Amber Alert

Hello, everyone!

We encountered a situation wherein a young woman, Amber Michaelis, came lying and deceiving while pursuing another new visitor at the TPOT, Marcin S. He had come to TPOT seeking counsel of God. She came searching for Marcin, who had recently left her, realizing he’d made a serious mistake by marrying her.

While sorting through this, Marcin disappeared, and Amber stayed. She professed faith in God and a desire to share the truths she had been reading at TPOT with her family, friends, and church. She zealously reported her encounters. We were cautiously enthusiastic about what she was doing.

Then, Amber started to dominate the participants and activities at TPOT, refusing to be quiet even after being asked to stop speaking. Several of us knew she was not to be trusted after the lies she told when she first came, but we had no evidence.

The following emails from Monday, April 10 expose some of her conduct, lies, and refusal to be honest.

From: Harvest Haven
Date: Monday, April 10, 2023 at 12:06 PM
To: Amber, Hafichuk Victor <>, Marilyn Hafichuk <>, Ronnie Tanner <>
Subject: Hello Amber!

Good morning, Amber.

You said, “I’ve been talking with several people on FB and by email and I’ve heard over and over that people are afraid to speak up because of past correction they’ve received here. Sometimes the correction was over five years ago. Some have said they wish they could talk to others, or to go to their churches, but they felt they were told to be silent, so they’ve been silent. I figured if I keep hearing it over and over, it probably applies to a lot of people.”

You say, “several people” and “over and over again”.

1. Who are the all the people who spoke to you this way?

2. What did they say, specifically?

3. How many times did they say those things?

Your report is making us concerned that the people among us aren’t being honest with us.

We’d like to know what’s going on, and since you’ve talked a lot about honesty, accountability, and transparency we realized we could just ask you instead of speculating.

The last thing we want is people lying to us.



From: Amber M
Date: Monday, April 10, 2023 at 12:39 PM
To: Harvest Haven <>
Cc: Hafichuk Victor <>, Marilyn Hafichuk <>, Ronnie Tanner <>
Subject: Re: Hello Amber!

Hi Martin,

I’m glad you asked. I’ve been wondering if your people are being dishonest with you, or if they are being dishonest with me. There’s definitely something going on and I’ve been trying to figure it out but I don’t understand it yet. Maybe you can help me understand. I actually sent Victor an email about it a couple weeks ago and after I sent it the email disappeared and it was never sent. That has happened a few times with emails I’ve sent either to Victor or Marilyn. I took it to mean the Lord just didn’t want it sent yet. I made that statement publicly because I’m really concerned. I’ve been talking to at least one person from TPOT pretty much daily for a couple months now. I will go back and look through all of it and send you more information.


From: Harvest Haven <>
Date: Monday, April 10, 2023 at 2:14 PM
To: Amber M
Cc: Hafichuk Victor <>, Marilyn Hafichuk <>, Ronnie Tanner <>
Subject: Re: Hello Amber!

Amber, I’m a little confused.

First of all. It seems like a person should be able to remember who had made such concerning claims.

Why do you need to go back through your correspondence?

Secondly, if you’re willing to go back through your correspondence and share the details, why are you withholding the name of person you’ve spoken with so frequently?

Yes, there is something going on.

You say that you’re willing to do anything to help. We’d very much appreciate it if you answered the three questions I numbered in the last email. And we’d rather not wait too long. I think people’s spiritual wellbeing is worth some urgency, don’t you?


From: Amber M
Date: Monday, April 10, 2023 at 2:54 PM
To: Harvest Haven <>
Cc: Hafichuk Victor <>, Marilyn Hafichuk <>, Ronnie Tanner <>
Subject: Fwd: Hi

Here you go Martin,

Let’s start with Lauren. Why does this girl sound completely broken? How is it that she still feels silenced about something you said to her in 2018? How is it that she’s been here so long and can say something to me like, “I’ve never heard anyone, not Victor or the elders or Lynn, whom I’ve been in the most in-person contact with, offer that kind of help in that way.” I’ll send you pictures of our facebook messages too if you want them. Like I said, I don’t know the whole story here yet. One of those disappearing emails that I mentioned previously was me forwarding these emails to Victor on March 29 asking if I could be in contact with Lauren and asking more about her background and why she sounds so hopeless.

