God’s Love Is Not Mushy

We received an unsubscribe request as a response to Part 4 of God Wrestles with the Crooked. Victor’s response:

Hi Amy,

Sorry to see you go. If you are leaving because of the first few lines in this sending of The Issues of Life, then read the incident between Elijah and the 450 prophets of Baal. Read the incident with Samuel and Agag, Paul and Elymas, Peter and Simon, Elisha and the 42 children, and the list goes on. The reality is not somewhere, some time, past or future, but here and now. He (Jesus Christ, Yehoshuah/Yahweh) is the Reality. It is not about religion, doctrine, or “love” as the false revel in portraying it. The same God, called “Love,” had His own Temple destroyed twice. He had His people eating their own children in famines and sieges. He commended and rewarded Phinehas for thrusting a javelin through a prince of Israel and a Midianite woman before all. Thus was the plague stayed that “Love” had sent into the camp, because of fornication, wherein thousands perished. He slew Ananias and Sapphira immediately, without plea or opportunity for repentance. He raised up Pharaoh to destroy him (Romans 9). The incidents are numerous. The testimony, indisputable.

Does that mean we go about killing? No. Does it mean that we do evil? No. What it does mean is that reality includes things that man’s soppy concept of love, coming from the world and its gods, namely Ashtoreth, does not include. Yes, we can be hard, biting, even sarcastic, but we know Whom we know and why we do what we do. Man’s love in the Name of God is killing people. God’s wrath in His Love, though it appears otherwise, is directing people to life.

Do you understand? Talk to me.

Contending earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints,

