A Testimony of the Evil of Self and Psychology

From: Casey
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 8:10 AM
Subject: Psychology

Having literally discovering the brain damaging affects of ECT (per Dr. Peter Breggin the blunt force trauma is compared to sports blows) and as well as brain damage caused by antidepressants, anti-psychotics (neuroleptics) and benzodiazipans Friday the 8th and today I could not simply dismiss your article outright nor nod. 

In 2001 while in The Criswell Bible College and Seminary as the psychology professor began to explan the differences of a mentally ill patient as oppose to one demonically possessed, he then further explained a “bi-polar” person. I thought he was explaining what I did, or at least was doing at that time. Now mind you, I was 23 and hind sight is 20-20. I spoke to him after class, he referred me to a “Christian” psychiatrist (I put the parenthesis because I believe they don’t fully understand the ramifications of just how deep the government is in with pharmaceutical companies). 

So a 23 year old young man who just lost his 17.00 an hour job that he was promoted four times in three years, was then having to be a caregiver to his great- grandfather 7 days a week besides when he went to school was told he was bipolar 1 and given Zoloft within 30 minutes. 

If I knew then, what I know now at 39 (in May) well, you know. This is where you and I diverse in which I paste a link to let you browse to see why. We live in a society in which if you are down for two weeks you are diagnosed and stigmatized. Once you’re in the system, you’re stuck! You then need insurance. These SSRI’s, SNRI’s, MAOI’s, benzo’s, neuroleptics are ADVERTIZED as “short term” relief or i.e. 2-3 months. But this is about money! It’s about supply-demand, They KNOW the body will acclimate to the medication but hey, now insurance is BIG BUSINESS! So in order to keep the deprresed, stressed out, paranoid person from getting worse (which what they WILL NEVER ADMIT IS ACTUALLY FFFFRRRROOOOMMMMM THE MEDICATION ITSELF!!!) THEY ADD MORE MEDS. So you start out on one or two but now you’re on five maybe seven.

My first was Zoloft in 2001. I bought a three inch binder, bought the pill book that comes out every year, highlighted each page or pill if you will I had been on by that time in 2011 and it was 75. 

I’ve since been divorced largely in lieu of effects from ECT so the binder is gone but if I had to guess by now I would say 88. Now below this email I’m going to post Dr. Peter Breggins webpage but I’m really wanting you just to see the first page and keep that in mind; 88 psychiatric drugs but wait! 

32 ECT’S!!!

27 at GreenOaks Hospital in Dallas in 2009 and then 5 bilateral at UT Southwestern Hospital in Dallas the end of November 2012. My last ECT caused permanent amnesia for three weeks. I didn’t know my own name. 

The amnesia caused something no one can understand. It fell under “hallucinations” and sure, maybe some were. But I was terrified. Some people I saw, there faces were disfigured really bad and smushed it; difficult to explain. But others were normal, almost flawless. In this distorted state of mind the first room of people I saw this in inside instantly I knew that the disfigured ones were not born again although I didn’t know my own name. I had to stay in my house in order to avoid that. My ex wife and children and I weren’t disfigured nor my mother who took care of me during the day…

Shorting the story bc that goes long. 



NOW… If you just sample the first page, you will find that ECT causes BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA TO THE BRAIN SUCH AS IN SPORTS (BOXING OR FOOTBALL)


Would you say the professional football player that was first discovered in the autopsy of Pro Football player Mike Webster’s strange suicide in 2002 that caused the discovery of what is now known as ETC “demon possessed”? Hundreds possibly more, it’s still unknown, pro football players were hearing voices, seeing things, double vision, etc,etc ALL DUE TO IMPACT OF HELMET TO HELMET TO THE HEAD FROM BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA. 

http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/the-autopsy-that-changed-football/ OR SEE THE TRUE STORY PLAYED BY WIL SMITH “CONCUSSION”

Where we do agree is there are demon possessed people. Where we sharply disagree is I would say 98% of mental hospitals are filled with drug induced, government relied upon (disability) spaced out, people who’s brains are being almost reprogrammed.

