Shalom! Greetings in the Name of Yehoshuah Adonai!
An acquaintance told me where I could get your book and receiving it, I red it with interest.
I was born and raised Catholic, was very involved, even attending a minor seminary for a year to “try the waters” for the priesthood. There, as high school students, we lived with the priests in the same institution.
When I was 25, I was injured and was taken off the work scene for 3 1/2 months at which time I began searching and asking some basic questions about life. I didn’t know it then but the Father was drawing me unto Yehoshuah Adonai or, putting it another way, Yehoshuah Adonai was drawing me unto Himself. This was in 1971. Various people crossed my path of life in those early days, sharing many things. I sought out answers in the various religions and philosophies but found little satisfaction. There were those who talked to me about the “Lord Jesus Christ,” how He, the Lamb of “God,” was crucified for the sins of the whole world, mine included. They told me I had to read the “Bible,” repent and believe. There was conflict between my Catholic family, friends and church and those evangelicals of other churches who spoke from the Scriptures and zealously testified of the “Lord Jesus Christ.”
(I am using quotations with those words, names and terms you have pointed out in your book as originating in paganism. I do not disagree with you insofar as those origins are concerned but my use of those terms is simply saying that, at the time, those were the only terms I knew and heartily believed.)
In 1972, I began to read the “Bible” and did read it from cover to cover. Yet it somehow did not occur to me that “Jesus Christ” was the answer. All those years in the Catholic Church where they and I presumably worshipped Him, and yet I had no more understanding or recognition of anything spiritual in a “godly” sense than would a dog.
(By the way, I was not aware of many of the historical facts you brought forth, and was, I could even say, elated at reading some of them.)
Having read the “Bible” through entirely in my search and finding nothing, I thought, “Now what?” I contemplated suicide. In that longing within, I was disillusioned with what the world had to offer and was very unhappy. My friends didn’t seem to be affected one bit as was I…they had their hopes, pleasures, interests, and aspirations continuing while mine turned to ashes.
Shortly after, in that same summer, I fasted for three days, searching within, and calling out to the Creator of the universe, saying, “‘God,’ if You exist, if You hear me, if You have something for me, if I can somehow be in touch with You, please, please show Yourself or speak. What do You require of me? I have no more desire to live. Unless You change something drastically here, I’m a goner.” Night after night, I would go to my knees by my bed and pray.
One of those nights, I had a dream. It was of “the Second Coming” as I understood the term then. It was like no other dream I had ever had or have had to this day, though I have had other dreams and many visions from Yehoshuah Adonai since (almost all of which have come to pass). I saw the Face of Yehoshuah. I could relate the entire dream to you in most detail but not here. I was terrified by the dream, not because of Who He was or what He was like but because of my Catholic doctrine. The RCC teaches that if one dies with a “mortal sin,” he burns in Hell forever or, if the “Lord Jesus Christ” returns and one is not ready to meet Him, he burns in Hell forever, if with “mortal sin.” I knew I was not ready to meet Him. In the dream I felt so utterly dirty, vile, corrupt, unworthy, and sinful. He was not condemning me or even rebuking me…He did not need to. I knew I fell entirely short of Him and had no hope of pleasing or fellowship with Him, no matter what I did…fall on my knees, fall prostrate before Him, whatever.
When I awoke, my bed shirt was soaking wet from terror. From that day forward, I began to do all I could to clean up my act. I stopped running around with women, lying or exaggerating to my customers, reading pornography, getting drunk, etc., etc. In short, I was trying to live up to whatever kind of standard my darkened soul was perceiving was required of me in order to have peace with “God.” It was not long before I despaired of any hope. I tried to live a good life, a righteous or pious life, and utterly failed. I just could not do it.
Days or weeks after the dream, I received another one telling me that I needed spiritual food, that physical food was not where it was at. Shortly after, while I was still trying to live a righteous life and was about to “throw in the towel,” I had a third dream (with words only) wherein, in my despair, I was encouraged to go on, that I was almost there, that I was not to quit.
Some weeks later, an evangelical man came to town (a marvelous set of circumstances in itself) and began to share the Scriptures with me for a full week every evening for hours, both from the Old and New Testaments. He spoke of how God gave His Son to die for me, how Jesus Christ loved me and gave Himself for me so that I might live and not perish in my sins, which were the breaking of God’s laws. He related how Jesus Christ was raised from the dead to conquer the world and Satan and death itself, and how I could have peace with God if I repented and believed. I recall in particular the verses Ephesians 2:8-10 and Romans 10:8-10, although he shared hundreds with me.
