This is indeed an evil day. The rot of degeneration beginning with those professing to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ has created a rich medium that fosters many spiritual aberrations and presumptuous perversions. “Timothy” and his “Trumpet Call of God” is one such example.
“The days of her judgment have come; the days of vengeance have come; Israel shall know it. The prophet is a fool, the spiritual man is insane, because of the greatness of your iniquity and the great hatred” (Hosea 9:7 MKJV).
These are the indicators that is not of God:
The fellow doesn’t identify himself, except as the anonymous “Timothy” (others identify him as Speed T. Rathbun).
He makes it very plain his literature is free. “No Donations Accepted… Just The Truth, FREE.” Need it be trumpeted so?
Listen to his audios and videos and see how full of affectation he is.
He uses a mixture of contemporary and King James Bible formal English. Does God speak that way? No.
His declarations are ostentatious in vocabulary and expression.
This site’s claim to spiritual authority is circular and confounded. And because presented as, “Thus saith the Lord,” it’s also blasphemous.
We quote from the site – Discernment:
“Here is wisdom few have considered, nor have they understood: If one who confesses Me lacks discernment, on account of ears which remain dull in hearing and eyes which remain dim in seeing, let them test My Word by My Word only. For any who test outside My Word, according to the words or doctrines of men, shall fail and be found in contempt before The Lord, for I sit as judge. For you have failed to see that My Word in The Volumes of Truth, also being called The Letters, is also a rod by which the translations of men are to be tested, a light which shines upon the doctrines of men to expose them, revealing them to be blasphemies and heresies before God… All of which shall burn in the Day, when the fire comes to test the quality of each one’s work.
Therefore if one professing faith be wise, he shall humble himself before Me, calling upon the name of The Holy One for knowledge, in where all understanding flows to the truly contrite and penitent, flowing in pure testimony without any shadow of turning or corruption.
And by this only can one be wise in the reading, comparing that which was given with that which is put forth once again, discerning The Source and The Author to be the same… One Word, One Book, One On-going Testament to My Glory… By no means is it to be divided into three, says The Lord.”
If your ears are dull of hearing, how can you test His Word? Here’s what happened when the apostle Paul encountered God’s people who were dull of hearing:
Acts 28:25-28 MKJV
(25) And disagreeing with one another, they were let go, Paul saying one word: “Well did the Holy Spirit speak through Isaiah the prophet to our fathers,
(26) saying, ‘Go to this people and say: Hearing you shall hear and shall not understand; and seeing you shall see and not perceive.
(27) For the heart of this people was fattened, and they have heard with their ears dully; and they closed their eyes; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.’
(28) Therefore be it known to you that the salvation of God is sent to the nations, and they will hear.”
And here’s what the Lord said to His disciples, who asked why He spoke in parables to the people:
Matthew 13:10-16 MKJV
(10) And the disciples said to Him, “Why do You speak to them in parables?”
(11) He answered and said to them, “Because it is given to you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, but it is not given to them.
(12) For whoever has, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance. But whoever does not have, from him shall be taken away even that which he has.
(13) Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they see not, and hearing they hear not; nor do they understand.
(14) And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah which said, ‘By hearing you shall hear and shall not understand; and seeing you shall see and shall not perceive;
(15) for this people’s heart has become gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and they have closed their eyes, lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.’
(16) But blessed are your eyes, for they see; and your ears, for they hear.”
But “Timothy” calls on you who can’t see or hear to test God’s Word by his word only. In other words, all others who speak on spiritual matters are false – you don’t even have to test those – just take his word for it. In fact, his word is the only safe one to hear to avoid being in contempt of the Lord.
It makes perfect sense that you should put your trust in “Timothy” and his puppet, “God,” because, after all, you can’t see or hear properly, remember?
You don’t need to test “Timothy’s” words, because “God” conveniently has already endorsed them here for you: “For you have failed to see that My Word in The Volumes of Truth, also being called The Letters, is also a rod by which the translations of men are to be tested, a light which shines upon the doctrines of men to expose them, revealing them to be blasphemies and heresies before God….”
“Timothy” testifies of himself, a corrupt and unregenerate sinner, by speaking as “God.” Don’t feel safe because you scoff at such audacity. There are those who speak for God; what do you think the Bible is about, anyway? And do you really believe those in Christ no longer speak by Him? Think again. Read In Defense of ExtraBiblical Inspiration of God.
For more on both the blatant and subtle deceitfulness of the enemy, see The True Marks of a Cult and Diabolical Doctrines.
Victor Hafichuk