Let me ask you a question though, are you actually concerned, like you say? Or are you angry with me and being indirect about it? I offered to give you exactly what you asked for, but how you responded is not how someone normally responds when they’re going to get what they’ve been asked.


*Amber shared an email correspondence she had with Lauren, but we’ve removed it to keep this as short as possible*

From: Harvest Haven <>
Date: Monday, April 10, 2023 at 5:16 PM
To: Amber M
Cc: Hafichuk Victor <>, Marilyn Hafichuk <>, Ronnie Tanner <>, Lauren <>
Subject: Re: Hi

Yes, we care for Lauren. She even knows that we care. She just needs to learn to obey simple instructions. She’ll get there.

You ask, “How is it that she’s been here so long and can say something to me like, “I’ve never heard anyone, not Victor or the elders or Lynn, whom I’ve been in the most in-person contact with, offer that kind of help in that way.”

You’re twisting her intentions to suit your agenda. Her concern was that you were preaching a gospel to her that was unfamiliar and potentially harmful to her. We have not offered her “help” in the way that you’ve offered it, because we don’t believe your version of “help” is helpful. You don’t have a clue what you’re doing. You’re making trouble. You’ve made yourself a stumbling block for her. You’re the one who doesn’t care about Lauren.

(Lauren, please confirm or correct my interpretation of your intentions with a refreshingly concise reply)

You said, “Some have said they wish they could talk to others, or to go to their churches, but they felt they were told to be silent, so they’ve been silent. I figured if I keep hearing it over and over, it probably applies to a lot of people.”

I don’t remember Lauren ever asking or expressing any desire to go back to her original church and preach to them. Nor do I see her expressing that to you in the correspondence below. Yes, we instructed her to be quiet. We have many people to minister to. It isn’t right to allow one person to dominate the scene, sucking up all the attention and space for teaching at the expense of everyone. She was asked multiple times to keep her lust for attention under control. She wouldn’t listen. She will be welcomed again with rejoicing if she repents of her sin. The Lord will have His Way with her, and we await the completion of His Work. She is as the stones of the Temple. She is being shaped outside the earshot of the Temple site. She was brought in and didn’t fit into place. Now she has been taken off site again to be worked on.

4. Can you provide me with the exact quote where she was wishing she could go to her church and share with them. I can’t find it. (Lauren, please confirm or deny that you were wishing for this)

You say, “Let’s start with Lauren” as though you’re in charge of this interaction. It’s very disrespectful. Not good.

Amber, I asked three clear, numbered questions and now I’ve added a 4th. You’ve barely answered a portion of one. And now you’re justifying your evasion by trying to find fault with me.

How about honesty, transparency, and accountability. I thought you said you loved the idea of being held accountable.

Four simple questions, Amber.

You say, “several people” and “over and over again”.

1. Who are the all the people who spoke to you this way?

2. What did they say, specifically?

3. How many times did they say those things?

4. Can you provide me with the exact quote where Lauren (or anybody) was wishing she could go to her church and share with them, and we forbid it?


From: Lauren <>
Date: Monday, April 10, 2023 at 6:56 PM
To: Harvest Haven <>
Cc: Hafichuk Victor <>, Marilyn Hafichuk <>, Ronnie Tanner <>, Amber M
Subject: Re: Hi


Your assessment of my intentions was spot on. I empathized with Amber’s zeal (that we all experience when we first come to know the Lord) for everyone we know to be saved. I was also trying to point out that Amber might not know she was preaching another gospel.


From: Amber M
Date: Monday, April 10, 2023 at 8:02 PM
To: Harvest Haven <>
Cc: Hafichuk Victor <>, Marilyn Hafichuk <>, Ronnie Tanner <>, Lauren <>
Subject: Re: Hi

Hi Martin,

I’m glad you said you care about Lauren. Do you care about me too? I don’t understand the stone and temple example you gave. I was talking to Dena about how she was cast out and I don’t understand that either. I’ve been thinking today that maybe you all are just really busy and that I have more time than you all to talk to people. I think that made some of my assumptions about what is going on wrong. I should have thought about you being busy instead of that you didn’t care. I have time though and want to help. Please let me help. I really want to learn. Remember I asked to be cc’d in emails that you guys send? It’s because I’ve been talking to so many people and it would be good for me to see examples so I can be helpful too.

I don’t know of any agenda I have other than trying to contribute – which is what you told me to do. I do really care about people, including Lauren. I’ve been through so much abuse and it’s made me really empathetic to everyone (probably too empathetic).