I’ve been in this 16 years now. I’m done. I’m getting out. I was given disability in 2011. I’m starting to have a revelation of a bigger picture. Sure, I knew the meds stopped working after a few months but I wouldn’t let them naivly assume I was naive. I caught on to the pharmekia I industry about the third year. The difficulty lies within coming off the meds. I literally in no exaggeration almost lost my physical reality thinking taking myself off a medication called Cymbalta. Without wrestling almost in a strange way physical spiritual war through sweating, crying, going into states of reality and surrealism… Only Christ brought me through brother.

Look, I just wanted to write and let you see from an insider’s perspective who is born again. I only was deceived as a young man into believing this psychology stuff. Look brother, I’ve met people in hospitals that I could tell most likely had demons not schizophrenia. They were the very few. The most though are deceived people like I was. 

Finally what I haven’t pieced together quite yet but I think it because there is much more to come. Every piece God seems to reveal is so amazing I have a flood of mixed emotions that not even I can explain. Let me first say and reiterate  I don’t claim to be God’s spokesman. Scripture is God’s Word. However there have been events that have taken place that I saw happening beforehand. I say this cautiously, very cautiously because it scared me the first time it happened I was young. I’m a nobody. There is this though. In 19 years walking with Christ, there hasn’t been a time were I thought he was gone. Sure, we’re human. You don’t always have “goosebumps” or some esoteric experience. But usually The Spirit will give me peace, ideas, something to do. He’s been silent 7 months. I would plead, beg, repent of anything I could think of the whole time. Almost dread, utter loneliness, despair, as if I was David crying in Sheol (symbolically). Then things slowly picked up on Thursday the night he was betrayed, then crucifixion Friday, Resurrection Sunday….


Well, sorry brother about the tangent but I don’t have any friends that I can share this sort of exciting stuff with. 

Be blessed. Hope you didn’t think I was coming down hard on you?

From: Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
To: Casey
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 7:08 AM
Subject: Re: Psychology

Hi Casey,

I don’t see that you were coming down hard on us. And I’m not sure we disagree as much as you think. The most important thing it appears we may agree on – Jesus Christ is Lord.  Is that so?

One thing we must stress to you, however, is that the curse causeless doesn’t come. People are subjected to the horrors and tyranny of men, which you describe in your letter, because of their own sins. The answer is repentance and faith in Christ. With those essentials from Heaven, we’ve seen the tormented and drugged set free and made whole. Read Victims and Perpetrators.

“Then my enemies will turn back in the day when I call. This I know, that God is for me. In God, Whose Word I praise, in the LORD, Whose Word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?” (Psalms 56:9-11 ESV)

“The LORD is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” (Psalms 118:6 ESV)

Paul and Victor

From: Casey
To: Paul and Victor
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: Psychology

Paul & Victor, greetings brethren. I’m this Casey:


I’m writing you two because essentially, I’m alone. As a matter of fact, there is a tattoo with a large black scorpian, it’s tail wrapping a black shaded heart, broken and bleeding with a dead protruding through it with three skulls, each for my kids and ex wife. The scorpian represents “I STAND ALONE” from the famous rock song. https://youtu.be/OYjZK_6i37M 

Yes, it’s not the greatest to “think on whatsoever” but it’s a fact in my life, I don’t listen to it, IT JUST IS!

I wasn’t able to finish “young guns” because although I had my wife pursue her dream career and I got her enrolled at Texas Women’s University, while in Denton, for some reason her countenance towards me changed and her behavior took on a whole different persona and I went into a depression not realizing she was the reason. To surmise I was divorced in three weeks by December 15, 2013 and my best friend who was married, was engaged to her within a month of our divorce and living in our house back in the city we moved from. She said all sorts of things in order for me to sign the papers. “You’ll get to see the kids once a month, we’ll be best friends…” All the while threatening me with harassment orders while I was crying, pleading and begging for her not to divorce me. At the time I wasn’t aware of him. She even threatened with harrassment orders after the divorce every time I wanted to see the kids I raised for eleven years. This went on for three months. I was on an anti depressant called “Cymbalta” which is in a nationwide lawsuit for suicides. My ex best friend called me and said God ordained our divorce so he and her could be together. I took a 9mm with one bullet and drove to their house (our house of 8 years) and cocked it back on the front porch to my chest with a police and swat stand off for eight hours. I surrendered thinking the pain I would cause would hurt worse than the pain I was being caused by. I was put in a state mental hospital for three weeks but served a protective order in less than eight hours. She finally got what she wanted. 

