We expose a passel of primped and pompous preachers from Nigeria, each one looking to be bigger and better than the next, not knowing they represent the anti-Christ in their presumptuousness. They have nothing whatsoever to do with the Lord Jesus Christ, except to take His Name in vain.
Enoch Adeboye • T.B. Joshua • W.F. Kumuyi • Lazarus Muoka
Daniel Olukoya • Ayo Oritsejafor • Chris Oyakhilome • David Oyedepo
I am a Nigerian and I have navigated your website extensively. I would really appreciate it if you could do an expose on some of our pastors many of whom have links with some of the preachers like Benny Hinn (remember his failed crusade to Nigeria) and Reinhard Bonkee.
The pastors are Ayo Oritsejafor, David Oyedepo, Chris Oyakhilome, TB Joshua, Lazarus Muoka, and Enoch Adeboye (once listed among 50 most influential people in the world).
I await your reply.
Hi Edward,
We looked into some of the information on the internet concerning the six African preachers you asked about. To identify the true indicators from the false in nominal Christianity, you need only go to The True Marks of a Cult, which is a set of standards by which one can judge according to the Bible, as taught and lived by the prophets, Jesus Christ, and His disciples. If any persons or organizations claiming to serve Jesus Christ offend in these standards, then one ought to walk away from them and pay them no further mind…or money; they are false teachers. That is assuming one desires to embrace truth and not be deceived or serve to deceive others.
(By the way, there are many who publish their definition of a cult, and thus far, we have found only subjective and contradictory publications. The True Marks of a Cult is objective, based on the life and teachings of the Lord and His disciples, as declared in Scripture. No psychoanalysis, no opinion, no religious partisanship – just the truth as recorded in Scripture.)
Another document you can rely on for true Christian doctrine is Diabolical Doctrines. Orthodox Christianity has adopted nonChristian doctrines and made them its own, but these doctrines have no foundation in Jesus Christ or in Scripture, though teachers have many ways to rationalize and make the Bible say whatever they wish. Blind people calling themselves “Christians” follow blind teachers who call themselves “Christians,” and both fall into the ditch. That is what is happening with all the teachers you have referred to us, and to those who are following them.
You probably know about our main section on these matters, Falsehood Exposed, which has much good information to help one know truth from error and good from evil.
We aren’t surprised that you, as a professing atheist, can see more than can your Christian friends and associates. Jesus did say that the children of this world (meaning you) are wiser in their generation than the children of light (meaning Christians). By that, He meant that those who profess no faith in Christ are rationally, reasonably able to see more clearly the things and people in this world for what they are, whereas those who believe cannot see so well, at least not at first.
Why is that? Shouldn’t children of light be able to see more clearly? Not necessarily, and obviously, Jesus Himself did not think so. Being in a new world takes on new challenges and confronts the spiritual sojourner with new lessons and foreign experiences. Those new in the faith of Christ are babes in transition and thus have difficulty seeing. They tend to judge after the appearance and be gullible, as though it is the Christian thing to do. They think it a sin to call someone an unbeliever if that someone claims to be a believer. They take things at face value if those things are done in the Name of Christ. It is folly.
Being naive, they believe many nonsensical things that professing charismatic, flamboyant deceivers teach and claim. As in the natural, so in the spiritual – young children are mesmerized by sensationalistic elements. A guy like Benny Hinn, for example, has the vast majority of professing Christians in the world eating out of his one hand, while his other hand is in their pockets. They are hypnotized; deceived into thinking he is a man of God when there can be very little that is farther from the truth. The man is a “holy gangster.”
These gullible believers must continue in their spiritual journey; they must grow, learn, and come to maturity so that they will have a firm personal knowledge and understanding of what is of God and what is not. They will learn to trust God Who is ever true, and not man, whom, in his unredeemed state, the Bible calls a liar. I know that in our Christian spiritual youth, we were partially deceived and could not see that which unbelievers could see about guys like Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, Jimmy Swaggart, and others of our day. As we grew, we learned that man cannot be trusted, even as the Bible clearly states:
“Let it not be! But let God be true, and every man a liar; as it is written, ‘That You might be justified in Your sayings, and will overcome when You are judged’” (Romans 3:4 MKJV).
We learned that we cannot even trust ourselves, we being “man”:
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9 MKJV)
Is it a strange thing that deceivers can be so effective and successful? Jesus warned His disciples there would be challenges even for the mature:
“And Jesus answered and said to them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many will come in My Name, saying, I am Christ, and will deceive many” (Matthew 24:4-5 MKJV).
Matthew 24:23-27 MKJV
(23) Then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ! Or, There! Do not believe it.
(24) For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders; so much so that, if it were possible, they would deceive even the elect.
(25) Behold, I have told you beforehand.
(26) Therefore if they shall say to you, Behold, He is in the desert! Do not go out. Behold, He is in the secret rooms! Do not believe it.
(27) For as the lightning comes out of the east and shines even to the west, so also will be the coming of the Son of Man.
We learned to walk by faith in Jesus Christ, Who alone can be trusted. Coming to maturity in Him, we were able to readily discern one who is false and one who is of God, what was the truth and what was error or only partial truth.
It should be understood that the vast majority of professing believers are not true believers at all. They only profess to believe, albeit many do so sincerely. They are not born into the Kingdom of God, contrary to what false teachers have persuaded them to believe. They have been taught that they become Christians by making a simple profession of faith in Christ, join some religious, nominally Christian organization, follow a certain person, believe a certain specified set of doctrines, and serve the organization they have joined, contributing their time, energies, and money.
If they have experienced anything sensational, it is of Satan’s spiritual kingdom, which consists of men’s religious works professing Christ, yet because it was an emotionally-charged experience, they assume it was of God. Satan can make things rather exciting, I assure you.
Truly, Edward, the only way to know who is or who is not of God is if God gives it to one to know. For that reason, we must rely on God’s grace (unmerited favor) to know the truth and to make it known. We are compelled to depend on Him for all things.
Let’s take a look at the teachers whose names you gave us. As you may guess, we do not personally know these men, but contrary to the objections of many, and according to the Scriptures, we don’t need to know them personally in order to perceive what they are all about:
“So as we now know no one according to flesh, but even if we have known Christ according to flesh, yet now we no longer know Him so” (2 Corinthians 5:16 MKJV).
“But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged by no one. For who has known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:15-16 MKJV).
As you know, not everything one reads on the net can be trusted, but assuming the information we have found is fairly accurate (and we have no reason to doubt what we see of these teachers at their own sites), we have things to say that you may share with your friends to help them out of deception and to give them trustworthy tools to keep them from deception; that is, if they will listen, which is often not the case. “Why should we listen to an atheist?” they will ask themselves and you.
Ayo Oritsejafor: http://www.ayo-oritsejafor.org/index.php
“Pastor” Ayo makes many promises, some of which introduce his site:
“You can now join Pastor Ayo online in these explosive daily devotional series.”
“You will never be the same again.”
“You are in a new season with double grace.”
“God will take you from zero to hero.”
“You are ten times better.”
Who is Ayo to make blanket, phenomenal promises to everyone? It is manifest deception and flattery.
If you read the Scriptures, Edward, nowhere will you find such promises to anyone. God calls people to repentance from sin. They are called upon to deny themselves, take up the cross, and follow the Lord Jesus. They are not called to follow a self-glorifying leader who makes all sorts of promises in Jesus’ Name or any other. Jesus called men to put their hands to the plow, to build towers, to forsake all, but Ayo Oritsejafor promises a joyous stroll in a rose garden – for a fee. God does not favor glory of this nature to a man and certainly His true servants do not do such things. To God and His servants, the things these high-rolling teachers do are contemptible.
Nowhere do you find an official name of a church of God in Scripture or an official name of a ministry – there is no formality with God, only reality. True believers simply lived their lives in Christ as unto God and not unto men. Better you should be an atheist than one of these guys or their deceived followers. Jesus Himself even said so:
“I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I would that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth” (Revelation 3:15-16 MKJV).