I emailed Victor yesterday talking about how some of the things he teaches are really deep. I’m not sure if you all can see it since you’re all able to talk about it together, but I’m finding it’s really hard for a lot of people to understand what he writes from just reading it, without someone to explain it. 2 Peter 3:16 talks about how some of what Paul writes is difficult to understand, so it makes sense to me. I know I don’t understand everything and I still have a lot to learn. That’s also why I asked for a list of Victor and Marilyn’s books. I thought if I could get the same background knowledge, I won’t understand all of it, but it might help some. I’m getting better and communicating it in different ways to different people as I practice though. People learn differently from different types of examples. Victor also has given me different examples before and those helped me understand too. That’s what I wanted to do with Lauren, talk with her about the writings, give different examples, and also give her some of the advice I’ve gotten from people like Nicholas Carpenter, and Nicholas Preston, and others. Alan just sent me an email to help me as I was writing this. Everyone has been helping me, and I just want to give back. There’s also basic life stuff that Lauren and I could talk about, like her job.

I was originally going to go through all my messages so I could make sure to give you specific and honest answers to your questions, but you said it was urgent so I forwarded you the emails from Lauren to start. Your memory must be better than mine, because I can’t remember everything people said to me specifically off the top of my head. I’ll go back and look at what people said and let you know though. It might be a couple days, because I have to go back to work tomorrow. I’ll look for what Lauren said about the churches too. I haven’t reread the emails but if you didn’t see anything there, maybe it was mentioned in the FB messages, I’m not sure. I’ll check on that. Lauren knows too though. Didn’t you mention to me your desire to share with people and the churches, Lauren? And feel like you couldn’t because you were silenced?

It’s weird to me that you keep mentioning transparency and accountability. You asked for information and said it was urgent and I sent you entire email messages. You asked for a little, and I gave you a lot. I’ll get you the rest.

Have a good night.


From: Harvest Haven <>
Date: Monday, April 10, 2023 at 8:44 PM
To: Amber M
Cc: Hafichuk Victor <>, Marilyn Hafichuk <>, Ronnie Tanner <>, Lauren <>, Dahl Dena <>
Subject: Re: Hi

Amber, you say, “You asked for a little, and I gave you a lot. I’ll get you the rest.”

So far, you’ve basically given me nothing.
You said, “several people” and “over and over again”.
So far, you’ve mentioned one person who never said the things you’re saying she said. That’s a far cry from several people over and over again.
You say, “Didn’t you mention to me your desire to share with people and the churches, Lauren? And feel like you couldn’t because you were silenced?”
Lauren, you can answer this. Efficiently please.
I want answers, Amber. Stop blowing smoke in our eyes.

1. Who are the all the people who spoke to you this way?
2. What did they say, specifically?
3. How many times did they say those things?
4. Can you provide me with the exact quote where Lauren (or anybody) was wishing she could go to her church and share with them, and we forbid it?
Also, I don’t want you writing anything else to us, without first addressing all four of these questions satisfactorily. You’re just wasting all of our time with your endless distractions and virtue signalling.
Otherwise, we’re done here.
Do you have anything to say here, Dena?

From: Amber Michaelis
Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 12:09 AM
To: Harvest Haven <>
Cc: Hafichuk Victor <>, Marilyn Hafichuk <>, Ronnie Tanner <>, Lauren <>, Dahl Dena <>
Subject: Re: Hi

Hi Martin,

I realized I can’t throw people under the bus for being open with me just to save my own reputation. I feel pretty bad about redirecting those questions to Lauren to see if she would confirm my honesty to you. I’m sorry Lauren. I shouldn’t have forwarded the emails and offered the Facebook messages without asking. And I shouldn’t have put you on the spot with the questions like that. Remember when Terri said one thing to Victor and then apologized when she forwarded the email to me? There is an honesty problem here but it’s not my place to divide everyone and I should have just kept my mouth shut. Everyone can just blame me. Tell everyone I’m a liar or whatever you need to do. They’ll all agree with you since you’re the leaders and since I’ve lied before. I’ll take the blame and responsibility for all of it, and whatever else you want to put on me.


Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 4:27 AM
To: Harvest Haven <>, Amber M
Cc: Hafichuk Victor <>, Marilyn Hafichuk <>, Ronnie Tanner <>, Dahl Dena <>
Subject: Re: Hi

Amber, you asked:

“Didn’t you mention to me your desire to share with people and the churches, Lauren? And feel like you couldn’t because you were silenced?”

