
Replies: 0
Views: 2551

New Translation in Chinese 人人都是上帝的孩子嗎?(All God's Children?)

09/30/18: We have a new translation in Chinese:

人人都是上帝的孩子嗎?(Are All Persons Children of God?)

如果你想得到一些人的答案,那答案是“是的。” 如果你想得到上帝的答案,那答案是“不是的。” 閱讀更多

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by Michael Preston
Sun Sep 30, 2018 2:54 pm
Forum: Teachings
Topic: New Translation in Chinese 最榮耀的真理: (Most Glorious of Truths)
Replies: 0
Views: 2504

New Translation in Chinese 最榮耀的真理: (Most Glorious of Truths)

09/30/18: We have a new translation in Chinese:

最榮耀的真理 (The Most Glorious of Truths)


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by Michael Preston
Mon Sep 03, 2018 1:59 pm
Forum: New Postings on
Topic: New Translation in Spanish “Aceptar” a Jesucristo
Replies: 0
Views: 2169

New Translation in Spanish “Aceptar” a Jesucristo

9/1/18: We have a new translation in Spanish: El Falso y Engañoso Evangelio de “Aceptar” a Jesucristo (The False and Misleading Gospel of “Accepting” Jesus Christ) “Aceptar a Jesucristo como tu Salvador” no es bíblico, y tampoco requiere ni produce las verdaderas obras de la fe en aquellos que profe...
by Michael Preston
Thu Aug 30, 2018 2:23 pm
Forum: New Postings on
Topic: New Translation in German Buße (Repentance)
Replies: 0
Views: 2169

New Translation in German Buße (Repentance)

08/24/18: We have a new translation in German: Buße (Repentance) Was ist Buße? Wir alle denken, wir wissen es, aber tun wir? Reue ist, von unserer gerechtigkeit umzukehren zu Gottes Gerechtigkeit . Es ist eine Erkenntnis, dass wir in uns und für uns selbst keinen Wert haben. Wahrlich, nur durch die ...
by Michael Preston
Wed Aug 01, 2018 5:41 pm
Forum: New Postings on
Topic: New Translation in Chinese 惡魔般的教義: (Never-Ending Torment)
Replies: 0
Views: 2140

New Translation in Chinese 惡魔般的教義: (Never-Ending Torment)

08/1/18: We have a new translation in Chinese:

惡魔般的教義: 永無止境的折磨


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by Michael Preston
Wed Jul 18, 2018 11:51 am
Forum: New Postings on
Topic: New Translation in Spanish Las Cosas Bien (Doing Right)
Replies: 0
Views: 2170

New Translation in Spanish Las Cosas Bien (Doing Right)

07/18/18: We have a new translation in Spanish: Queriendo Hacer Las Cosas Bien (Wanting to Do Things Right) Dios no nos está pidiendo que lo complazcamos. ¿En qué parte de la Biblia encontramos a Dios queriendo que Lo complazcamos? ¡No está allí! ¿Lo sabías? Él no está interesado principalmente en S...
by Michael Preston
Wed Jun 27, 2018 8:29 pm
Forum: Finding Our Way In Faith
Topic: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching
Replies: 44
Views: 7548

Re: What To Do In The Matter Of Job Searching

Hi Isaiah, You said, "I have unsubscribed to JLP, and I've been wrong in my words and actions. I need to take heed to lmore listening and less talking." I agree with the unsubscription from JLP. I don't know whether or not that's necessarily a bad thing to hear from JLP, but why go anywhere else if ...
by Michael Preston
Thu Jun 21, 2018 10:06 pm
Forum: Mundane Matters of Importance
Topic: Harvest Haven Happenings
Replies: 257
Views: 38787

Re: Harvest Haven Happenings

Exhibition Park showing their colors here, I think. No investigation into the truth of the matter and the quick C.Y.A. letter says it all - I think they're afraid, more concerned with mammon than the concerns of their vendors, valid or no. But the Lord is with Harvest Haven. I don't believe He'd lea...
by Michael Preston
Sun Jun 17, 2018 4:39 pm
Forum: Falsehood Exposed
Topic: Religion: An Illusion That Works Well
Replies: 5
Views: 2335