I took a quick peek at this video of Ayo. I wonder if I can even ask an atheist: If there is a God, should one dare to speak to Him the way Ayo spoke in his prayer before that great congregation? I also wonder if even an atheist would know that no true man of God would ever speak that way to the One he worships and serves in all humility and knowledge. You certainly will find no example of such spirit or manner of prayer in the Scriptures, either by example or instruction. Ayo’s prayer is impudent, arrogant, presumptuous, obnoxious, pretentious, so unholy, and outright blasphemous.
Ayo’s sermon is no better, and by the way, God’s men do not give “sermons,” such as you see here. The guy is a showoff, an Americanized Pentecostal exhibitionist, a modern day prophet of Baal – they had the reputation for jumping up and down and making a scene to be heard of God, Who ignored them:
1 Kings 18:26-29 MKJV
(26) And they took the bull which was given them, and they dressed, and called on the name of Baal from morning even until noon, saying, O Baal, hear us. But there was no voice, nor any who answered. And they leaped on the altar which was made.
(27) And it happened at noon Elijah mocked them and said, Cry with a great voice, for he is a god. Either he is meditating, or he is pursuing, or he is in a journey; perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened!
(28) And they cried with a loud voice and cut themselves with knives and spears until the blood gushed out on them, as is their way.
(29) And it happened when midday was past, and when they prophesied until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, there was neither voice, nor any to answer, nor anyone who paid attention.
(Read the entire story from 1 Kings 18:19-40 and see their eventual end.)
One of Nigeria’s “highest paid pastors”? No man of God is known for his money, I guarantee you. This is just another self-deceived charlatan deluding many others, looting and raping, physically and spiritually.
There is no end to the things that could be said in the following material from Wikipedia on Oritsejafor. Should you have any more questions, Edward, you may ask and Lord willing, we will answer. Telling indicators of falsehood are in red (the religious think these things to be positive, but to God they are abomination):
From Wikipedia: “Ayodele Joseph Oritsejafor is the founding and Senior Pastor of Word of Life Bible Church, located in Warri, southern Nigeria, and is currently the President of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN). Oritsejafor was converted through Benson Idahosa, the first Pentecostal archhbishop in Nigeria, in 1972 and began preaching almost immediately. Oritsejafor is also a prolific author of Christian books. He has taken the gospel to every continent of the world, having organised crusades and conferences around the globe. In 1980 Oritsejafor started the regular and popular television Programme, ‘Hour of Deliverance’, which presently airs in many local and international television and Satellite Stations. Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor Ministries was the first to launch a Miracle crusade (Lagos Miracle Crusade) from Africa to the world via satellite in 1987 with evangelist Joe Martins.”
From Nigeria’s Highest Paid Pastors:
“Like Ukpai, Oritsejafor is in high demand and is usually offered honorarium by the host churches. The renowned evangelist, who recently celebrated the 15th anniversary of his ministry and his 30 years of service in the Lord’s vineyard also calls for sowing of seed-faith in a similar fashion with Ukpai and the late Idahosa.
He, however, insists that only those who sow seed-faith receive from God and that is why the pastors encourage it. Oritsejafor said because of the miraculous power men of God like him wield in modern day Pentecostalism, most churches abroad that invite them for crusades have a lot of respect for Nigeria. Because of the high demand for him at crusades, Oritsejafor describes himself as ‘a very busy man’ who is being used by God to do a lot of work for mankind.
He is particularly glad that the power of God in him and his miraculous exploits at crusades abroad have earned him recognition. He said: ‘There is an Island called Polo Rico in the US. Whenever I go there, they receive me like a president. They have a governor in the Island and he comes to all my services. People respect Nigeria because of some of us who preach the gospel,’ he said. Wealthy and flamboyant, Oritsejafor cruises round town in exotic cars with customised plate numbers. His Mercedes S-Class bears ‘Eagle’ on the plate.
Newswatch learnt that the Warri-based pastor, whose hair is normally well- oiled and jerry-coiled, believes that men of God should be flamboyant and wealthy because if they look poor, nobody will believe their product. This perhaps explains why he ranks among the ministers of God who make a lot of money from crusades. Newswatch learnt that Oritsejafor and the other pastors ordained by the late Idahosa collect as much as N200,000 for such crusades.
Married to Helen, his pretty wife whom he calls Mama, Oritsejafor said she has been a great source of inspiration in his ministry. ‘I have a great wife, a woman of God, she loves God. A man of God that does not have a good support is not serious. She loves God and my ministry,’ he said. Like her husband, Helen is trendy and helps in running the affairs of the ministry.”
We could say plenty on the details to prove this man has nothing whatsoever to do with the Lord Jesus Christ. For example, Ayo says, “I have a great wife, a woman of God, she loves God. A man of God that does not have a good support is not serious. She loves God and my ministry.”
Try and tell John the Baptist and all the apostles who forsook their wives for the Lord’s and the Gospel’s sakes that they were not serious about God or their ministry because not having a wife for support.
Matthew 19:27-30 MKJV
(27) Then answering Peter said to Him, Behold, we have forsaken all and have followed You. Therefore what shall we have?
(28) And Jesus said to them, Truly I say to you that you who have followed Me, in the regeneration, when the Son of Man shall sit in the throne of His glory, you also shall sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
(29) And everyone who left houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.
(30) But many who are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.
And Paul the apostle wrote:
1 Corinthians 7:25-31 MKJV
(25) But concerning virgins, I have no commandment from the Lord. Yet I give my judgment, as one who has obtained mercy from the Lord to be faithful.
(26) Then I think this is good, because of the present necessity; that it is good for a man to be so.
(27) Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be free. Are you loosed from a wife? Do not seek a wife.
(28) But if you do marry, you did not sin; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. But such shall have trouble in the flesh, but I spare you.
(29) But this I say, brothers, The time is short. It remains that both those who have wives should be as not having one.
(30) And they who weep are as though they did not weep. And they who rejoice are as though they did not rejoice. And they who buy are as though they did not possess.
(31) And they who use this world are as not abusing it, for the fashion of this world is passing away.
Either Ayo is taking a cheap shot at one of his competitors who has no active wife supporting him publicly in a “ministry,” or Ayo simply does not know what he is talking about and doesn’t care to know. Either way, he is a deceiver.
David Oyedepo: http://davidoyedepoministries.org/
The following is from Wikipedia. Again, the indicators of false teachers are in red (refer to The True Marks of a Cult for explanations):
“David O. Oyedepo, affectionately called Papa by his followers (born September 27, 1954) is a Nigerian Christian author, Preacher and the founder and Presiding Bishop of Living Faith Church World Wide also known as Winners Chapel and its affiliated International churches known as Winners Chapel International, with headquarters in Ogun State, Nigeria. He is also the senior pastor of the acclaimed Faith Tabernacle, a 50,000 seat church auditorium reported to be the largest church auditorium in the world by the Guinness Book of Records. The Winners Chapel network of churches is present in over 300 cities in all states of Nigeria, as well as in over 63 cities in 32 African Nations, Dubai, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Oyedepo has been seen as one of pioneers of the Christian charismatic movement in Africa and has been referred to as one of the most powerful preachers in Nigeria.”
From Nigeria’s Highest Paid Pastors:
“David Oyedepo, bishop of Living Faith Outreach more popular as Winners’ Chapel, is a man who lives like an accomplished person. Whenever he or Faith, his wife is going out in the town, either separately or together, they usually go out with a convoy of vehicles and blaring of siren to beat the traffic. The couple like riding in posh jeep vehicles with one or two vehicles in front and a similar number of cars following the one occupied by either of them.
Although the Winners’ Chapel is one of Africa’s fastest-growing Pentecostal churches, Oyedepo is often invited for crusades by other churches. He has a global vision of evangelism and has taken the gospel outside the shores of Nigeria, which have yielded a lot of financial rewards. ‘Your financial revolution is tied to what you do with your finances on the gospel,’ he often tells his congregation.