I said “At first your zeal reminded me of how it was when I came here. I couldn’t stop talking to everyone about it, there were so many people in darkness, my family, a church that I considered family
But as the years progressed I didn’t make headway because my spirit was wrong”.

I never said anyone silenced me and, in fact, I told you that whenever the Lord instructed me to be quiet (for everything Martin explained) I didn’t obey at all.

You’re also in complete confusion about the rebuke I mentioned in 2018 which I didn’t even receive as a command to be quiet until reflecting on it these years later.


From: Dahl Dena <>
Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 6:18 AM
To: Harvest Haven <>, Amber M
Cc: Hafichuk Victor <>, Marilyn Hafichuk <>, Ronnie Tanner <>, Lauren <>
Subject: Re: Hi

Hi there,

Amber sent me a message through Facebook and we’ve had one conversation. It’s in the attached document in its entirety.

While Amber said “I was talking to Dena about how she was cast out and I don’t understand that either.”;
I would say that a passing comment or two doesn’t constitute a conversation.

In brief, Amber said she was new at TPOT and said to feel free to help her address false stuff on her FB. I gave her a brief rundown of my past, so she wouldn’t think I was someone that had that ability from the Lord. She said she heard from someone else about being cast out and she didn’t understand how a Christian ministry could do that.

I told Amber that as the Lord’s doctrines are different in reality, so are His ways. That it wasn’t something easy for you to do, but it was in obedience to the Lord. And that I knew I deserved it. Nothing else was said about it.

If I may address a something that Amber said in this email thread, “I’ve been through so much abuse and it’s made me really empathetic to everyone (probably too empathetic).”

As a person who grew up in a household with lots of abuse, I don’t see the empathy in Amber. I see the opposite, and I believe that is where all the religious stuff stems from.I used to say the same thing about myself regarding empathy and we all know what a crock that is!


From: Harvest Haven <>
Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 9:30 AM
To: Amber Michaelis
Cc: Hafichuk Victor <>, Marilyn Hafichuk <>, Ronnie Tanner <>, Lauren <>, Dahl Dena <>
Subject: Re: Hi

Yes, we have an honesty problem, Amber. It’s you. You lie to yourself. You lie to us. And you’re lying to God. About everything.

Everybody already knows you’re a liar. We contacted most of the people active at TPOT and those that spoke to you sent us their correspondence.

Lauren sent us that correspondence before you did, so spare us your crocodile tears. Your desperate attempts to hide your lies are only compounding your consequences.

Many have already expressed themselves to you and to us.

I guess you had Isaiah flattering you. He should have known better, but his dishonesty with himself left him vulnerable.


You say to Dena, “I’ve heard from another girl a somewhat similar story and I’ve been wondering how they can kick people out. I’ve never heard of a Christian ministry that does that.”

Well, Amber, I guess you don’t have the Bible memorized as well as you say that you do. Paul had no problem “kicking people out”.

“But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.

What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13 God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you.” 1 Cor 5

We know your heart, Amber. This the end of the road.


While this correspondence was happening, Alan emailed Amber. Here is the exchange:

On Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 8:17 PM Alan Agnew <> wrote:

Hello, Amber!

I heard that you said the Lord told you to write to Jon Ferree. So, I’m sending the below video to warn you about “hearing the Voice of the Lord” because it’s likely not the Lord you’re hearing. I hope you watch it and consider it in your life.



On Apr 10, 2023, at 21:04, Amber M  wrote:

Thank you so much Alan! I will have to watch it tomorrow but I really appreciate you sending this.


From: Amber Michaelis
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2023, 8:47 PM
To: Alan Agnew <>
Subject: Re: On Hearing the Voice of The Lord

Hi Alan,

Thanks for this video and for caring enough to help teach me. It really helps me a lot when people take the time to send me things to watch and read or explain Bible verses and concepts to me.

Martin has been accusing me of lying. I want to tell him the truth but I can’t even face him for long enough to write it out. I literally avoided my phone all day because I didn’t want to see if he emailed me. I’m going to tell you the truth instead. Feel free to just completely ignore this.