Here was an elderly man telling me he had the answer to life and that it was the Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour of the world. I knew I did not have the answer. For some days there, he was knocking the Catholic Church and how corrupt and evil it was. It only made me angry but when he began to leave off the negative and to focus on Jesus Christ and His atonement for my sins, I finally decided to receive Him as “Lord.” I simply (not easily) got down on my knees and asked Him to take over my wretched, miserable life. Lew, in the days to follow, I began to see a change in my life I could not bring about previously by my own strength, nor was I doing anything to bring it about at that point. It was happening to me.
I was able to put away the indulgence of the lusts of the flesh and mind; I was able to taste victory in doing what was right. I began to experience new life; joy and purpose entered in. I now had a reason for living. Bad habits like masturbation and smoking He took away, habits I could not “for the life of me” break. The “Bible” became a new book, one I could somewhat now understand and appreciate and, yes, enjoy.
I could tell you much more, of course, but I will failingly try to be brief here. Within 8 months, I had enrolled in a Baptist Bible school thinking, “If the Bible can have such an impact on my life for good, I’d like to know more of it.” (Little did I know at the time that Bible schools aren’t there to teach the Scriptures…the Torah…so much as doctrine, form, history, method, religion, works, ceremony…but little of the “Bible”). I had made a painful (though not reluctant) break with the RCC. Consequently my family, which was very upset with me for leaving the RCC and getting into and always quoting the “Bible” and ever “talking about Jesus,” basically shunned me. I had life, Lew, and I was wanting to share it, especially with those closest to me, but they were not interested. I recall the words of my sister at the time: “You know what, Victor? I don’t like ‘the new you!’“
(Concerning “tithing,” that first year I became a “Christian,” I took 10% of my paycheque and gave it faithfully to the Alliance Church I was attending, believing it was my duty under God to do so. I had been hopelessly in debt for years previous to believing, each year with no progress, unable to escape the burden. That year, my income came to be almost twice what it had ever been before, with much greater ease and enjoyment of earning. That year all my debt was wiped out and I was able to buy a brand new 1973 Dodge Challenger for cash, something I could not come anywhere near doing before).
I met my wife at the Bible school and soon there came another division between me and my social circle, my familiars. We were told about the baptism with the Holy Spirit by a few people outside our circle, as testified and recorded in Acts. One day, after months of going through a new level of consciousness of sin, confession and repentance, my wife and I prayed to receive the Spirit. (Ever since conversion a little voice was telling me to go on, that I had more to receive.) Receiving the Spirit of Yehoshuah, it was another “quantum leap” if you will in the spiritual realm. From that evening when we went to bed until 7:00 am, we could not sleep. The Scriptures again became new and alive as never before. There was no sleeping…no sooner would I turn off the light, then on would come the spiritual light…the “Lord” was taking us throughout the Scriptures, the Old Testament in no small measure, especially the book of Joshua, concerning the crossing of the Jordan into the promised land. We were seeing that there was spiritually practical significance to the fact that there were TWO partings of water, the latter one rarely spoken of. It was a new dimension for us wherein we began to understand, receive and walk in the spiritual realm as never before. (One of the things that happened as we prayed to receive the Spirit was open confession of sin to one another…a hard thing but thankfully rewarding).
Shortly after receiving the Spirit, we had to part with the church systems. My eyes were opened to the fact that the “Protestant” churches were little different from the Roman Catholic Church. Essentially, the foundational thinking, spirit and conduct were the same. I had not seen that before. Our journey became lonelier, tougher but rewarding and certainly not regrettable.
Again concerning “tithing,” that year we gave 20% to the “Lord” and never lacked. The following year we gave 50%, our income being a mere 3400 dollars gross. We lacked nothing to say the least. We lived very well, our needs abundantly provided. Where did we give? Some here, some there…Jimmy Swaggart, Oral Roberts, World Vision, etc. We could not give to those ministries today, knowing better. But Yehoshuah HaMashiach (known to us only as the “Lord Jesus Christ” at the time) knew we were honoring Him and not men in our simplicity and youth, and thus rewarded us according to our hearts.