As part of his outreach programmes, Oyedepo, who is stupendously rich acquired a multi-million naira aircraft in 1996 to facilitate his evangelism programmes to countries outside Nigeria. This earned him the appellation ‘Jet-Age pastor’. This powerful man of God believes that he is sent to a generation and not just a denomination to work signs and wonders. Only recently, Oyedepo established the Covenant University in Ota, Ogun State, thereby using his wealth for the promotion of tertiary education in Nigeria.
Dipo Ajayi, a pastor of the church, however, said that the money Winners’ Chapel has made came from voluntary contributions. ‘Your financial standing as a Christian, born-again is not dictated by the economy of the nation. We are self-sufficient; we operate the heavenly budget,’ he said.”
In this video, Oyedepo said of Gloria Copeland: “This is the woman who taught me the (mission or message or meaning) of prosperity.”
To know what Kenneth and Gloria Copeland are all about, read Casting an Evil Net. They are covetous, arrogant, presumptuous devils.
Visiting Oyedepo’s website, I chose but one segment to point out the ways of the destroyer. Here are a few indicators that are obvious to those who know the Lord and His ways:
“Mission Target a Household
God’s restoration agenda includes the salvation of families as it is written ‘and you shall be saved you and your household‘ – Acts 16:32
God is commited to the salvation of families. The family of Cornelius was visited by God through the ministry of Peter (Act 10:24-25).
Amongst His restoration agenda is to supernaturally multiply His church and establish His congregation which connote, massive conversion and membership enlargement. – Jeremiah 30:19
Therefore, ever Winner should spiritually target a family for Christ each quater of this year. Such families could be those in your neighborhood, some colleagues at work, some near or distant realtions, business partner’s e.t.c.
Ps 102:13-14, ‘Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come For thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and favour the dust thereof’
If this is out season of favour, then we must rise to favour His course.
God has vowed to cause His mercy ti dwell upon our dwelling places; we are therefore also required to favour His course , His plans and His purpose in everyway.
Only those who are interestedin God’s things can secure God’s commitment to thier own things.
Those who are not commited to God’s cause can’t secure God’s commitment to thier own project. – Zech. 7:13
Let us arise therefore and get commited to the multiplication agenda for the church this year 2010 and we shall expirience God’s commitment to our own desires.”
Oyedepo has a strong focus on building/maintaining Christian households. But does God often save whole families? God did save the jailer’s household (Acts 16:32-33). He saved Cornelius and his household, to whom the apostle Peter was sent (Acts 10), being the firstfruits of the Gentiles, I am also aware of another household:
“And I also baptized the household of Stephanas. Besides these, I do not know if I baptized any other” (1 Corinthians 1:16 MKJV).
And here are other households that are mentioned:
“Greet Apelles, approved in Christ. Greet those who are of Aristobulus’ household” (Romans 16:10 MKJV).
“Greet Herodion my kinsman. Greet those who are of the household of Narcissus, who are in the Lord” (Romans 16:11 MKJV).
“Greet Priscilla and Aquila and the household of Onesiphorus” (2 Timothy 4:19 MKJV).
But if these are flesh and blood family households, did all in the household believe in these cases? And are these all flesh and blood family households, or are they spiritual households, believers in a city or community assembled in the faith in someone’s house?
“So then as we have time, let us work good toward all, especially toward those of the household of faith” (Galatians 6:10 MKJV).
Did the apostles put on a drive to specifically target households, or was it something the Lord did without man’s designs in those instances?
Why the emphasis on flesh-and-blood-family households? God most often, and almost exclusively, calls individuals out of families. This happened with me, Paul, Sara, Marilyn, and others. Rarely do whole families believe. Here is what Jesus had to say about families and households:
“Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth. I did not come to send peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man’s foes shall be those of his own household” (Matthew 10:34-36 MKJV).
So much for flesh and blood households in God’s sight. Even the households in the Scriptures were not brought to the Lord as purposed by men, but were households God had chosen. Just as with anything else of the Spirit, God’s acts cannot be devised or copied. God’s work is God’s work and man’s is man’s, and “never the twain shall meet.”
When man tries to copy anything God has done, we end up with dead works, artificiality. And that is exactly what religion is all about. It is the product of the great counterfeiter, the arch enemy of Christ. He is the thief, usurper, imitator, mimicker, pretender, and deceiver, and his servants and children all walk according to his ways, even as the Scriptures testify:
“For such ones are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. Did not even Satan marvelously transform himself into an angel of light? Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves as ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works” (2 Corinthians 11:13-15 MKJV).
If Oyedepo is after families and households, he is after them to promote his own kingdom, gathering souls unto himself in the tradition of Nimrod the “mighty hunter before the Lord,” a hunter of souls:
“And Cush fathered Nimrod. He began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD. Therefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar” (Genesis 10:8-10 MKJV).
Nimrod worship was later known as Baal worship, an abomination to God and to the faithful. He is the great imposter, the antiChrist. It is hero worship, and that is exactly what all these famous, wealthy televangelists and “faith healers” are about. They are heroes, with many worshipping them. They are darlings to idol worshippers, who look to heroes instead of to God. A hero is proud and strong, impressive and commanding, charismatic and boisterous, popular and “successful,” all of which is abomination to God.
Jesus was never a hero, and no worshipper in spirit and in truth has ever seen Him as a hero. Jesus was the opposite, yet He much surpassed all heroes throughout history put together.
Watch out for the man in fine suits and expensive clothing and cars (not that those who do not wear suits are to be trusted either – the clothes do not make the man, but those who wear suits wear them to impress and not just to be presentable). Beware of sensationalism and strategies, such as this one concerning families and households. Watch out. Of such as these, Jesus said, as He spoke to the scribes and Pharisees:
Matthew 23:1-15 MKJV
(1) Then Jesus spoke to the crowd and to His disciples,
(2) saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat.
(3) Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, observe and do. But do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do.
(4) For they bind heavy and hard-to-carry burdens and lay them on men’s shoulders. But they will not move them with one of their fingers.
(5) But they do all their works in order to be seen of men. They make their phylacteries broad and enlarge the borders of their garments.
(6) And they love the first couch at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues,
(7) and greetings in the market-places, and to be called, Rabbi! Rabbi! by men.
(8) But you must not be called Rabbi [or “Bishop”], for One is your teacher, Christ, and you are all brothers.
(9) And call no one your father on the earth, for One is your Father in Heaven.
(10) Nor be called teachers, for One is your Teacher, even Christ.
(11) But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant.
(12) And whoever shall exalt himself shall be abased, and he who shall humble himself shall be exalted.
(13) But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men. For you neither go in, nor do you allow those entering to go in.
(14) Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you devour widows’ houses, and pray at length as a pretense. Therefore you shall receive the greater condemnation.
(15) Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you compass sea and the dry land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.
Now here is Oyedepo’s strategy for winning households (men’s strategies in the Scriptures are known as evil – “Concerning the works of men, by the Words of Your lips, I am kept from the paths of the destroyer,” Psalms 17:4 MKJV):
Prayerfully target a family”
Nowhere in Scripture are we directed to target families. Where is God in His sovereign choice of whom He saves? These are presumptuous notions indeed.
“Intercede for the salvation of the souls of every member of the family”
If Jesus sends a sword to divide, why would one petition Him to put away His sword of division?
“Intercede to destroy every hold of te devil on the family”
If families wish to avoid the destroyer, they would be wise to stay as far away as possible from these workers of iniquity who compass land and sea to win a convert.
“Make available to them spiritual resource materials as affordable such as weekly Signs and Wonders today, selected books, DVDs, CDs of the Ministry”
Can you see the apostle Paul saying to Timothy, “Let me know when you need some of my writings for any of those who are converted to the faith, and we will see how much money you have and how much that will buy from our Ministry Store”? Is this how the Body of Christ operates?