I exaggerated some of what I said in one of my comments. I wasn’t paying that much attention to every word. I don’t spend 10 hours writing out my comments like Nicholas Carpenter once mentioned he has. It wasn’t completely false, but the part Martin keeps questioning me on is mostly false. I was focused on my other points and it felt true to me when I was writing it. I actually didn’t mean it as malevolent or anything like he seems to think I am. He’s pounding me on it and I’m digging myself into a deeper hole because I get emotional and I stop thinking straight when he is harsh.

Do you know if it’s possible to approach Martin so that he and I can actually talk like normal people where he’s not exploding on me? I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m trash and would feel better if I was dead. I wish I could have a real conversation with him so we could talk about it. He seems to always be implying that he doesn’t have time for me and would prefer if I disappeared and stopped existing. Sometimes I think maybe he’s right. I honestly wish I didn’t care about him. I don’t know why I do. He’s usually the reason I want to leave TPOT but when I’ve tried to leave it’s like it’s tied to me and I can’t get away.

They’re probably going to kick me out soon, so I just wanted to confess all this to someone. Sorry that it wasted your time. You don’t have to respond. You can just delete it.

Again, I really appreciate the video, and when you sent it was literally perfect timing. I hope you have a great night.



We’d like to know your thoughts. You can leave a comment below.


On April 26, 2023 Victor had this to say:

Has everyone had their say? Is It My Time to Speak?

Marilyn has said to me, “You need to reply. Everybody’s been waiting to hear from you.”

I replied, “I think they can wait. I’ve waited much longer for many of them, haven’t I?” We know there’s an appointed time for everything.

Though I didn’t understand what was happening, I’ve been very thankful from the very beginning for what has transpired with the recent TPOT visitor Amber Michaelis, and I’m still as thankful as ever. There’s been much conflict and turmoil, a battle in the Heavens.

Ultimately, if there’s any blame to be had for allowing this conflict, let it be laid squarely at my feet. I took Amber into our company, not for fellowship but to allow her to do at least partially as she willed. I sided with her and gave her the benefit of the doubt in her conflict with her newlywed husband Marcin, even though it was perfectly plain to all that she was a liar from the beginning. I alone did this.

I spoke to hold Marcin’s feet to the fire for his lawlessness, and frivolous oath of marriage in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I didn’t do so for him to remain forever in an ungodly marriage but to commit himself to the Lord. He fled in turmoil and fear – not the faithful thing to do.

Indeed, the Lord can still make a way to peace and prosperity for all when we do the right thing, whether it leads to a marriage or not. The Lord is so merciful to some, though severe with many, as well.

Now, why would I do what I did? Wasn’t Marcin right? The Lord knows.

– God sent a lying spirit to deceive King Ahab of Israel and blessed that spirit with success. Why would He do that? So that wicked Ahab would be slain at Ramoth Gilead. And it happened.

– Jesus chose a devil. He knew Judas was appointed to betray Him. It happened. Still, He had anointed him to heal the sick, cleanse lepers, cast out devils, raise the dead, and preach the Gospel, no less. Why would Jesus do that?
Do I know if Judas was able to do all those miracles as did the other disciples? No, I don’t, but he was one of the chosen and I believe he was empowered as the others.

– God declared Job to be perfect, upright, fearing God, and eschewing evil. He sent Satan to grievously harm Job, so far as to destroy his ten children and possessions and severely afflict him day and night. He blessed Satan in his evil, albeit with a limitation:
“Does Job fear God for nothing?” Satan replied. “Have You not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land. But now stretch out Your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse You to Your Face.”

12 The Lord said to Satan, “Very well, then, everything he has is in your power, but on the man himself do not lay a finger.”

It all happened. Why did God do that?

– Just before the conquest of Canaan, the angelic captain of the armies of the Lord appeared to Joshua. When Joshua asked Him whose side He was on, the Person replied, “Neither.”

What? Neither? Not even on Israel’s side against a wicked nation that God commanded Israel to wipe out entirely? Apparently, not.

There has been very much controversy at TPOT, a battle raging, and all who participated in it were tried and many are still being tried, wondering what is going on. Whose side is God on? Whose side is Victor on? Whose side is the lying Amber on? Whose side is Marcin on?

It has been very strange to me, too. Despite the evidence that is easily seen by all at TPOT, I had the strong inclination to give Amber Michaelis not only freedom but also my blessing from God to spread the TPOT writings to all the churches around, as she proposed. She offended and went beyond the call of duty and blessing, even vehemently urging those at TPOT to join her and do the same in their terrains to “preach the Gospel,” as she saw it. This I didn’t direct her to do, though if the shoe fitted, slumbering people at TPOT could be appropriately provoked, despite where Amber was coming from.

