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Seventh Day Adventism

What the Lord had to say to those at the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Lethbridge, as a group and individually for some.

A Spiritual Post Mortem

The life and death of Mr. Bacchiocchi is a classic representation of religious man’s self-serving works that lead to confusion, contradiction, and destruction. He goes on to show that the Seventh Day Adventist religion, for all its posturing about being different from mainstream Christianity, is no different at all. It is full of compromise and error, just like all of men’s religions. Pretending to be more righteous makes it even more despicable in the sight of God.

Eat the Good; Discern the Bad

Someone sent us a video link of Walter Veith’s preaching of SDA doctrine, declaring they got “the Sabbath correct.” There is a world of difference, however, between teaching the Sabbath is the seventh day of the week and representing its essence and truth. Veith’s doctrine and practice are antithetical to the Sabbath, being filled with men’s works in self-serving fairy tales about Christ, Satan, and man. There is nothing fit for consumption for one on the wholesome walk of truth, except in the glorious exposure of Veith’s and the SDA’s lies.

Seventh Day Adventists love to talk about end times and prophetic timelines; all the while they do not recognize that they are suffering under the wrath of God and the end has come for them. Here one proves it by his reaction to hearing the Truth.

God Is Not Mocked

Trusting in your diet, doctrines, prayers, and church does not bring you health, SDAs. These substitutes for obedience vex rather than please God. Will you hear the right way and turn to Him Who will heal you or must you perish in your sins?

The Best Defense Is a Good Offense
(This one is not good, just offensive)

How self-serving are the churches of men! Here is a prime example from the SDAs that demonstrates how they will justify a wretched scoundrel rather than admit that the glorious image they maintain of themselves is a sham. The Seventh Day Adventist Church is no different than the Catholic Church it so severely criticizes for not keeping the Sabbath. Don’t let doctrines deceive you, the fruits tell the whole story.

Ellen G. White was a prominent idolater of the Bible, lifting it up to make of herself a great authority. The worship of anything other than God is flat-out rejection of Jesus Christ and His authority over all things. Ms. White has found many takers for her brand of self-righteous worship and denial of Jesus Christ in the here and now, which, as others, does so while appropriating His Name and words to support diabolical doctrines. In this brief correspondence, one such follower is found out and made aware.

The Sabbath

Where has the Sabbath gone? What is the true Sabbath? Are the interpretations of favorite passages concerning the Sabbath legitimate? Are you, as a believer, inadvertently breaking the whole Law of God?

Fools Believe Liars Who Malign Israel

An SDA presents us with vicious slander of Israel. With honesty and mediocre intelligence, it will be obvious that the propaganda unleashed on Israel by the world at large is nothing short of wicked deception. The malignancy prevalent today is a mystery – it makes no sense, but it is very real. By God’s grace, we will stand to oppose and expose the libel of Jews in Israel for what it is – Satan’s strategy and machinations to destroy those whom God has chosen for Himself.

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