Owuor’s Apologist Annihilated


We received this response to David Owuor: Another Self-Exposed Fraud (sent by the office of “Dr. Owuor”):

Your lack of spiritual knowledge is your greatest undoing. We know that this time around God Almighty has outdone your false American prophets of prosperity, by sending us The Prophet Of The LORD Dr. Owuor, to lead the whole earth back to righteousness and holiness; a very rare spiritual commodity in your defiled sexual sin infested churches. That is the reason for your racist and envious remarks and by the way you seem to be the only one who doesn’t know. Look at the global revival of holiness that The LORD has used Him to start in Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa, etc. Even in your spiritual kindergarten level, all know that never ever has the devil sent someone to return a rotten earthly prosperity post modern church like today’s back to The LORD in righteousness and repentance and to tell her to turn away from this sick falsehood and love of money. So please wakeup!

Pastor Macharia
Repentance Office

Victor’s reply:

Pastor Macharia, I, Victor Hafichuk, have the great honor under God to put you away, and that, publicly, for which I am eternally grateful.

Your letter to us perfectly confirms our judgment – that we have come upon a nest of serpents with the likes of you and all those who follow “Dr.” David Owuor. This is not merely a scathing remark; I will support it with evidence that comes out of your own mouth via your keyboard.

One: You are a false accuser, lumping our calling in with “your false American prophets of prosperity” and “your defiled sexual sin infested churches.” The record at our site plainly shows that we forthrightly condemn those works.

Just what kind of pastor are you to be guilty of such blatant error?

Two: We see a remarkable resemblance between David Owuor’s presentation and that of Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Kathryn Kuhlman, and many other “false American prophets of prosperity.” So how is it that when we condemn those ways, you accuse us of being in league with them?

Just what kind of pastor are you to be guilty of such blatant contradiction?

Three: You defensively and ignorantly opine, “That is the reason for your racist and envious remarks and by the way you seem to be the only one who doesn’t know.

Racist? There was a joke in my community that went like this: “Give a Ukrainian a fur coat and he suddenly thinks he’s King Kong.” I’m Ukrainian. We laughed it off. I used to tell all sorts of Ukrainian jokes, lightly poking fun of Ukrainians, and we all enjoyed it. That went for other ethnic groups as well – Poles, Jews, Scotsmen, Dutch, Germans, East Indians, local native peoples, Newfoundlanders…the list goes on. What is it with you black people that when you are criticized, you automatically file it away in the “racist” folder (not that every black person reacts that way)?

How convenient! How disingenuous! How cowardly! How hypocritical that you should accuse anyone of racism, condemning them because they are what – white? Or because they objectively say something contrary to one who happens to be black? What are you, untouchable?

Why wouldn’t you make the responsible and honest effort to read our paper, instead of having your knee-jerk, racial tantrum, “pastor”? You would have plainly seen Benny Hinn and Kathryn Kuhlman mentioned with Owuor. Or in your ignorance and racial paranoia, did you assume they were black as well?

Just what kind of pastor are you to be guilty of such fear, lies, and blatant hypocrisy? A defensive black one, “pastor”?

You remark, “Even in your spiritual kindergarten level….

So now comes the snotty belittling and condescension. Are we talking to the pope’s first minister here, or the pope himself? Is he white, or is he black?

My, what a wonderful, honest, objective, understanding, loving pastor you are! We pity your flock, shepherd Macharia, the manifest fruit of Owuor now exposed for all to see! Are you an example of the “global revival of holiness” you so proudly point out? Are those of your company all like you?

I’ll tell you what kind of pastor you are, Macharia – a false one, express fruit of the phony you follow, none other than Owuor.

You declare, “…all know that never ever has the devil sent someone to return a rotten earthly prosperity post modern church like today’s back to The LORD in righteousness and repentance and to tell her to turn away from this sick falsehood and love of money.

We certainly know that, and that is why we speak up against you and your chosen hero leader – Owuor, because while he pretends to do what he claims, he is instead deceiving many, the very elect if possible. Those with hopes or potential power of deceiving the elect will not come out preaching blatant error, will they?

So now we have a “Repentance Office”! Can you imagine John the Baptist or the Lord or the apostle Paul engaging in your pretentious machinery and formality, setting up a “Repentance Office,” “pastor”? Perhaps in your evil imaginations, that is possible and likely. We are here to tell you, however, that your works and your fruits are counterfeit, which includes your telling response to us.

We rest our case, “pastor” Macharia, whether you are white or black; it matters not a whit to us. Let the chips fall where they may, not based on race, but on God’s measure of righteousness for all the earth. You are found out, our offended friend, wakened by His Voice. Now, is it to everlasting life or to condemnation?