As time passed, the “Lord” led us in ministry toward others, even taking us to Israel for one man’s sake. We ministered for years to people, working and paying our own way, giving them monetary or physical goods as well as spiritual. Then a change came. We were led to teach others that they, as we had practiced ourselves, needed to “tithe” or bring offerings unto “God.” Until then, these same people were poor and never had much, often short of some basic necessities. But the day it was in their hearts to give, the day they decided to give a portion of their income to those who ministered to them (namely us), they began to prosper financially as well as otherwise.
Without exaggeration, in one case, a fellow who had nothing for years, having “tithed” nothing, began shortly after to receive more satisfaction, income and dignity in the work world as never before. In another case, again without exaggeration, a family that had nothing, to whom we had given several times, including paying their debts, began to bring offerings, saying the Lord was requiring it of them and woe to them if they did not. For years they had suffered lack and debt. Within weeks of offerings, business and income began to come, dignity of labor and self-employment; debts became history. And, when times of relapse came in “tithing,” one of two things would happen: 1)They would have good income, the books would balance, yet they would always be short, bills somehow exceeding income, no matter how good the income, and/or 2) business would dry up to a mere trickle. Yet the moment they would realize the problem was their giving, and would renew their offerings, almost instantly, once literally within the hour, after weeks of work famine, the phone would ring, business would again come flowing. The father once had a vision at a time of disobedience in which he saw storage bins: one was his and one the “Lord’s”; his was full, the Lord’s was empty. (He was rebuked by the Lord quite apart from us.)
To give balanced perspective to this scenario, there were also those who gave by law, without the faith and conviction, and would not prosper at all. In fact, things (as far as I’m concerned) were likely less desirable for them, and their offerings were not enjoyable. If offerings were not by faith, whether for us or for them, there was no blessing. The law profits not a whit spiritually.
As well, there were those who would withhold their money and would remain in their poverty of both body and soul. And, there were those who kept their money, made more, had many of those things the carnal man could wish for in terms of this world’s goods but yet had poverty of soul and quiet (sometimes or often not so quiet) misery.
My experience and what I believe the “Lord” has taught me in Scripture seems to be contradicted by what appears to be a stand on your part, which suggests that tithing or offerings for the support of ministries is wrong. My question is, “Even when we were spiritually juvenile (immature), why would ‘God’ encourage tithes and offerings to Him if they were wrong, being faithful and supreme over all things? Why would He bless us liberally and bless others whom we taught to do the same when they obeyed and rebuke them when they disobeyed?” I know that whenever we disobeyed on any other matters, He clearly rebuked us, sometimes sharply, yet with mercy. Surely this has not been mere imagination.
I also had the impression from you in your book that unless one called literally on the Name of Yahweh or Yahushuah, that there could not possibly be any salvation or answer from Him. Yet when I called on the “Name of Jesus,” the “Lord Jesus Christ,” He heard me, answered me, delivered me from my sins and brought me out of the world, out of the works of men, out of darkness and out of sin. I know I am saved and walk with none other than Yehoshuah Adonai HaMashiach. I know that He is the Savior, born a Jew Who was crucified for my sins, for the sins of His people Israel and for the sins of the world, and was raised three days later from the dead to live evermore. I also know He loves me, dwells in me and keeps me, according to the Scriptures. Why Yehoshuah would answer me when I “miscalled” His Name or called on another name not pertaining to Him, I can only wonder at. I can only conclude for the time that He knew my heart and looked at what I was truly asking and saying within and not what was on my lips. While there are those who worship Him in vain with their lips, I would say that there are those who, while the lips are not accurate, are worshipping Him with their hearts, whose hearts are not far from Him, even while the lips may appear to be, according to your judgment.
Am I deceived? Is He not big enough to correct those who call on Him in error? Does He give stones to those who ask for bread? Even if they seem tasty and wholesome? What is your take on me? Have we been deceived for 30 years? I tell you, if we have, I would far sooner live these last 30 years in “deception,” suffering reproach for His sake as we know it, than be in the “death” and “sin” as I knew and know that I was in before my conversion and baptism in the Spirit. I count the loss of family, friends, vocation, social amenities, securities and fortune as a pittance and am not a whit regretful of what I received in replacement, as hard and trying as it has been. I am thankful and would not, could not, reverse anything.
We have come to realize, according to our understanding and experience of the Scriptures and “God,” that Yahweh is in full control of all things, that He reigns supreme, and we can be nothing but thankful for that revelation. In this day with the noose tightening over the world, we are not a little comforted to know that Yah reigns in all things. He has been faithful.