Paul and the other apostles freely shared and distributed the truth in their writings, whereas Oyedepo and other false teachers distribute their own custom-made packaged lies, which are expensive to those who believe them even if free of charge. Most often, however, these ministries of men make a business of ministry, because mammon is their god. And what better business tactic is there, than getting whole families dedicated to consuming your products?
“Take step to visit such family and ensure the visit fall at time most conducive for them”
There is not a word about being led of the Spirit, because Oyedepo does not even know Who the Spirit is:
“Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto you, You must be born again. The wind blows where it wills, and you hear the sound thereof, but cannot tell from where it comes, and where it goes: so is every one that is born of the Spirit” (John 3:5-8 KJV).
“Share relevant testimonies of the happenings in the church and WSF during such visits”
He says nothing about speaking the Word of God to them, or speaking to people about their sins, or calling for repentance, which is where it all begins. To him, it is all about church attendance, pleasure, and sensationalism. And again, reaching out to people is to be done as and where led of the Spirit to do, and not by one’s own carnal strategies.
“Introduce them to the nearest WSF location to thier residence and encourage them to attend consistently”
Is this a work in God’s Kingdom or a promotion of men’s kingdoms?
“Invite and encourage them in every way to be part of next Sunday using the special nature of the service such as comminion, anionting and impartation service and end of the month thanksgiving service etc.”
These are all strategies and devices of men, as they themselves allow on the Oyedepo site, designed to impress, mesmerize, and otherwise influence souls into the religious operation, Oyedepo’s kingdom. God has nothing whatsoever to do with it.
“Never give up on any targeted family, this is the rule of the game.”
What a troublesome nuisance these workers can turn out to be! When people didn’t listen to the Lord or to His disciples, what did He command His disciples to do? The very opposite of what Oyedepo tells you to do.
“And when you come into a house, greet it. And if the house is worthy, let your peace come on it. But if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you. And whoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when you depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet. Truly I say to you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city” (Matthew 10:12-15 MKJV).
“As you press in prayers, sustain all the moves of love until the precious harvest is reaped. Every winner must ensure the full salvation and full establishment of atleast one household this year.”
What a horrible burden! Must they include the Esaus with the Jacobs, the Ishmaels with the Isaacs, and the Nabals with the Abigails? And what happens if the “Winners” fail their “mandate”? Shall they be counted unworthy of God?
And what is love? Here is what Jesus says love is:
“He who has My commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me. And he who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will reveal Myself to him” (John 14:21 MKJV).
These people love themselves, their work and their money, but they do not love God.
“It is Our Devine Mandate for the salvation of families”
This is plainly not a Divine mandate at all, as we have demonstrated by the Scriptures. Where are their Scriptures to prove theirs is a Divine mandate? They have none, and they don’t care to have any because it is not about doing the will of God, as they pretend.
“Our God is still in the business of saving household”
Not true, and we are here to tell you otherwise. Oh, how I wished my family would be saved when I first believed. I prayed and prayed for them every day. I saw many families in churches and I was a loner; my family was not with me in my newfound faith.
It was not until years later that God revealed to me the truth of the matter. He calls whom He calls and the rest He purposely leaves for another time and age. I was saved, I was His, and those in the churches were not. Their families were not saved; no wonder they were together and getting along perfectly fine as families. They had a form of godliness but denied the power thereof (2 Timothy 3:5).
God began to show me people as He saw them. I surrendered my selfish compulsion to pray for my family and began to see the world from the Lord’s eyes. My family was no more important to Him than any other. I needed to breathe with Him and have a heartbeat in harmony with His. As Jesus said:
“Then Jesus answered and said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, The Son can do nothing of Himself but what He sees the Father do. For whatever things He does, these also the Son does likewise” (John 5:19 MKJV).
The Son says He can do nothing without the Father, and the presumptuous ones say, in effect, the Father can do nothing without them. They are antiChrist, and I identify them to those of you who have ears to hear. These are the fruits of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, the works of merchandisers and exhibitionists. May you hear clearly and obey.
There is no end, Edward, as to what could be said about these people. But if you take what we have given you, there is more than enough for you to be informed.
Chris Oyakhilome: http://www.christembassy.org/
In Oyakilome’s website, where he is pictured as well-groomed and expensively dressed, we read his profile.
The first paragraph has all the earmarks of a false teacher, acclaimed and praised of men, with a boastful record of accomplishments in the world: “Anointed ministry,” longevity of ministry, “healing minister,” “television host,” “best-selling author,” “Reverend,” “helped millions experience a victorious and purposeful life in God’s Word.”
“Through an anointed ministry spanning over 25 years, Pastor, teacher, healing minister, television host and best-selling author Rev. Chris Oyakhilome has helped millions experience a victorious and purposeful life in God’s Word.”
As Christians, it is not about experiencing victory and purpose in “God’s Word” – the Bible. Rather, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself is our victory and fulfillment, as described and confirmed in the Bible. To attribute life to the Bible is idolatry. It is not merely a poor choice of words on the part of the site’s author, but a description of falsehood due to absence of reality.
The second paragraph speaks of more accomplishments and of his wife as a pastor. God does not have women as pastors. Nowhere is it found in Scripture. Men were apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, elders, and deacons. Women were not. God simply does not order things that way. Anita is head of an organization presumed to be Christian. It is the world’s business and way of business as usual, not God’s at all.
“He is the author of several bestsellers such as ‘None of These Diseases’ and ‘Rhapsody of Realities’ which he co-authors with his wife, Pastor Anita. His teachings are also available in all audio and video formats.”
1 Timothy 2:9-15 MKJV
(9) In the same way also, I desire that women adorn themselves in decent clothing, with modesty and sensibleness, not adorned with braiding, or gold, or pearls, or costly clothing,
(10) but with good works, which becomes women professing godliness.
(11) Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
(12) But I do not allow a woman to teach, or to exercise authority over a man, but to be in silence.
(13) For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
(14) And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
(15) But she will be kept safe through childbearing, if they continue in faith and love and holiness with sensibleness.
The profile of his wife as contrary to God’s Word is revealing (see red particularly indicating key points of falsehood):
“He is married to Pastor Anita, an anointed minister of God, whose passion for the gospel of Christ, coupled with several years of experience in ministry, has resulted in worldwide expansion of Believers’ LoveWorld. Rev. Anita is the Director of the Christ Embassy International Office and also pastors Christ Embassy Churches in the United Kingdom.”
Concerning the role of women under God in His true Church, read Diabolical Doctrine: Women Are Ministers of God in Spiritual Authority over Men.
The third and fourth paragraphs call Oyakhilome “Reverend,” speak of great expansion of his network and boast of a large congregation. God is not in any of this; He simply does not give His servants to boast of any credentials because God Himself is His man’s credentials, and in the Kingdom, there is no human guarantee of anything in the future for anyone; it is a day by day walk of faith.
“Presiding over an ever-widening network of Christ Embassy Churches and campus fellowships on all five continents, Rev. Chris also pastors one of the largest congregations in Africa. He holds massive teaching and healing crusades with crowds of over 3.5 million in a single night’s event.
In Year 2003, he pioneered the first 24-hour Christian Network from Africa to the rest of the world. He is also the host of ‘Atmosphere for Miracles’, a programme on major television networks around the world, which brings God’s divine presence right into your home.”
Can man manipulate God as if He is some putty in a child’s hand or gas to be released from a pressurized bottle? Again, Edward, one will find the opposite in the Scriptures of what one finds with these people. You needn’t take my word for it. Read the Bible for yourself and ask your friends where these kinds of works and boasts are made in the Bible. Either Jesus Christ is Lord or He is not. These all treat Him as if He is not.
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Oyakhilome
T.B. Joshua: http://www.themaninthesynagogue.org/
Viewing this YouTube presentation, I see that Joshua is, along with all these other fellows, a “prosperity” preacher, a “Word-Faith” preacher, a snake oil salesman, opportunist, charlatan, thief, robber, and blasphemer. He is a man who promises much and demands even more. Edward, their ways are all the same, and they are disgusting.
