
Debbie, a woman who received The Issues of Life, wrote in defense of her conversion to Mormonism and the works that have followed that prove, in her estimation, authentic faith and “Christlikeness.” In his reply Victor addresses the works of Mormons (and other religious) and how they are “unChristlike.”

A Mormon friend of Debbie accuses us of invading her privacy, and then argues for “live and let live” religion, wherein everyone can be counted as good and acceptable to God. Victor uncovers the reality and further demonstrates the spiritual depravity of Mormonism compared to the Standard and Light of all men.

“In that hour Jesus rejoiced in Spirit and said, I thank You, Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the sophisticated and cunning, and have revealed them to babes. Yes, Father, for so it was pleasing before You” (Luke 10:21).

Owin’ Owen: A Fruit of the Deplorable Hypocrisy of the Mormon Church

A thief at large is identified by name to warn others, so they can avoid being pilfered. At the same time, the greater thieves, those who stalk a much larger population and do far greater damage, are also identified. The Mormon Church has stolen the Name of Jesus Christ to cover activities and intentions that are criminal in the sight of God. They are exposed as hypocritical and covetous when refusing to take any responsibility or remedial actions for the misdeeds of one its members.

A Mormon woman, Melody, unsubscribed from The Issues of Life. She thinks we are confused. We point out the confusion of her reasoning and behavior as the product of her Mormon teaching, which is in direct conflict with the ways of the Lord Jesus Christ, Whom she professes to follow.

We hear back from Andrew the Mormon regarding substantive facts about Mormonism and the Book of Mormon provided by a linked site Victor had sent to him. While making gestures and offering some ideas that suggest otherwise, Andrew offered no hard evidence or facts to the contrary, but instead finally resorted to making a personal attack. Victor answers the arguments and the accusations.

In this series of letters we hear from, and reply to, a man that finds fault with the Mormon religion.

In this series from The Issues of Life, we respond to a Mormon woman who is offended because we “judge” her religion. She accuses us of teaching our “opinions,” which, she says, insults everyone else’s beliefs. She is particularly incensed because we have told her that she is not a Christian. This is precisely how a non-Christian, who thinks to be a Christian, reacts. This is the way of one whose mind is darkened towards Truth, because open and receptive to lies and deception. But there is no hiding of ourselves in the Light!

On January 27, 2018, a Sabbath, Victor & Marilyn Hafichuk, Martin & Jeannie Van Popta, James Sorochan, and Ronnie Tanner were on a call when Victor received a knock at the door. Two ladies from the LDS/Mormon organization were there. Victor invited them in and let them know we were all on a call and asked if they would like to join, to which they agreed.