Judging Teachers Is Not About Doctrine

From: Lester
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2014 10:23 PM
Subject: Questions

Greetings to you this new year!

I’ve been reading some of your site and wow so much read! I know some of the ministries you mention that have attached themselves to the sons of God and reconciliation. I must agree about Gary Sigler and many on his list of links are new age but some are not. There is wheat and chaff there. I’m not convinced that Gary Amerault is in as much error as you say he is. Preston Eby is getting very old and has written volumes in the teachings he offers since the 1960’s. I have read most of them. He has grown over many years of service to the Lord. He once was a secretary to Gerald Derstine many years ago in the charismatic movement among the Mennonites. He was born into a Pentecostal family of ministry. His record and his life is in line with Jesus will.

He was contemporary with Bill Britton and they shared much even if Bill did not see reconciliation before he passed on in 1985. That’s the question I have to you , how do you see the ministry of Bill Britton and his preaching?  I have had issues with Stacy Wood in the past as I met him in Springfield,MO. back in 1983. You are right in your assessment of his ministry but much truth was preached and taught by him over the years. Also have you heard of Elwin Roach and his teachings? It was hard to read your judgement of an old latter rain saint of God, George Warnok. He is very aged now and I wonder if that has anything to do with his responses to you!? Anyway, so much to read and so little time……

I just found out about you and your website. Canada may be the reason and not many know of ya’ll yet.


From: Victor Hafichuk
To: Lester
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 10:07 PM
Subject: Re: Questions

Hi Lester,

Although we’ve listed Preston Eby as a false teacher, we’ve appreciated some of the things he has written. We’ve also red some of Elwin Roach’s material about the ultimate reconciliation of all things, in which he speaks much truth. The criteria for judging any of these preachers, however, isn’t whether they have true doctrine, but whether they’re sent by God and preach the Gospel of Christ, walking according to His revelation, leading, will and ways. 

It was in this arena that Amirault and Warnock were particularly exposed for not walking in the Lord’s ways, as laid out in our correspondence and personal dealings with both. And no, Lester, our judgment of George didn’t arise out of any personal disappointments with him, but by personal observation and speaking the crucial truth in love. 

We haven’t red Britton’s writings for many years, but just in glancing at a few of his writings right now, I appreciate what I’m hearing. He says many true things. He was apparently a zealous and sincere believer, alerting many to the treachery and deceitfulness of men’s religious systems, as well as the work of God in Christ bringing many sons to glory. I can’t say more than this right now, but if you have any specific questions about something Bill wrote, please let us know and send us the material about which you’re asking. 

As for not many knowing of us, that may be, but those whom the Father draws have been coming from all over the world. The true things Bill writes about are happening amongst us, all by the grace and sovereign design of God. This is His Day. 

Victor Hafichuk

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