I wanted to write to thank you for considering me on your email list. I appreciate your willingness to share what God has shown you as far as “coming out”. We too have heard this message and have come out of Christianity. It has been wonderful here on the outside.
I am asking, though, that you remove me from your email list. I hope that God will continue to show you His humility and tenderness, as you learn more about God and His Son Jesus and what he died for. One of the things that I have learned in my journey with the Lord, is the more I learn about him, the more humble I am for being so blessed as to have heard of such a thing from Jesus. A lot of God’s children are hurting because of this confusion, and the only way to help them, is to love them out of it. If and when you truly come out of the abomination of Christianity, you will feel freer than you ever have in Jesus. Until then, I will keep you in my prayers.
A sister in Christ
Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ,
Amy, God has done far more for us than shown us something about “coming out.” He has made us new creatures in His image, which is only possible from the inside, by His Holy Spirit and fire. He has brought us through to rest in Him. You do not recognize us as His brethren because you have not had this internal change. You are not His sister. You walk in man’s, John Clark’s, doctrine, which is according to the flesh, and not the Spirit of God. That is why you judge us after the flesh and do not know where we are coming from, mistaking our motives and words.
You have been deceived by a false spirit of love that has deceived the whole world and is the product of Mystery, Babylon the Great, the whore of false religion, of which you mistakenly believe yourself to be free. She has you, and those with whom you company, firmly in her grasp.
Did Jesus “love them out of it”? Look at what happened the first time He spoke after He was anointed to preach, in Luke 4. What was the reaction to the love of Christ by those “confused people”? They sought to throw Him off a cliff! So much for loving them out of it (at least as you think of love, and perform in your own righteousness along with the rest of the religious, whom you condemn)!
You are in a precarious place because you profess to be separated unto God unlike others, whom you criticize, yet you share their behaviors and actions. That makes you a hypocrite, which is something that God particularly hates. You need to repent. Try reading Reality Is What We Need, The False Religious Love that Hates (Rejects) God, and Does God Speak Only Gentle Words?
You have spoken in ignorance, Amy, and there is no excuse for being ignorant any longer. Rather than speaking about things you do not understand or know, avail yourself of what we have to say, and repent of those things we show are unfounded and untenable, on which you think to stand. Start by reading Our Testimonies and begin by getting your facts straight. Lord have mercy. Surely He has on those whom He has chosen, while others He has hardened. Father, Your will be done.
Contending for the faith once delivered to the saints, which has been obscured by false love, feigned faith, and men’s works, devoid of the cross of Christ,