The protective order was up months ago. 

I saw Tommy on April 28th. Over the years he stated I wasn’t allowed to finish YOUNG GUNS because of my actions and besides my group was the last he was teaching full time. He was delegating it out now. Over everything that has happened, not finishing school because I chose my marriage over it, not being able to finish YOUNG GUNS, losing my family, not working since 2011 on disability not knowing where to start…I just looked blanked at him. 

He said to REST IN GOD. Get a job. Sit in the back of a Church and listen. I always want to get ahead because of pride and skip so I never stay in one place. He said he would be exhausted trying to live my life. I’m “Lutheran” “Charismatic” “Catholic” one day “Jehovah Witness” “Atheist” another. And he’s right. I take pieces of different groups.
Last summer I walked away from God. I had the pastor the Church I was cleaning at tell me I was annoying him and he didn’t have time to talk to me the very same day that the former Lutheran Pastor of five years I met with every week for two years whom I had not seen in over a year since the divorce, tell me not to contact him again by phone or email after ignoring my previous five emails. (I just learned from the head deacon two weeks ago, who left, that he went on a power trip) I spent every day, literally once or twice a day praying for and forgiving my ex and ex bf, that I was angry and decided to be angry at them and at God. I went to bars but didn’t get plastered. Just buzzed. I smoked weed. I was always on the go. Never sleeping. He sent these skin mites that literally tortured me for 10 weeks. Nobody believed I had them! Shaved all my body hair at the end including my eye brows, stood in an enclosed glass shower using gasoline, bleach, alcohol… almost died! They were in my car. At one point I was going to blow my car up. A dermatologist gave me two tubes of ointment that only killed 1/4. 

On top of walking in the TX heat with bugs biting and poking me that you couldn’t see, I had to stay at my dad’s house. He lost his wife a year before. He’s a Christian but has a bad temper. He would yell and scream at me when I would scratch and complain about the bugs, about how often I washed my clothes to burn them off because they kept coming on when I wore them. My ex step family were non believers and cruel, manipulative and did their best to make my stay worst. Even my half brother (21) didn’t want me there. 

My mom who is a Christian but seems to place more emphasis on psychology, psychotherapy and psychiatric medication would not allow me back home until I checked into a mental hospital because I obviously was in a psychosis or manic over the summer.

So I had no choice, I called my doc who told me to come in (btw, she died on what would have been my wife and I’s 12th anniversary http://m.legacy.com/obituaries/dallasmorningnews/obituary.aspx?n=ruth-anne-mardock&pid=180572246&referrer=0&preview=false) They transferred me to Denton Behavioral Health. 

Isn’t that ironic? I’m going back to the city we where my life started to crumble.
The doctor there gave me a shot of “HALDOL”. This shot or medicince messed me up. It caused me to drewel when I spoke over the next two months. I couldn’t drive. I did everything in slow motion. I weighed 138lbs for 2/12 years, now I weighed 170. The energetic, outgoing talk to anyone Casey IS GONE!

There was no boom when I wrote you. It was Phentermine. I’ve been trying to lose this weight and Phentermine gave me a false sense if euphoria.

I started taking it again recently for about two weeks. 

I wrote Tommy:

From: Casey
To: Tommy
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 9:46 PM
Subject: Counsel

I prayed often to God on what it meant when you told me to, “Rest in God”. That baffled me. You told me to “wave goodbye to that life,” referring to my best-friend, ex-wife and the children I raised. Knowing Donna wanted me out of Amber and Jacob’s life having a new step-dad I had to accept trying to see them would merely be selfish. I can be at peace knowing I raised them in The Fear of God and Love of Christ and they still are in Church and walking the faith. I had to speak one last time with Adam. Donna gave me his cell and we spoke at length. We encouraged each other to press on in the faith. It was a mutual forgiveness. 

That was it and will be no more. The kids in my life were a season. I enjoyed every moment with them and I can keep that.

Resting in God I thought came to me when I faced the theological fact even my divorce was in God’s Providence. Their sin was chosen to be allowed by God for His purposes. So I listened to R.C. Sproul’s series on the subject for a while, and for days using my Bible to write down the numerous verses in Scripture showing God’s Sovereignty.