I have another question for you: Is Lew White your original name, and if not, how came you to have it? Somehow it seems unusual to me. I don’t know why.
I look forward to hearing from you, Lew. Praise the Name of Yehoshuah Adonai Ha Mashiach!
Victor Hafichuk
Dear Victor,
When a person tithes a tenth of their income to a teacher or organization today, those who receive it have to “tithe” also. How might this be accomplished? We don’t know each other, so you could not possible know that half my income is consumed for the support of those in my immediate family who would otherwise be on welfare. My income that is directed in this area is not shielded from any taxation as a result of this. As Paul said, our present surplus (or plenty) is shared with those who are in need, and when we find ourselves in need, those we have helped can give to support us — that there may be equality.
“Giving” is one of the gifts of the Spirit, like prophecy, teaching, tongues, etc.,. Yahushua was supported by a small group of wealthy women. It doesn’t take a “tithe” from everyone to support the work of a person in ministry. I’ve designed my ministry in such a way that the costs are as low as possible, and not recurring over and over. What is invested in (books, Scriptures, hats, shirts, study charts) have lasting, durable value. If someone sent me “support” and called it a tithe every week, I’d return the money and tell them to help those in need around them. Yahushua asked Peter whether or not the sons of the King should pay taxes. The tithe was a forced tax. After Yahushua left them, the disciples were engaged in giving aid to the poor, and feeding the widows and their children. Their example is all I’m following. If you feel led to give to a ministry for a time, then you have the gift of “giving”. My criticisms on tithing are directed at the general pattern we see in the world today, not the gift of giving. All of us don’t have the gift of giving, but if you have an abundance, then it should be shared with those in need first, not wasted on the support of men who should otherwise be productive teachers of YHWH’s Word, not millstones around the necks of their congregation. If they accept the money of their sheep, then that will be their compensation — no more can be expected in the world-to-come. Why pay money for what is not bread? The Natsarim are not to plunder one another, but feed one another when necessary. The Lewites and the Temple are not functioning right now. We are the Spiritual Temple of YHWH.
When we look at one another in order to evaluate whether or not we are associating with the sons of YHWH, their obedience to the Commandments provides the evidence. We all have diverse gifts for the Body, and we are not all the same. If a wealthy person had the gift of giving and supported me or someone else to travel and teach, they are not wrong for doing so. But, if I stood up and told my listeners to pay me 10% of their income, I’d be stealing the tithe, and plundering the congregation of YHWH.
br. Lew
Greetings, Lew.
Excuse me for not replying earlier, although I doubt you expected a reply. May I try to comment bit by bit to your letter? One of the problems with our communications is that of definitions and another being applications. For example, what is a true ministry and what is not? What financially is coming to a true ministry if anything, and how? Who are the true though in error, who are the true not in error, who are the false who have truth yet are not called to minister, who are the false who are outright false? Can one judge by appearance? Not according to Jesus Christ. He said, “Don’t judge after the appearance but judge righteous judgment” (John 7:24).
I am hoping that some of these things will take shape as we communicate.
You write:
“Dear Victor,
When a person tithes a tenth of their income to a teacher or organization today, those who receive it have to ‘tithe’ also. How might this be accomplished?”
I don’t see a problem here. The Levites tithed. If ministers use their income to further the Kingdom, not as they please but as the Lord leads, are they not tithing? What did Melchizedek do with the tithe Abraham gave him?
I know that when we were giving to the Lord (Yahweh, not Baal – a matter not of letter but of spirit and definition), it was not a matter of who got it so much as that we opened our hand to Yahweh and gave. (I have talked about that already and I hope you still have my letters and would be willing to read them again, though you may think you have nothing to gain by doing so.)
You write:
“We don’t know each other, so you could not possible know that half my income is consumed for the support of those in my immediate family who would otherwise be on welfare. My income that is directed in this area is not shielded from any taxation as a result of this.”
It is very possible for me to know things from Yahweh concerning you. Prophets in the Scriptures, since that time and in the present day, have known things revealed to them, though impossible, as you say, for them to know those things in the natural. You are not acknowledging Yahushua in the spirit and presence by that statement but dwell in the natural. There is a calling in Him not of this world or according to its ways and boundaries, Lew. And while I can commend you for taking care of your family members, our good works are not enough with Yahweh. As Yahushuah said to the Pharisees, “These you ought to have done and not to leave the other undone” (Matthew 23:23).