Furthermore, you will see their end because God is done with their dung. He won’t take it any more – their time swiftly approaches. People like Kenneth and Gloria Copeland are going to reap a harvest they never expected or imagined for their cunning and presumptuous works of leading and forming antiChrist disciples. They will think their reward came from Hell, but it will have been delivered directly from God’s Great White Throne of Judgment. No amount of “positive confession,” of “name it and claim it” will prevent their judgment. It will not be pretty.
More information at Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T._B._Joshua
Also read:
Whether he got lucky or it was planned, Joshua’s prophecy of the death of an African leader is a fraud, a monument to his ego and ambition for power. Beware, simple ones, lest you join him in his fate, the fate of all liars and false prophets.
Lazarus Muoka: http://www.thelordschosenworld.org
Here we have another spiritual rabble-rouser, big mouth, and shameless merchandiser in his frenzy to grab as much as he can of his share and more.
All you need to do is read The True Marks of a Cult concerning any of these fellows and, Lord willing, you will know whether they are of God or not. Any who try to work a crowd to frenzy and ask for donations or constantly direct people to give tithes and offerings are there for everything to take and nothing to give. God is not there; the Devil is.
Enoch Adeboye: http://eaadeboye.com
On his Facebook page, we read:
“In this book Enoch Adeboye, Rebecca Bible-Davids captures in vivid portrait the life and ministry of one of the most outstanding figures of the 21st century Christianity. She traces his life from birth in village of Ifewara to the struggles of his early life with the monster called poverty.
You will discover how through the help of god coupled with dogged determination, discipline and hard work, he chose to be educated under very difficult circumstances and moved forward to bag himself a PhD in Applied Mathematics hitting a successful career in the academic world. Later in life by Divine Providence, Enoch Adeboye became the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian church of God, Under the leadership, the church has experienced phenomenal growth from 40 small parishes which were located only in the south-western Nigeria to well over 20,000 parishes in 110 nations. Pastor Adeboye is also the host of the annual Holy Ghost Congress which attracts over 7 million worshippers from all the continents of the world and has reputed as the largest gathering of human beings in history.
Enoch Adeboye has been noted as the worlds 49th most influential person by the prestigious American magazine, Newsweek. In the midst of all these accolades, it is amazing how Enoch Adeboye has remained wrapped up in the cloak of humility, refusing to accord the glory to himself. This masterpiece also uncovers interesting details such as his life outside the pulpit, his role as a husband and a father, his likes and dislike and what he does to unwind. it is a soul gripping testimony that will challenge you to dream, to dare and to do.”
Read the Scriptures, Edward, and you will find all the answers there, provided God gives them to you. Apparently, your “believing” friends have not discovered the truth:
“And He said to them, You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God” (Luke 16:15 MKJV).
None of these men have their boast in the Lord Jesus Christ, but in their own power and accomplishments, falsely using His Name, which works they pass off to the naïve as godly. They are antiChrist. These men represent the angel of light – the destroyer – Satan.
Am I saying they aren’t impressive or friendly or respected by the world? Am I saying they aren’t achievers or that they aren’t intelligent? No, I say none of those things. I do say they are not men of God, though they claim to be, which makes them false teachers in God’s sight, which is not good, not good at all.
At Wikipedia, going from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enoch_Adeboye to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redeemed_Christian_Church_of_God, we read:
“The Statement of Faith of the reveals belief in the Divine inspiration of the Bible; the Trinity; the deity, virgin birth, sinless life, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and return of Jesus; man, by voluntary disobedience and transgression, falling into sin; salvation being through repentance and faith; the baptism of the Holy Ghost, evidenced by speaking in tongues; that Divine healing is provided through the atonement; the pre-tribulation rapture of the church; the thousand year reign of Jesus Christ; the final judgment of all the wicked; eternal heaven and eternal hell being literal final places of destiny; water baptism by immersion; in Lord’s as a memorial; and restitution of Christians righting wrongs they have committed.”
There are several false doctrines (see Diabolical Doctrines) in a religious organization that calls itself a church of God and is not, according to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and His disciples, as described in The True Marks of a Cult.
Perhaps as great an indication as any of Enoch Adeboye’s falsehood is his acknowledgment of a prince of false teachers, a scumbag of the first order – Benny Hinn. Adeboye’s recognition of Hinn as a man of God is followed by a complaint of being embarrassed by him when Hinn did not publicly recognize him on stage at a conference or “crusade” and accused Adeboye of great financial waste.
Adeboye also let Hinn pray for him. Would a man of God be willing to be prayed for by the devil himself? See: http://nm.onlinenigeria.com/templates/?a=4709&z=12
Daniel Olukoya: http://www.mountainoffire.org/
Surely Olukoya is another false teacher, walking in the pride of his flesh, serving the usurper and prince of darkness of this world. Just his title – “Dr.” – and the name he gives his work are enough to tell you so. No man of God uses worldly titles to honor himself, or makes up pretentious names to advertise his work (“Mountain of Fire & Miracle Ministries”). Can you see Paul or Peter, apostles of the Lord, doing anything like that? Read Counterfeit Christianity, and also read the recommended writings in our False Teachers introduction – The True Marks of a Cult and Diabolical Doctrines. These will teach you discernment.
Watching Olukoya preach in this video, we see the mark of the beast, man parading in self-glorification in the Name of God. Olukoya has nothing to do with the Lord Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ has nothing to do with Olukoya or his work. Read The Mark of the Beast and the Seal of God.
Edward, there is a Scripture that says, “The fool has said in his heart there is no God” (Psalm 53:1).
You are not that man; your friends are that man. While they, in their darkness, say God is with these preachers, you are saying He is not. In a very reasonable way, you are saying that their god is not the True Living God; you are certainly saying you don’t believe in him. You are right and they are wrong.
When it comes to the god they worship and try to persuade you to worship, I commend you for being an atheist. But I do call on you to worship the True God, Whom we know, love, believe, and represent, free of charge. He is the One Who freely comes to give life freely, and not to take it:
John 10:10-16 MKJV
(10) The thief does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come so that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
(11) I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.
(12) But he who is a hireling and not the Shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away. And the wolf catches them and scatters the sheep.
(13) The hireling flees, because he is a hireling and does not care for the sheep.
(14) I am the Good Shepherd, and I know those that are Mine, and I am known by those who are Mine.
(15) Even as the Father knows Me, I also know the Father. And I lay down My life for the sheep.
(16) And I have other sheep who are not of this fold. I must also lead those, and they shall hear My voice, and there shall be one flock, one Shepherd.
Jude 1:2-4 MKJV
(2) Mercy and peace and love be multiplied to you.
(3) Having made all haste to write to you about the common salvation, beloved, I had need to write to you to exhort you to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints.
(4) For certain men crept in secretly, those having been of old previously written into this condemnation, ungodly ones perverting the grace of our God for unbridled lust, and denying the only Master, God, even our Lord Jesus Christ.
Contending earnestly,
Victor Hafichuk
Hi Edward!
You ask, “What do you know about W.F. Kumuyi of Deeper Life Bible Church? I await your reply.”
We have looked into six other Nigerian preachers for you and provided you with specific as well as general information on each one. While we are thankful and willing to help you find your way in your search for God, you can also help us by taking advantage of the material we have made available, primarily in The True Marks of a Cult and Diabolical Doctrines, as well as other postings on our website.
Mr. Kumuyi is reputed to be a nice man. People call him a man of God. But his website praises him and his earthly accomplishments and credentials. A true man of God would never allow such praise of himself to be posted because 1) he knows full well that to God alone belongs all praise, and 2) he knows that fleshly gifts, virtues, and accomplishments have nothing whatsoever to do with the Kingdom of God, which is another world altogether. Here is what Paul the apostle had to say of his impressive pre-Christian record as a religious devotee:
Philippians 3:3-11 MKJV
(3) For we are the circumcision who worship God in the spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh;
(4) though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other thinks that he has reason to trust in the flesh, I more.