The Lutheran Church by my house called and asked if I’d be interested as a leader for VBS. So for a week and the following Sunday night I was a leader at VBS. I love kids, they’re so much fun. We had a mix of Hispanic Spanish speaking. Monday they were kinda lost but by Friday they were following us along in the dance sequence that was in sign language and English.

I’m 39 but am still able to finish my undergrad online. Three schools, Regent, Grand Canyon, Liberty all have Theology degree online. I don’t have much self confidence because I tend to have memory loss from ECT’s years ago or meds I’m on now. Not to mention I haven’t used a laptop or CPU that was up to date in years. However I don’t want to give up because of fear of the unknown. I could finish it in 2 1/2 years.

Grand Prairie Bible Church moved to a city that’s a really good drive away! My parents are moving to Gun Barrell City in August and I have to move with them. Not sure what Church or job I will find out there in the boonies. I’m a city boy.

I apologize for bothering you. I have no one. Along this journey, my friends got married or moved away. Baker Fort and his wife were great. They went to Lakepoint Rockwall. Lost them in 2006. My friends Tim, Reggie and Phillip were great. Just found them on Twitter. Each doing their own thing but haven’t heard from them. My two best friends Elisha and Mark Baht held me accountable. Mark has a 1689 LBC Church by Criswell. I just found him on Twitter. He’s a professor and pastor working on his Th. D. So basically I have no friends, but mostly, no one for accountability and more so, someone who understands me.

I’ve noticed that social media can cause confusion. Actually, the internet can cause confusion. I like Twitter bc I find articles like the new Bible coming out without chaps verses and you read it just to read. Or Denton Bible articles. However it can be overwhelming if you allow it to. One night I had to shut it off, pray, read Scripture and shake it off.

Well, school coming up if I should or not, moving to far East TX… I just can’t ignore that I have an equipped brain that has retained much theology, Church History, and basic textual criticism 101, an understanding of The Sacred Scriptures 101, 201, 301 and it seems like it would be a waste to just not use it, not learn more, finish my undergrad and press on!?

Your thoughts?

PS: REST IN GOD….What does that mean?

Then a second one:

I thought I lost the first email. I forgot to ask, the fact that the DSM-IV and V are based on “behavioral” data and not “scientifically” PROVEN accurate accounts in which the so called “chemical-imbalance” theory is just that-A THEORY, shouldn’t we stay away from it?! These medications are dangerous!

From: Victor Hafichuk
To: Casey
Cc: Paul Cohen
Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2016 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: Psychology

Casey, the Resurrected, Living, Almighty, Present-in-Time-and-Space Jesus Christ the Person is our Only True Answer. 

Serving yourself hasn’t paid, has it? He owns you; acknowledge His Lordship and repent of yourself. He is Our Healer, Our Deliverer, our ONLY True Hope. Believe it. 

Read at our site; read and read and read again. Pray and seek to do His will and not that He would do yours.


From: Casey
To: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2016 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: Psychology

From: Victor Hafichuk
To: Casey
Cc: Paul Cohen
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 6:54 AM
Subject: External Changes

No geographical location or method or system will do. Here’s what will:

Romans 10:6-13 MKJV
(6)  But the righteousness of faith says this: “Do not say in your heart, Who shall ascend into Heaven?” that is, to bring Christ down;
(7)  or “Who shall descend into the deep?”; that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.
(8)  But what does it say? “The Word is near you, even in your mouth and in your heart”; that is, the Word of Faith which we proclaim;
(9)  Because if you confess the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.
(10)  For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth one confesses unto salvation.
(11)  For the Scripture says, “Everyone believing on Him shall not be put to shame.”
(12)  For there is no difference both of Jew and of Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call on Him.
(13)  For everyone, “whoever shall call on the Name of the Lord will be saved.”


From: Casey
To: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 7:01 AM
Subject: Re: External Changes

Thank you for taking time out Victor. I’ve felt called their since I was a child. I never thought about it as how long to stay until recently. 

I read tons of your articles and applied them. Sins that I thought were something I struggled with and eventually I would get over just dropped out of my life instantly.

I.am however going to see my psychiatrist for my monthly visit. Well, six weeks. I don’t know what I’m going to do there. I’ve been in a clinical depression since November 2015 but I was diagnosed bi polar in 2001. I may ask her for a CT scan and EEG bc my memory loss is getting worse.