Having said all this, I did not and do not know that you do such with your income because it hasn’t been revealed to me. But in this matter, it appears by your words that you do better than some.
You write:
“As Paul said, our present surplus (or plenty) is shared with those who are in need, and when we find ourselves in need, those we have helped can give to support us — that there may be equality.”
“‘Giving’ is one of the gifts of the Spirit, like prophecy, teaching, tongues, etc.,.”
Partially true. There is the gift of giving, yes, but also the requirement on the part of those ministered to, in whatever way they can. Otherwise the ministering to them is not completely fruitful. Not all have that gift, but all are required to give, one way or another. However, I would not necessarily say “required” so much, although true, as that with a true walk and change of heart resultant from faith and obedience, the automatic fruit would be giving, not by constraint but willingly.
You write:
“Yahushua was supported by a small group of wealthy women.”
They were not His source. Lew, you have a fixation on earthly channels…you do. My friend, it is unbelief. Yahushua ever and only saw the Father as His Source. Yes, the Father provided, at least in part, by these women, but in that aspect, they were not an issue to Him.
You write:
“It doesn’t take a ‘tithe’ from everyone to support the work of a person in ministry.”
True, very true. But again, it is not about where the money goes as it is about where it comes from and why. Those “ministers” who serve for mammon will answer, I assure you, and do. And so will and do those who do not give, even if they are poor widows with two mites.
You write:
“I’ve designed my ministry in such a way that the costs are as low as possible, and not recurring over and over.”
While we ought not to be extravagant and wasteful or unwise in our spending, especially but not only when others give in faith to us, I still see you with a problem with money. It is the same problem I have had and which only Yahweh could solve. And what did He do? He took me through losses, terrible losses, subjecting me to waste and foolishness, teaching me that I am not a good financial manager at all, not a good steward at all, that it is not my righteousness but only His. He delivered me from watching pennies and spending thriftily in the Name of God to trusting Him since all wealth is His and utterly unfathomable and inexhaustible. Like one here has said, “Money is a renewable resource.” Money by nature is not source but provision, and the Great Provider, YHWH is perfectly capable of providing all things in any quantity.
All the silver and gold are His, and the cattle on a thousand hills. The hills are also His. The earth itself is a drop in the bucket to Him. Yet we are so focused on these infinitesimal specks; we are so carnal, so dependent on the earthy, so unbelieving, so idolatrous without even any suspicion that we are so. He once said to me to give no thought for physical needs, that He could and would provide at any time, more of what I might need or want. And He has been faithful to His Word. It has been so. Not that we can justify any squandering or walking in the flesh.
You write:
“What is invested in (books, Scriptures, hats, shirts, study charts) have lasting, durable value.”
I am surprised that you can speak in such carnal terms yet deem yourself a faithful servant of the Father of spirits, Who holds all things in His hand. He has clearly made it known that those things of this world shall perish and that only the unseen “have lasting, durable value.” I know what you mean, mind you, but that is the point…you ought to be meaning better. Friend, I do not say these things to put you down; please don’t allow the enemy to persuade you to think so. I truly want to help you; my heart goes out to you, Lew.
You write:
“If someone sent me ‘support’ and called it a tithe every week, I’d return the money and tell them to help those in need around them.”
Perhaps you would and perhaps not. How often have I found myself falling short after saying, “I would do thus and so if such and such were to happen.” Yahushua has shown me again that in spite of my good intentions and sincerity, as was the case with Peter more than once, my trust must be squarely on Yahweh and His power and not in my righteousness (which is vain). Nevertheless, I can’t say that you would be wrong if you did what you say you would.
You write:
“Yahushua asked Peter whether or not the sons of the King should pay taxes. The tithe was a forced tax.”
I was not aware that the temple tax was the tithe. In fact, it seems to me that it was another tax possibly rooted in the offering mentioned in Exodus 30:12 and following, or 38:26. Nevertheless, if you are right, note that Yahushua did not resist, and He did not teach Peter to do so. And that is the issue I see here with you, Lew, as I spoke in my last letter to you. You are focused on the abuse and on the injustice; you are defensive, protective, bound and not free in Yahushua Ha Mashiach, in the Lord Jesus Christ. You are not acknowledging His sovereignty, His capacity, His liberality, His inexhaustibility. Friend, you are denying His power.
You write:
“After Yahushua left them, the disciples were engaged in giving aid to the poor, and feeding the widows and their children.”