(5) I was circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews. As regards the Law, I was a Pharisee;
(6) concerning zeal, persecuting the church; regarding the righteousness in the Law, blameless.
(7) But whatever things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.
(8) But no, rather, I also count all things to be loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for Whose sake I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them to be dung, so that I may win Christ
(9) and be found in Him; not having my own righteousness, which is of the Law, but through the faith of Christ, the righteousness of God by faith,
(10) that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable to His death;
(11) if by any means I might attain to the resurrection of the dead.
So right there, Edward, we know we are not dealing with a man of God. While a true man of God calls earthly credentials “dung,” Kumuyi displays them, as if they have spiritual value, on a spiritual site with hopes of spiritually impressing others.
A quote from his site:
“He is a gifted man, clear-thinking and humble. He is a dedicated Christian and deserves the title ‘the man of God,’ which his followers have given him. Since he was a young man, Kumuyi has devoted his time to reading and studying the Bible. He knows the Scriptures inside out, and has struggled to understand and apply them.”
He loves knowledge, he loves to study the Bible, he loves to receive praise and glory of men, he revels in his virtues, but he does not love God. If he truly believed, he would be angry to see those praises posted of him. He would treat man’s praise as dung. But as it is written of others, so of Kumuyi:
“For they loved the glory of men more than the glory of God” (John 12:43 MKJV).
It is all about “W.F.” Is that his real name? “W.F.”? Who is that? “Walter,” “William,” “Warren,” or “Wiley”? We don’t know unless we look around his site. Isn’t the giving of initials an attempt to have some social dignity or honor, perhaps a manipulation to be called “Mr.” or “Pastor”? Why the posturing? Maybe I should call myself V.N. and impress you. Would you be more impressed, Edward?
Why does “W.F.” wear a suit? Conventional suits and ties impress the world; they make their wearers look more important, intelligent, powerful, wealthy, or respectable. But ties are symbols of bondage, Edward, and suits are symbols of conformity. God’s man does not conform. Oh, there may be times when he is required to wear a suit for the sakes of others in certain situations, but as a rule, suits are for the sinner and not the saint.
I have met several believers who have ministered to me, and uncommon was the one who wore a suit, though it did happen (I can’t say God won’t use anyone in a suit). On the other hand, many in suits tried to capture my respect and none of them ministered to me – God was not with them. As for those in suits who ministered to me, their ministry was temporary and they were still caught up in the trappings of false religion. The Bible says this of such who think they need to wear suits to minister the things of God:
James 4:4-10 MKJV
(4) Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever desires to be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
(5) Do you think that the Scripture says in vain, The spirit that dwells in us yearns to envy?
(6) But He gives more grace. Therefore He says, God resists the proud, but He gives grace to the humble.
(7) Therefore submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
(8) Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners; and purify your hearts, double-minded ones.
(9) Be afflicted, and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to heaviness.
(10) Be humbled before the Lord, and He will lift you up.
This is not to say that most not wearing suits are men of God. There are some very ungodly men who come in ordinary clothes and deceive many in the Name of Christ, Todd Bentley being a prime example.
The name of Kumuyi church – “Deeper Life Bible Church”? Isn’t he suggesting that other churches aren’t as “deep” as his? Of course, he is: “I am a deeply spiritual person and if you want to be spiritually deep, you need to come here.” No man has the right to make such claims or promises, certainly not a man who trusts in God. There was a man in Scripture who boasted of his abilities and power, and God had to humble him (read Daniel, chapter 4). So will it be with Kumuyi.
On his site, it is recorded, “In his early Christian days, as he still does many good writers, Pastor Kumuyi read John Wesley, Charles Finney, and Charles Spurgeon, among others. He got involved with the Scripture Union (SU), and he grew spiritually.”
Let’s cover one of those references here. Though Charles Spurgeon was a famous and well-respected “silver-tongued orator,” he was a false teacher, with a false gospel and much false doctrine.
“And He said to them, You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God” (Luke 16:15 MKJV).
So what does Kumuyi have to be proud of before God? And even if he did receive good instruction from a man of God, should he be giving that man of God credit, or should he be giving credit to God, Who alone can make us what we need to be? You see, W.F. Kumuyi is man-focused, not God-focused.
The Bible comes first to Mr. Kumuyi before God. Therefore, he is a Bibliolater. This is evident by the rather emphatic references to it:
“Pastor William Folorunso Kumuyi was born in 1941, in Nigeria’s Western Region, into a family that knew the Bible was very important as the word of God; they would rise up early in the morning to sing hymns, read the Bible, and pray.”
And: “Since he was a young man, Kumuyi has devoted his time to reading and studying the Bible. He knows the Scriptures inside out, and has struggled to understand and apply them.”
So he calls his church a “Bible Church.” What church is it that wouldn’t be based in the doctrines outlined in Scripture? What but a false church would make and trumpet such a claim? That’s like selling lettuce, saying it has no cholesterol (they’ve done it), or advertising a medical doctor, saying he uses medicine (there are those, however, who don’t!), or selling a racehorse, saying it has four legs (if a racehorse buyer of the world were to hear such a pitch from a racehorse vendor, he might contemplate shooting the horse, suspecting a broken leg, and then shooting the vendor for trying to sell him a lame horse).
There is no “struggle” to truly understand the Scriptures, Edward. If men struggle to do so, they are learning by the carnal mind and not by revelation. Work by the sweat of the brow is the result of sin when it comes to spiritual matters. Here is what the Bible has to say about the carnal mind Mr. Kumuyi loves the Bible with:
“For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace because the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the Law of God, neither indeed can it be. So then they who are in the flesh cannot please God” (Romans 8:6-8 MKJV).
Here are his doctrines, as listed on Wikipedia; we have made some comments, as well as given links from our site to address the false doctrines:
“1. The Holy Bible
That the Holy Bible, consisting of 39 books of the Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament, is the inspired Word of God. We take the Bible as final authority in all matters concerning Christian conduct and work. II Timothy 3:16,17; Proverbs 30:5,6; Revelation 22:18,19.”
Our links on this matter of subtle potential deception:
Bible Worship Used by Men to Cover Evil
False Christianity Unmasked
“2. The Godhead
That the Godhead consists of three separate, distinct and recognizable personalities and qualities, perfectly united in one. The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are different Persons in the Godhead, not merely three names for one Person. Matthew 3:16,17; II Corinthians13:14; Matthew 28:19,20.”
Read these links to address this abominable doctrine:
The Asininity of the Trinity
Diabolical Doctrine: The Trinity (God Is Three Persons)
The Most Glorious of Truths
Jesus Christ, Almighty God
“3. The Virgin Birth of Jesus
The virgin birth of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God. The crucifixion, death, burial and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18-25; Romans 1:4; I Corinthians 15:3,4.”
No problem with that at all!
“4. The Fall of Man
The total depravity, sinfulness and guilt of all men since the Fall, rendering them subject to God’s wrath and condemnation. Psalm 51:5; Job 14:4; Romans 3:23; 5:12-17; Mark 7:21-23; Ephesians 2:1.”
Yes, all men are born in sin, but there is a difference between those in ignorance and darkness who make no claims of truth, and those in darkness who presume to represent the truth:
John 9:39-41 MKJV
(39) And Jesus said, I have come into this world for judgment, that they who do not see might see, and that they who see might be made blind.
(40) And those of the Pharisees who were with Him heard these words, and said to Him, Are we also blind?
(41) Jesus said to them, If you were blind, you would have no sin. But now you say, We see. Therefore your sin remains.
Woe to those who take the Lord’s Name in vain, as Kumuyi does.
