From: Keisha
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2016 8:48 AM
Subject: Misguided self righteousness
Such nonsense you have written about Joseph Prince. Have you listened to his sermons? It’s about Jesus, you make the man the highlight of your focus while Joseph Prince makes God the highlight of his teaching. I have never thought about the vessel, when he preaches I hear Jesus, in your writings you focus not on the message of Jesus you focus on the vessel. How repetitive of Jesus days. Because Jesus the lamp was born in a manger and not in a castle the message of his love was lost to many because they failed to hear and could not see.
He preaches from the Bible as it is and has not distorted the truth. How can you not feel and know when the message is Jesus, the holy spirit tells you when the message is about God. Even if it comes from a prisoner, what is the message this prisoner brings to you, do you not hear the holy spirit, can your heart not hear it because of the vessel it’s coming from?
Listen with your heart, forget about the man, listen to the teaching and follow in the bible, be objective with his teaching if you cannot hear the holy spirit.
I live in the US and I watch lots of programs and I read a lot of commentaries and have relied on what my heart says to know when God is in the message.
From: Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
To: Keisha
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2016 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: Misguided self righteousness
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9 KJV)
When you listen to “Prince” preach you’re hearing “Jesus,” Keisha, because your Jesus is a false one, made in the image of “Joseph Prince.” We have shone the light of God on this imposter and his false god, which offends you as a devout idol worshipper.
Blessed are those who aren’t offended in us, as we are in the True and Living Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul and Victor