Not true. That was not their engagement at all. Yes, they did those things, but that was not why they were there; it was not at all their focus. Their focus was to preach the good news of the Kingdom, calling on all men to repent, firstly those of Israel, then of the world. Yes, in the fruits of that preaching, those things would rightly come, but, again, Lew, you gaze on the earth, on the carnal, on mammon…ironically.
You write:
“Their example is all I’m following.”
You have misinterpreted their example and message. You must be born again to see above.
You write:
“If you feel led to give to a ministry for a time, then you have the gift of ‘giving.’”
Perhaps, and possible, but not necessarily. And it is not to a “ministry” that the focus is but obedience to the direction of the Spirit.
You write:
“My criticisms on tithing are directed at the general pattern we see in the world today, not the gift of giving.”
I understand, and I see the corruption with you.
You write:
“All of us don’t have the gift of giving…”
“…but if you have an abundance, then it should be shared with those in need first…”
Yah willing. This may sound contrary to law as you see it, but, for example, Job was given nothing from family and friends until the time. Yahweh had removed all things from him until He was done with him. Then came those from all around and gave.
For another example, Yahushua permitted Mary to use the spikenard, contrary to the fact that it was indeed precious and could have been used for the poor who were indeed there. We can only know these things by the Spirit of Yahweh. You are trusting in your own understanding in all these things, Lew. That is not the Way. The carnal mind, as religious and pious as it may appear, is at enmity with Yahweh. You must die.
“…not wasted on the support of men who should otherwise be productive teachers of YHWH’s Word, not millstones around the necks of their congregation.”
You speak of charlatans, I do not; you speak of abuse, I do not; you speak of the counterfeit, but I speak of the true. Do not scrap the true because there is the false posing as the true. Truth is ever on the scaffold while the false looks on and mocks. You have determined to keep your life, my friend, instead of yielding to the cross.
You have decided to kill the Pharisee rather than lay down your life with Yahushua for him, to atone for his sins. Do you understand? No, but I hope you will.
You write:
“If they accept the money of their sheep, then that will be their compensation — no more can be expected in the world-to-come. Why pay money for what is not bread? The Natsarim are not to plunder one another, but feed one another when necessary.”
Man shall not live by bread alone….
“The Lewites and the Temple are not functioning right now. We are the Spiritual Temple of YHWH.”
Those who are born of the Spirit…1 Corinthians 12:13.
“When we look at one another in order to evaluate whether or not we are associating with the sons of YHWH, their obedience to the Commandments provides the evidence.”
One cannot tell after the appearance. I thought many were obedient to God until He opened my eyes. For example, I thought that my Catholic parish priest was godly, but when I was saved and delivered from the RCC, I knew differently. Then, when evangelical, I thought that many of them lived godly lives until the Lord opened my eyes further. Always the appearance said one thing, but the Lord another. Now you would and do judge me, I believe, in that I insist on using these terms for the Almighty which you abhor (“Lord” and “God”). And because I do not keep the feasts in the outward, you judge me at the very least as unlearned, if not in great error, if not altogether unregenerate.
I must refer you to I Corinthians 2:14-16, Lew. You are in the natural, and trust in your knowledge which is carnal, as true as some of the letter may be. That is not the way it is with Yahweh. And you will know that in due time. It is my desire to lead you there but I can do so only if Yahweh wills.
You write:
“We all have diverse gifts for the Body, and we are not all the same.”
Not the same in all respects, the same in certain.
“If a wealthy person had the gift of giving and supported me or someone else to travel and teach, they are not wrong for doing so.”
Yahweh willing.
“But, if I stood up and told my listeners to pay me 10% of their income, I’d be stealing the tithe, and plundering the congregation of YHWH.”
Yes, but if you say, “stealing the tithe,” are you not inadvertently acknowledging that there is a tithe to be stolen? And might it be that you would be saying this not to the congregation of YHWH but to simple ones who do not know YHWH? And if you are not entitled to anything, but told any to do something like that, yes, it would be wrong, be it the congregation of Him or the other.
“br. Lew”
Friend, I hope you are not offended; I hope that you will consider that I am saying things as a servant of Yahweh which you need to hear; I hope you will be willing to continue with me in future. I would also like to refer you to my website to give you more of where I am coming from.
By the way, Lew, how are you involved with Eliyah (the website)? I also noticed that your book, Fossilized Customs, is now 144 pages long. Why? More info?