I believed I needed to let Amber practice what she was preaching, with or without us. It seemed like the wrong thing to do and yet, the right thing. Was I wrong? Could be. You can all decide before the Lord for yourselves. Be honest with yourselves and God.
I believe I needed to give Amber the direction to spread TPOT writings to all churches for as far and long as she and others could as they chose, and I asked her to report back.

I gave her authority over nobody but she took it all the same. She immediately began to ride roughshod over everybody in our fellowship. She understood nothing and would heed nobody. She was going to call the shots. Fine, I let her go on.

It’s been a remarkably unique event. Amber defied authority. She refused to be in any way honest or humble, a proud, incorrigibly lying braggart all the way. Yet, there have been few things I’ve been so thankful for, full of joy, not anxiety or anger, as many might expect. Who can understand? Aren’t there much better things to be thankful for? Have I been deluded and persuaded to side with evil? It may well be!

Beginning with Nicholas Carpenter and Nicholas Preston, a backlash began. These men weren’t about to be ruled by an upstart woman who knew nothing about us, what our experiences had been, or even what we believed. She just took over, spreading lies and rumors, falsely accusing.

Are these Scriptures Peter wrote more fitting for anyone else than Amber:

The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:
10 But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise government. Presumptuous are they, self-willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.
11 Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord.
12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
13 And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the daytime. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you;
14 Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: a heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children:
15 Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness;
16 But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man’s voice forbad the madness of the prophet.
17 These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever.
18 For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error.
19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.
20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.
21 For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.
22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog has turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire?

Martin Van Popta stepped in to address Amber. He quickly set her on the necessary track of accountability with some questions:

Good Morning, Amber.

You said, “I’ve been talking with several people on FB and by email and I’ve heard over and over that people are afraid to speak up because of past correction they’ve received here. Sometimes the correction was over five years ago. Some have said they wish they could talk to others, or to go to their churches, but they felt they were told to be silent, so they’ve been silent. I figured if I keep hearing it over and over, it probably applies to a lot of people.”

You say “several people” and “over and over again”.

1. Who are “all” the people who spoke to you this way?
2. What did they say, specifically?
3. How many times did they say those things?

Your report is making us concerned that the people among us aren’t being honest with us.

We’d like to know what’s going on, and since you’ve talked a lot about honesty, accountability, and transparency we realized we could just ask you instead of speculating.
The last thing we want is people lying to us.


Amber came lying and stirring up trouble. This was despite The Call to Godly Active Duty and its general admonitions, which few take at face value to heart. “Just another paper Victor wrote.” This was despite another paper, The Judgment is Set, which called for repentance and obedience.

“Who cares? Words for others but I know better.” When personally warned and rebuked by a few, Amber dug in her heels and refused, again and again, to answer those questions, bluffing, lying, dodging, and vomiting.
Ironically, on March 19, Amber wrote, “I was thinking yesterday of mentioning to you that you have a trained army, ready for battle, waiting for you to tell them it’s time to go out and speak Truth and fight for righteousness, but I didn’t know if it was my place. Awesome letter.

Indeed, it was true! There is an army of sorts in TPOT and now, when The Judgment Is Set, several of us are enlisted to perform. Of course, an army needs training and here it came from a most unexpected direction and way.

I was very thankful to witness the answers of several from TPOT. I was surprised that so many were moved to participate and counter Amber’s impudence, implacability, falsehood, and deceptive antics.

I was pleasantly impressed with the many women wisely participating in the action – Ashley Tezon, Stephanie Reinke, Jeannie VanPopta, Ingrid Benson, Dena Dahl, Jill Veldkamp, Terri Cabreros, Lynn Farris, and Sabine Smit. Were the women forbidden by Scriptural instruction to speak and instead, required to be silent in the churches, as many may think? I don’t think so. Why not?

Everyone’s comments were monitored and were subject to the elders. The women weren’t interrupting anyone or preventing anyone else from speaking and were quite civil with those of devilish behavior like Amber and Jon Ferree, a religious ignoramus living out his church heroism fantasies, safely incognito from his religious circles ( ).