“5. Repentance
That Repentance is a complete turning away from all sin and its deceitful pleasures, and that it is required of every sinner before he can truly and effectively believe in Jesus with saving faith. Proverb 28:13; Isaiah 55:7; Ezekiel 18:21-23; Mark 1:15; Luke 24:46,47; Acts 2:38; 3:19,21; II Corinthians 7:10; Hebrew 6:1-3.”
Above all: “For by grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8 MKJV). That goes for Repentance, too.
“6. Restitution
That Restitution is making amends for wrongs done against our fellowmen, restoring stolen things to their rightful owners, paying debts, giving back where one has defrauded, making confessions to the offended and apologising to those slandered, so as to have a conscience void of offence toward God and man. Genesis 20:1-8,14-18; Exodus 22:1-7; Leviticus 6:1-17; Numbers 5:6-8; 11 Samuel 12:1-6; Proverbs 6:31; Ezekiel 33:14-16; Matthew 5:23,24; Luke 19:8,9; Acts 23:1-5; 24:16; James 4:17-5:6.”
That is good!
“7. Justification
That Justification (or Regeneration) is the act of God’s grace whereby one receives forgiveness and remission of sins, and is counted righteous before God, through faith in the atoning blood of Jesus, standing before God as though he had never sinned. Psalm 32:1,2; Isaiah 1:18; Micah 7:29; John 3:3-8; Acts 13:38,39; Romans 3:24-30; 4:6-16; 5:1,2; II Corinthians 5:17-21; Galatians 2:16; Ephesians 2:8,9; Titus 3:5; I Peter 1:23.”
“For in [the gospel of Christ] the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, as it is written, ‘The just shall live by faith’” (Romans 1:17 MKJV).
“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit” (Romans 8:1 MKJV).
The point we make is that it is not merely a matter of intellectually believing the letter of true doctrine. The person must experience the truth by the Spirit of God, through the gift of faith and a new birth, a change of nature.
“8. Water Baptism
That Water Baptism is essential to our obedience after reconciliation with God. Water Baptism is one immersion (not three), ‘in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost’, as Jesus commanded. Matthew 28:19; 3:13-17; Mark 16:15; Acts 2:38,39; 19:1-6; Romans 6:4,5.”
Water baptism is not essential. Read the postings at our Water Baptism section.
You also have the wording wrong, taking it from Matthew 28:19. Read The Book of Matthew Corrupted.
“9. The Lord’s Supper
That the Lord’s Supper was constituted by Jesus Christ so that all believers (all members of the family of God) might partake thereof regularly to ‘show the Lord’s death till He come.’ The emblems used are ‘unleavened bread’ and the juice of the ‘fruit of the vine’. Anyone who eats and drinks unworthily brings ‘damnation’, punishment and chastisement upon himself. Matthew 26:26-29; Luke 22:17-20; I Corinthians 11:23-30.”
This is a false teaching altogether, yet taught by many. Read Diabolical Doctrine: The “Lord’s Supper”.
That Entire Sanctification is a definite act of God’s grace, subsequent to the New Birth, by which the believer’s heart is purified and made holy. It cannot be attained progressively by works, struggle or suppression, but it is obtained by faith in the sanctifying blood of Jesus Christ. Holiness of life and purity of heart are central to Christian living. Luke 1:74,75; John 17:15-17; I Thessalonians 4:3,7,8; 5:22-24; Ephesians 5:25-27; Hebrew 2:11; 10:10,14; 13:11; Titus 2:11-14; I John 1:7; Hebrew 12:14; I Peter 1:14-16.”
There is general truth here on sanctification. We know, however, that it comes when the Lord appoints it, and it comes through faith and obedience in a specific circumstance the Lord engineers to bring it about. In that circumstance, one must determine to sacrifice what he has, in order to enter in, particularly that to which or to whom he looked for divine guidance. The final step into sanctification is a solitary one. Each must enter alone.
“11. Holy Ghost Baptism
That the Baptism in the Holy Ghost is the enduement with power from on High upon the sanctified believer. It is the “promise of the Father” and when one receives this “gift of the Holy Ghost”, it is accompanied by the initial evidence of speaking a language unlearned previously, referred to as speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. Matthew 3:11; Acts 1:8; Luke 3:16; 24:49; John 1:20-33; 7:37-39; 14:16,17,26; 15:26; 16:12-15; Acts 1:5-8; Mark 16:17; Acts 2:1-18; 10:44-46; 19:1-6. We do not teach or instruct people on how to speak in tongues: the Holy Spirit gives the utterance. We also stress the necessity of Purity before Power.”
“And finding certain disciples, he said to them, Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?” (Acts 19:1-2 MKJV)
The baptism in the Holy Spirit is the new birth, to be followed by sanctification, and not the other way around. There is much confusion in Kumuyi’s teaching. But God is not the author of confusion. We address all of this, including the matter of receiving tongues with the Holy Spirit baptism. Read The Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
“12. Redemption from Curse of the Law
That Redemption from the curse of the law, Healing of sickness and disease as well as continued Health are provided for all people through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. Exodus 15:26; Deuteronomy 7:15; Psalm 103:1-5; Proverbs 4:20-22; Isaiah 53:4,5; Matthew 8:16,17; I Peter 2:24; Mark 16:15-18; Luke 13:16; John 15:12-14; 10:10; Acts 10:38; James 5:14-16; I John 3:8; III John 2; Galatians 3:13,14.”
Read Law and Grace and God Heals Today, His Way.
“13. Personal Evangelism
That Personal Evangelism is a God-given and God-ordained ministry for every believer. Jesus commanded, and God requires every believer to be a compassionate and faithful soulwinner, bringing others to Christ. Matthew 28:19,20; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:46-49; John 17:18; Acts 1:8; 8:1-4; Psalm 126:5,6; Proverbs 11:30; Daniel 12:3; Ezekiel 13:17-21.”
Not all are evangelists. We must acknowledge the direction of the Lord in each believer’s life, whether to be a “soul winner” or not. While the apostles and many disciples bore witness so as to be “soul winners,” not all are necessarily called to that specific task at all times, as suggested here.
And again, regarding Matthew 28:19-20, read The Book of Matthew Corrupted.
“14. Marriage
That Marriage is binding for life. Monogamy is the uniform teaching of the Bible. Polygamy is contrary to the New Testament dispensation. No one has a right to divorce and remarry while the first companion lives. When a person becomes converted, necessary restitution, on this line, must be done without delay, if he has married wrongly. Genesis 2:24; Deuteronomy 7:1-4; Joshua 23:11-13; II Corinthians 6:14-18; Proverbs 31:10-31; Malachi 2:14,15; Romans 7:2,3; Ephesians 5:31-33; Matthew 5:31,32; 19:3-9; Mark 10:2-12; Luke 16:18; John 4:15-19; Genesis 20:3,7.”
It is good to see someone pointing out that not all marriages are legitimate before God. See the Diabolical Doctrine: All Marriages Are of God.
“15. The Rapture
That the Rapture (commonly referred to as the first phase of stage of the SECOND COMING OF CHRIST) is the catching away from the earth of all living saints and all who died in the Lord. The Rapture will take place before the Great Tribulation, and it can happen any time from now. “In the twinkling of an eye”, without a moment’s warning, “the trumpet shall sound” “…and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” John 14:1-3; Luke 21:34-36; I Corinthians 15:51-58; I Thessalonians 4:13-18; 5:4-9; II Thessalonians 2:5-7; Philippians 3:11,20,21; I John 3:1-3.”
This teaching on the so-called rapture is gross error. There is no physical catching up or away, even as many saints having died terrible deaths as martyrs throughout all of Christian history could testify, were they here. All those who will be the Lord’s and who will be sanctified must suffer great tribulation. There is no other way to be sanctified but by fire, a fire that transforms forevermore (and all must be sanctified, that is, keep the Feast of Tabernacles – Zechariah 14:16-21).
Only those who have been sanctified can truly know this, and only those sanctified can serve as ultimate witnesses of God.
