Diabolical Doctrine: The Bible Is the Ultimate Authority


It has been the inclination of man, even before the Fall, to choose worship of anything other than Jesus Christ, the Only One worthy. Why else would Adam and Eve have chosen to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? Besides every sort of creature or cause, they will worship a man of God, as did the Pharisees Moses; they will worship worshipping, as do all religious people; they will worship doctrine, even true doctrine; and they will worship the Holy Scriptures, which testify of Jesus Christ. As they do all these things, they cast Him aside as less worthy.

Read False Christianity Unmasked, Bible Worship Used by Men to Cover Evil, and In Defense of Extra-Biblical Inspiration of God.

Consider the alternative to worshipping the Bible: If in spirit and in truth, you worship the Author of the Bible, you’ll be delivered from idolatry and you will understand as never before the Scriptures you’ve worshipped, to the saving of your soul.