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Jesus Christ Is God

“I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, says the Lord, Who is and Who was and Who is to come, the Almighty” (Revelation 1:8 MKJV).

There is no truth more greatly opposed by mankind, which can justifiably lead us to suspect, or truly believe, that it is the greatest truth of all. This I believe: Anyone who knows this truth in the heart of hearts, and not just in the head, stands in the perfect will and ordained rest of God.

Jesus Christ, by living in complete submission to God, which could only come by a pureness of heart in a spirit untainted by sin, served as a conduit of Light that fully illuminated the Being of God. We do not know the great honor of God, until we see Him honored by Christ. We do not know the great glory of God, until we see Him glorified by Christ. We do not know the great power of God, until we see His power in Christ. We do not know Him by faith, until we come into the faith of Christ. Jesus Christ, His life wholly subsumed by God, is the very expression of God, and is the only Way that all men can know Him.

Worshipping Christ as God

If Jesus Christ isn’t God, then why is He worshipped as God in the Scriptures? A man condemns us as false teachers for declaring Christ is God, but we prove his arguments have no foundation in the truth because he lacks the knowledge of God. Indeed, the very thing he needs is to worship Jesus Christ as God in order to receive forgiveness of sins, healing, understanding, and peace with God, as the Lord Jesus has graciously done for us.

Who Do Men Say that I Am?

A short survey of the Book of Revelation provides the answer to one who says that Jesus Christ and God cannot be the same Being.

“You Worship You Know Not What…”

One charges us of preaching the trinity because we declare that Jesus Christ is God. But we never said He is “another God,” but very God, One and the Same, as we prove the Scriptures teach.

We have before us a most solemn question and, appropriately, a most solemn answer to that question with an inescapable conclusion. Has a great and holy man, who somehow miraculously escaped sinning, saved us, or have we been saved by a sure and perfect Savior, One Who made no gamble and took no chances, One Who was sure to do the job?

Who is the Messiah, if not God? Who is this Son of Man that fulfills the Law and the Prophets? What does it mean for those who believe and the rest of the world? What a day it is when the Messiah appears!

Jesus Christ – A Great Man or Jehovah God?

An invitation to a Jehovah Witness memorial service for Jesus Christ sparks a conversation about Who Jesus Christ is, and what He and the Scriptures teach in contradiction to Jehovah Witness doctrine and their faulty, self-serving Bible translation.

The Trinity

What a pernicious god is the trinity, dividing the Indivisible God into pieces and thereby diminishing Him into an indecipherable mess. Trinity worshippers demand that Christians bow to this abomination made in the likeness of their own confusion, threatening death (ostracism, condemnation, even murder) to those who don’t comply. In this section, we expose the idolaters and their idol in order to liberate those held hostage to the damnable lies.


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