“16. The Resurrection of the Dead
That the Resurrection of the dead is taught in the Bible as clearly as the immortality of the soul. Every individual who has ever lived will be resurrected, some to honour and glory, and others to everlasting shame and contempt. Job 19:25-27; Psalm 71:20; Isaiah 26:19; Daniel 12:2; John 5:28,29; I Corinthians 15:12-57; I Thessalonians 4:13-16; Hebrews 6:1,2; Philippians 3:8-11; Revelation 20:4,6,12,13.”
“Behold, all souls are Mine. As the soul of the father, also the soul of the son, they are Mine. The soul that sins, it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:4 MKJV).
Does that sound immortal to you? A problem here is that the word “everlasting” in this doctrinal statement is misleading. Read The True, Scriptural Meanings of “Forever,” “Everlasting,” and “Hell” and The Good News.
“17. The Great Tribulation
That the Great Tribulation will occur after the rapture, and will be a time of terrible suffering on earth. It is also referred to as the time of Jacob’s Trouble. Matthew 24:21,22,29; Revelation 9:16; Mark 13:19; II Thessalonians 2:3-12; Revelation 13. During this time, the Antichrist will take possession of this world for a reign of terror. He will not be a system or organization, but a person — a supernatural, diabolical being, in the form of a man who will blaspheme and proclaim himself to be God. Daniel 6:23-35; II Thessalonians 2:7-12; Revelation 13:1-10. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb will take place above while the Tribulation continues on earth. Revelation 19:1-10.”
Wrong. One cannot be “raptured” without great tribulation, for great tribulation is the very vehicle to “rapture,” sanctification:
“And preaching the gospel to that city, and having made many disciples, they returned to Lystra and Iconium and Antioch, confirming the souls of the disciples, calling on them to continue in the faith and that through much tribulation we must enter into the Kingdom of God” (Acts 14:21-22 MKJV).
Mr. Kumuyi has not experienced the “rapture” or the “much tribulation” that ushers one into the Kingdom, no more to leave. The “rapture” is the sanctification, which is also the overcoming through tribulation:
“Him who overcomes I will make him a pillar in the Temple of My God, and he will go out no more. And I will write upon him the Name of My God, and the Name of the City of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of Heaven from My God, and My new Name” (Revelation 3:12 MKJV).
“18. The Second Coming of Christ
That the Second Coming of Christ will just be as literal as His going away, and He is coming to execute judgement upon the ungodly. He will also, then, set up His kingdom and reign on this present earth for a thousand years. Zechariah 14:3,4; Matthew 25:31-46; 26:64; Mark 13:24-37; II Thessalonians 1:7-10; 2:8; Jude 14,15.”
These doctrines are the same old doctrines taught throughout most of nominal Christendom by carnal understanding and interpretation. They mislead and instill false hope.
The “Second Coming” is not as supposed here. The Lord comes in His Body, which is that coming. The “Second Coming” is Christ coming in His mature son, a son manifest to the world, yet unrecognized by it. The “Second Coming” is the natural result of the overcoming explained seven ways to the seven churches of Revelation, Chapters 2 and 3. It is the manifestation of the rest of a completed faith, of which the Hebrews writer speaks:
“For he who has entered into his rest, he also has ceased from his own works, as God did from His” (Hebrews 4:10 MKJV).
The rest signifies the work is done; Christ is developed in a man, and he is now a manifest son of God ministering life to the world, life to good and death to evil.
“19. The Millennial Reign of Christ
That Christ’s Millennial Reign is the 1,000 years’ literal reign of Jesus on earth, which will be ushered in by the coming of Jesus back to earth with ten thousands of His saints. At this time He will judge the nations that dwell upon the face of the earth. Jude 14,15; II Thessalonians 1:7-10. During this time the devil will be bound. Revelation 20:2,3. It will be a reign of peace and blessing. Isaiah 11:6-9; 65:25; Hosea 2:18; Zechariah 14:9-20; 2:2-4.”
Such carnal teachings in historical context and the promise of physical fulfillment have meant nothing to all those saints who have passed on from this earth the past two millennia. Those who have truly experienced the Lord Jesus Christ and grown up to full stature in Him through the three Feasts – Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles – know that the “millennial reign,” the “return of Christ,” the “coming of the saints with the Lord,” the “judgment of the nations,” and the “binding of the Devil” are all spiritually fulfilled in this life, within.
As a result, this matured, spiritual life is externally manifest in peace and power and authority – not to the world, but only to those who have also received a new name, for they are one in Christ.
“20. The Great White Throne Judgment
That the Great White Throne Judgment is when God finally judges all (the living and the dead, small and great) who have ever lived on the face of the earth, according to their works. This is after the Millennium. At this time the final Judgement known as the Great White Throne Judgment, will be held. All those from all ages, who have not yet been judged (believers’ judgement, as sinners’, was accomplished by Christ on the Cross — John 5:24; 3:17-19) will stand before God at this time. The devil and his angels are judged at this time also, and sent to the lake of fire for ever. Daniel 12:2,3; Matthew 10:15; 11:21-24; 12:41,42; John 5:28,29; Romans 2:15,16; 14:12; II Peter 2:9; Jude 6; I Corinthians 6:1-4; Acts 10:42; Revelation 20:11-15.”
This work of judgment is the heritage of the manifest son of God, the one who is “raptured” or sanctified in rest, glory to God! He IS the Great White Throne judging the nations, all things measured by the righteousness of Christ by faith:
“And he who overcomes and keeps My works to the end, to him I will give power over the nations. And he will rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of a potter they will be broken to pieces, even as I received from My Father. And I will give him the Morning Star” (Revelation 2:26-28 MKJV).
“21. The New Heaven and the New Earth
That the New Heaven and the New Earth “wherein dwelleth righteousness” will be made by God and the redeemed shall dwell with God for ever. This present earth which has been polluted by sin will pass away after the Great White Throne Judgment. Psalm 102:25,26; Isaiah 51:6; 65:17; Matthew 5:18; 24:35; II Peter 3:10-13; Revelation 21:1. No unclean thing shall be there. We shall know each other, our knowledge having been perfected. There will be no more curse upon anything. There will be no more night: the glory of the Lord will be the light thereof. Isaiah 66:22; II Peter 3:12,13; I Corinthians 13:12; I John 3:2,3; Revelation 21:1-7; 22:1-5.”
Again, the words concerning these matters are to be understood spiritually. They express the reality of having overcome in the Lord Jesus Christ, experiencing His life in maturity. When one has repented, come into the Kingdom of God, and overcome to the end, there is indeed a new heaven and a new earth. All things are new:
“So that if anyone is in Christ, that one is a new creature; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. And all things are of God, Who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation; whereas God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and putting the word of reconciliation in us” (2 Corinthians 5:17-19 MKJV).
“22. Hell Fire
That Hell-fire is a place of everlasting punishment where sinners (all who do not have their names in the book of life) will suffer torments for ever and ever. It was prepared for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41), but God has decreed that the wicked and those who forget Him and reject Christ, will also be cast there, because of their sin and neglect of His salvation. Psalm 9:17; Matthew 25:46; Luke 12:4,5; 16:19-31; Matthew 5:22,30; Mark 9:43-47; Revelation 14:10,11; 20:10,12-15.”
Every man will be salted with fire, purged with repentance and faith, and brought into newness of life by virtue of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. Eternal torment is the most diabolical lie about God that can ever be known to man.
See The Restitution of All Things, particularly The Great Promise of the Lake of Fire and the Second Death.
Victor Hafichuk
We are attacked by a wannabe false prophet for listing and exposing his Nigerian religious scamster brethren. This prolific liar deflects answering for his outrageous lies by redoubling his accusations. This is the modus operandi of his father, the Devil, whose motto is: “The best defense is going on the offensive.” This is Satan at his best (or worst), who is no match for the Word that exposes him in the Light.
Idahosa is a spiritual father of many false teachers, exposed here in all his fleshly glory. Read more…