When Martin confronted Ferree to expose his religious affiliation identity and bring his church pastor and elders into the scene, Ferree immediately withdrew. So we will do with all from now on, Lord willing. Let them come out of their dark holes and show themselves in open dialogue or leave.

Shine the light and rats and cockroaches scatter. They love darkness and hate the light. John Ferree has done us a big favor because at long last, we’ve decided not to allow dogs into our homes of worship to do their vile things as they please. No more.

So, it begs the question: Why is Amber still here? Is there yet more devilish work for her to complete and/or has the Lord determined to show her mercy, too? Why not? Even wicked King Ahab was forgiven and spared destruction until he sinned again. Even the murderous Saul of Tarsus was spared, saved, sanctified, and chosen to faithfully serve his Lord to his end, even writing a great portion of the New Testament.

Amber, will you confess and repent of your wickedness? Will we know you’re speaking the Truth when it comes to that? The saints were skeptical of Saul of Tarsus after his conversion and even afraid of him, seeing he had been persecuting them, but what changed their suspicions to peace and joy about him? It was the fruits of his new heart that became manifest proof of the reality of God’s good work in Saul. “By their fruits shall you know them,” said Jesus, Who promised that those who abided in Him would bear good fruit.

Into the ground goes a spade to make a hole for the seed to drop, and up comes the fruit in due season. Life to death to life anew, multiplied. Will we see this with you, Amber? God knows.

The ladies answered well, I’d say, granted wisdom from above. To war, we go for righteousness’ sake in the Name of the Lord, where there’s neither bond nor slave, Jew nor Greek, and male nor female, but one in Christ, all boldly and fairly “speaking the Truth to power.”

And how about the men of the army? Martin Van Popta, Nicholas Preston, Nicholas Carpenter, Stephen Beiler, Paul Beiler, Ronnie Tanner, Alan Agnew, Lloyd Beardsley, and others.

I see where in the past I made a list of names like the one above of people who were with us for a time, had good things to say, but left, some after weeks, some after months, some after years, and some after decades.

Nothing strange to God. In the Scriptures, there were such. A notable one who comes to mind is Barnabas, who brought Paul to the church, and ministered with him as directed by the Holy Spirit. It wasn’t long before Barnabas had a terrible spat with brother Paul over Mark whom Barnabas wanted to take with them on a missionary journey but Paul recalled that Mark had once abandoned them, so he didn’t want to take him again. Thus, Barnabas left Paul’s side and was never heard from again (Acts).

I understand Mark was Barnabas’ nephew. Was Barnabas protective of flesh and blood? Not good. Which comes first, flesh or spirit?
There are other Scriptural examples. So, we’ll see who’s still with us here months and years from now. God knows.

Amber blasphemed, argued, and accused us all, individually, or corporately. She constantly sought to divide and conquer; she evaded questions and issues, forever deflecting the truthful, corrective speech of many. Hers was shameful, evil conduct all the way. The accuser of the brethren was seeking whom she might devour.

What do you say, Amber? Are these things true or not?

A few days ago, Marilyn and I were reading Mark 16. The last chapter has this statement:

Mark 16:17-18 King James Version
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In My Name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Mark 16:17-18 GOD’S WORD Translation
17 “These are the miraculous signs that will accompany believers: They will use the power and authority of My Name to force demons out of people. They will speak new languages

Mark 16:17-18 Good News Translation
17 Believers will be given the power to perform miracles: they will drive out demons in My Name; they will speak in strange tongues;

There are many kinds of tongues. While Marilyn and I were reading this passage, it came to me that we were witnessing what is most importantly meant by “new tongues” in Mark 16. It was not only the “glossolalia” or foreign earthly languages, as recorded in Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit was given at Pentecost. Many diaspora (foreign) Jews of many languages had gathered in Jerusalem and heard the Gospel in their Gentile languages from the 120 disciples who were filled with the Spirit of God.

But there’s another kind of tongue. I said to Marilyn, Jesus was talking about speaking a “new tongue,” a new language, a language only those having God’s Spirit inspiring them could speak. And that’s when Marilyn spoke up and said, “That’s what’s happening here! Everyone is speaking a language foreign to Amber.”


Here’s the thing: I do believe Amber was trying to understand us, though for the wrong reasons, and she couldn’t. We were speaking another language that was entirely foreign to her. She demanded explanations, asked many questions, and even asked the names of books Marilyn and I had received our learning from in our spiritual beginnings so that she could study and deal with us. Yes, she was a liar, seeking to fault and rule. She was stumped, knowing nothing of the God of the Scriptures.

