Definition of False Teacher: One who presumes to teach in the Name of the Lord when God has not sent him.

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George’s Reply to Paul’s Reply and Offer

To Paul:

I am amazed that you and Victor have nothing better to do with your time than send me letters of 13 and 15 pages, seeking to discredit this preacher and what we teach here at Hallelujah Acres. It is also interesting to note that you both begin your letters: “Greetings in the Lord Jesus, George,” and then proceed to write me two of the nastiest letters I have ever received from professing Christians. In fact, the similarities between the two letters cause me to ponder if you, Paul, were the ghostwriter for Victor’s letter. The writing style is so similar in each of them.

In your letter of August 12, in response to my writing: “But it would have been nice if Victor had made sure I had seen it and had opportunity to respond to it, BEFORE it was published, and made available to the Christian Community,” you wrote: “Now here, George, are you not straining out a gnat while swallowing a cow? You find fault with us for publishing the truth founded on the Word of God, replying to that which you, as a professing minister of God, falsely claim God has said and done…

I’m sorry Paul, but what you call my, “straining out a gnat while swallowing a cow,” is very scriptural! In Matthew 18:15-17, we see the Biblical means God laid down when there was a problem between believers. “Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between THEE AND HIM ALONE: if he shall hear thee, thou has gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more . . . and if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church . . .”

Paul, you totally disregarded Biblical teaching in this matter, but rather went straight to the Christian community, in direct disregard to the way God said such an issue should be handled. And you have the audacity to tell me that I am the one disregarding the teachings of the Bible. How dare you! It is very obvious to almost anyone reading Victor’s letter, that he was not honestly seeking answers from me regarding his charges, but rather wrote that thesis in an effort to discredit this ministry. If he were sincerely seeking answers to his charges, he would have made sure I had received his letter and had opportunity to respond BEFORE making it available to others. Shame on him and shame on you for perpetuating his dastardly efforts to harm a ministry that God has raised up to help restore wellness to believers.

In your letter to me of August 12, you state: “You say that Victor ignores the ‘first 1,700 years of recorded Biblical history,’ but that, whether intentional or not, is a LIE. What Victor did was refute your interpretation of that history, which apparently to you is the same as ignoring what is written in Scripture. YOU are the one ignoring the record, as it has been brought to your attention and you have no reply. Here is one section from his letter that delves rather thoroughly into matters of record that you say Victor ignored:

Paul, before you call me a liar again, you might like to read the portion of Victor’s letter that you sent me, that you say refutes my interpretation of that history. When you do, you will find that not only in the section you sent me, but not one time in the entire 15-pages of Victor’s letter did he deal with any Biblical history prior to Genesis 9:3. Would you like me to write you using the same sarcasm and nastiness with which you wrote me? Would you like me to call you a liar? This is ridiculous! Just who do you think you are? You guys are not contending for the faith, but are merely contentious believers (I hope), claiming to be contending for the faith.

Interestingly, after you condemn my speculations regarding the first six chapters of Genesis, with some Scriptures to support my speculations by the way, you give your speculations, without any Biblical basis. Are you trying to tell me that at creation man had the means of cooking his food? And if man did consume meat during the 1700 years prior to the flood, he did it in disobedience to God’s instructions as found in Genesis 1:29, which God confirmed in the first part of Genesis 9:3.

When I was first made aware of Victor’s letter, I had no intention of responding to such a sarcastic, nasty, and unchristian communication. But when you told Olin that if he could get me to respond to Victor’s letter, that you would publish my response, I agreed to write a response, in an effort to let the public hear the other side of the issue. Here is what you wrote: “Greetings Olin, Yes, by all means, encourage George to reply. WOULD BE GLAD TO POST HIS RESPONSE.” Will you honor your commitment? If you will, please advise Olin where on your website it can be found.

Paul, if you cannot change the tone of your letters, be honest, and stop the judgmental attitude with which you write, there will be no further correspondence from this preacher.

Sincerely for a Healthy Christian Community,
George Malkmus
II Timothy 3:1-5

P.S. I just returned from a 1600-mile trip, on which I delivering three “How to Eliminate Sickness” seminars, in Richmond, Virginia; Lancaster, Pennsylvania; and Piscataway, New Jersey. In those three seminars, I had the privilege of sharing the Hallelujah Diet with an average crowd of 450 people. Dozens of healing testimonies were shared in each meeting. At the New Jersey seminar, a pastor shared how that he was diagnosed with stomach cancer, which had metastasized to the bone, and given but six months to live. However, he shared how that on The Hallelujah Diet, the cancer left his body, and he is now back in the pulpit. I stand in amazement at these healing testimonies on the one hand, and on the other, your attempts to discredit the message God is using to restore health to His children.

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