Victor Hafichuk

Macharia’s response:

Your lack of spiritual understanding is equivalently same and this time around we are celebrating because the LORD God has indeed had Mercy on us. He has liberated us from you foolish gospel of Americanism! For many years the US fed us with spiritual garbage and you gave spiritual sewage water to drink, but finally God Almighty has sent us a Servant. You should see how many Pastors from The US are flocking to The Prophet’s Meetings here and literally begging Him to visit the US in order to save the Soddom and Gomorah church in the US. You should know that majority of African have now ceased to watch US Christian Televisions because of the TRUTH we received that set is free. Your false doctrines of the kind you display here can only expose your apostate church further and further. In our country for example, the false US preachers that used to preach ‘sow a seed and get your instant healing or breakthrough miracle right now’ have since ceased to come, ever since The LORD sent His Mighty Prophet. When they tried to come to lie to us anylonger, they found out that they have no people at their meetings, only 4 or 5 curious on lookers. We have celebrated the obliteration of the corrupt American gospel! In fact when we read your emails on our radio station millions of listeners laugh and celebrate the fact that you cannot lie to us any more, with that rooten head knowledge! The comments our radio receive even from The US, Europe and globally wherever our listeners are, when we read your email to our global audience would shock you. You can see that even the Pastors in The US are sick and tired of the kind of spiritual nonsense you display in your emails. Time is over, Repent lest you perish. This is the last time we reply to your emal. We have marked it as spam that is automatically deleted because this email is for The LORD’s purposes and not the devils nonsense. We will still do one talk show program on your email, with our global audience. It is beautiful to witness the global awakening against the corrupt US gospel, and false doctrine; and more so including an awekenong even from the US itself!

Paul’s reply:

So “pastor” Macharia, the US pastors who fed you garbage and sewage water have now come begging the “Mighty Prophet” to come preaching in their Sodom and Gomorrah churches? Doesn’t that prove your prophet is a fellow Sodomite and purveyor of garbage and sewage?

They come to Owuor because he is one of them and feeds them as they please. The unrepentant Sodomites come to their brother, an angel of light from Satan, and are deceived by his white robes, hoping in vain to escape the righteous judgment and wrath of God.

Just like Raila Odinga, the blood on his hands from 2008 barely dry, was baptized by Owuor last year. Yes, the tares are being bundled together.

How foolish and wicked of you to be proud and boastful when comparing yourselves to money-grubbing scoundrels like Benny Hinn! Which is better, those who take your money, or those who hack you to death with machetes, compliments of Obama, Odinga, and Owuor?

We have already exposed North American Sodomites on our site, as well as some African ones (False Teachers in Nigeria, Too). Now we have exposed a Kenyan Sodomite, Dr. Owuor, by the coming of the Lord and the Spirit of His mouth. We look forward to adding him to the list of his brethren.

So yes, please do read this and our other letters and writings to your millions. That would be most excellent, our true heart’s desire that all should hear the words of Truth. But you won’t do that, because you are a liar, Macharia, just like your prophet. Will cockroaches welcome the light, as they gorge themselves in darkness?

Paul Cohen

Responses to “David Owuor: Another Self-Exposed Fraud” and our replies:

    • Pastor Macharia: Your lack of spiritual knowledge is your greatest undoing. We know that this time around God Almighty has outdone your false…
      Read full response and Victor’s and Paul’s replies.


    • Radio Team: PRAISE THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, THE CONSUMING FIRE! To Paul, Victor and Carol and whomever is involved in any manner in the writing…
      Read full response and Victor’s reply.


An example of the kind of idolaters who write us in defense of their god, David Owuor, using phony e-mail addresses – their warnings to us are also phony, but for themselves, their warnings are real:

——– Original Message ——–
Subject: know God before you open your mouth and attack
From: Warn u idiots! <iotiotwarner@yahoo.com>
To: ask@thepathoftruth.com
Date: 7/16/2012 9:50 AM

You wouldn’t recognize a man of God if he stood right before you. your reasons for calling Dr. Owuor are the lamest I’ve ever heard. Christians can’t use music unless you approve of it? We are not to shout from the rooftops what God has done? If he’s just a fake, how come ALL of his prophecies have come true so far? You obviously have no real relationship with God or you would have prayed and asked God what HE says, if HE sent this man, we are to pray before opening our mouths and publically coming against a true man of God. Woe unto you, God warned not to touch or harm his prophets. Consider yourself warned.