Re: Religion: An Illusion That Works Well

"I am not bitter against you,i invited those condemnations from you myself by mailing you in the first instance." "God loves me,he died for a "creature", "satan" or "dog"(as you tag me) myself. I expect his redemption of my life soon." A person who was not bitter would not be so contradictory...
by Michael Preston
Mon May 21, 2018 9:59 pm
Forum: Current Events and Notices
Replies: 43
Views: 7283


Hi all, I'm interested in the Letters program itself. I'm currently working on a standalone desktop application for viewing, editing, and submitting letters. I've experimented with a way to convert raw RTF content from the letters into HTML (web) format. I also found a tool that, while somewhat limi...
by Michael Preston
Sun May 06, 2018 6:18 pm
Forum: New Postings on
Topic: New Translation in Chinese: 不相容的混合 (Incompatible Mixture)
Replies: 0
Views: 2240

New Translation in Chinese: 不相容的混合 (Incompatible Mixture)

05/06/18: We have a new translation in Chinese:

不相容的混合 (Incompatible Mixture)

今日,我們看到人的律法試圖與上帝的律法混合,但兩者卻相互對立。它造成混亂。人們被教導遵守法律; 但是如果人的律法與上帝的律法相矛盾或反對,上帝是否要求遵守人的律法呢? 這是另一個導致破壞的不敬虔的混合。

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by Michael Preston
Sun May 06, 2018 5:20 pm
Forum: New Postings on
Topic: New Translation in Chinese: Victims and Perpetrators
Replies: 0
Views: 2189

New Translation in Chinese: Victims and Perpetrators

05/06/18: We have a new translation in Chinese:

受害者和犯罪者 (Victims and Perpetrators)

無論如何,我們都是受害者。 但進入生命的秘密是承認並提醒自己,我們曾經都是犯罪者,受害者的生產者。有了這樣的一個犯罪者,上帝會處理,並且會解救和治愈。

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by Michael Preston
Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:32 pm
Forum: The State and Fate of Hell
Topic: Justification of Eternal Punishment
Replies: 11
Views: 4595

Re: Justification of Eternal Punishment

Isaiah, I agree with what you said: When I first came to TPOT, reading Paul's responses in the message board would make me have some doubts, as there was great knowledge and truth, but it seemed like he was, as you put it Victor, condescending and a patronizing hotshot with people that weren't tryin...
by Michael Preston
Sun Apr 15, 2018 7:21 pm
Forum: New Postings on
Topic: New Translation in Chinese: 悔改 (Repentance)
Replies: 0
Views: 2359

New Translation in Chinese: 悔改 (Repentance)

04/15/18: We have a new translation in Chinese:

悔改 (Repentance)

悔改是什麼? 我們都認為了解的,但是真的嗎? 悔改正在從我們自稱的義轉向上帝的正義。這是承認我們自己是無用的。確實地,只有蒙上帝的恩典,我們才能夠明白這一點,無論是定義還是現實。當有一天你親身經歷過的時候,你就會明白。 閱讀更多…

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by Michael Preston
Sun Apr 01, 2018 3:43 pm
Forum: New Postings on
Topic: Nueva Enseñanza: No Menospreciando a Ninguno, Juzgando a...
Replies: 0
Views: 2415

Nueva Enseñanza: No Menospreciando a Ninguno, Juzgando a...

No Menospreciando a Ninguno, Juzgando a Todos, Para Bien (Disdaining None, Judging All, for Good) “La Biblia define a un bastardo como un hijo ilegítimo. Un hijo ilegítimo es aquel que ha nacido a través de un extraño. ¿Quién es el extraño? Es el ladrón, el mentiroso, el adúltero, el que siembra la...
by Michael Preston
Tue Mar 20, 2018 7:27 pm
Forum: Current Events and Notices
Replies: 43
Views: 7283


I am in. As for what I've been given by the Lord, I'm a programmer (back-end) and am eager to help if called upon. I've started doing battle on Facebook as well, encouraged by others who have responded to posts and comments. Thanks for the post, it has lifted my spirit. I know there is hope in the L...

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