What were we speaking if not a “new tongue” – the one the Lord and saints referred to?

Yes, we were speaking a physical language – the earthly universal language of this day as appointed by God – English! But much more than that, we were speaking things this world and powers of Hell can’t comprehend. We were speaking words our Heavenly Father was putting in our mouths as He promised He would when the time came. It was the voice of angels, of spiritual messengers sent to do battle with the powers of darkness. The enemy was stopped in his tracks by the Truth, delivered by the Word of the Lord, which is Truth.

Some at TPOT may have gone too far with preaching and attempting to convince Amber. You were found “beating a dead horse.” Some of you condemned her, and given her attitude and conduct, I can’t blame you. I could have done the same and in times past, I’ve been very guilty of going too far and of condemning. It’s all on record. You can search the Lord for yourselves as to who you are. At this point, I’m not interested in getting into it.

Now, what do we do? Amber, what do you do? Recently, you’ve been asking, though I don’t for a moment trust your inquiry. You’re full of devils, a lying spirit, and others. Still, instead of dismissing you entirely from our midst, I feel led to give you an opportunity to repent. But we must see the fruits of definite change. As the Lord has admonished us for such as have done evil, “Let there be fruits.”

You need to leave our midst and be prevented from further commenting at TPOT. You must confess yourself a sinner, one who has never had anything to do with the Lord Jesus, and whatever we say that you do, you must completely obey from now on.
As an example, Lauren Santiago wouldn’t obey and we needed to expel her. We tested her temporarily a while later and she failed, so back out she went until another time, if there ever is one again. So, with you. Let others deal with you. Should you ever be prepared to return, we’ll need to consider before the Lord.

By “prepared,” I don’t mean your being willing and ready to rejoin us. No. I mean, having gone through your trials and tests of faith with obedience to God and to those here who represent Him. I’ll not receive you without His yoke.

I don’t believe we should pray for your deliverance from demons. As you believe and obey, the Lord will show and clear the way. You’ll be healed, delivered, and cleansed.

I’m not promising anything; indeed, it doesn’t look like it will ever happen, but I leave it with the Lord. If this isn’t satisfactory to you, we’re done.

If anyone has anything to say on this, even to object, speak up, everybody but Amber – I have no doubt you, Amber, have had far more than your turn and say. I’m done with yours, except to hear where you now stand with my letter.

God grant us wisdom and justice to do what’s right in His eyes.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,




Amber wrote:

From: Amber M
Date: Friday, April 28, 2023 at 7:01 PM
To: Hafichuk Victor <>
Cc: Marilyn Hafichuk <>, Harvest Haven <>, Ronnie Tanner <>
Subject: Amber Alert Response

Hello Victor,

I’ve been thinking a lot about everything that’s happened and what you said. I think I understand some more of why this all has been so confusing and what’s been happening.

I was actually trying my best to follow Jesus when I wanted to start going to the churches. I didn’t realize there were devils involved until Ashley brought it up. I knew I had them before TPOT, but I thought they were gone before you blessed me to go to the churches. I’m a different person than when I first showed up. I’m not saying I’m anywhere close to where I should be, just saying I was way worse and would be doing wayyyy worse right now if it wasn’t for TPOT. I started thinking others weren’t seeking the Lord, but really it was about me. You are right that I become the false accuser and divider of brethren. Martin rightfully brought me to judgement. It took the whole army rising up to help me start recognizing what was happening. I remember when I first got to TPOT. I was emailing you too much and decided to start commenting so that other people could help me because I didn’t waste your time with stupid questions. When I started commenting, you were still the main person answering me though. I was thinking, “Where is everyone?” I count it as the Lord showing me mercy that so many people spoke up to help me. I needed all of them.

Marilyn is right about what she said about Mark 16:17. You repeated the verse three times and it became clear to me: believers will speak new languages and cast out devils. Everyone has been speaking a foreign language to me without realizing it but they have also been casting devils out of me without realizing it. I keep saying how much they’ve helped me because many of them have changed my life. The same concept that you wrote about in God Heals Today His Way applies to my life regarding casting out devils instead of just physical illnesses. It seems to me that the true believers heal the sick and cast out devils in a similar way, by teaching and setting an example of how to follow the Lord, rather than curing people instantly with a word or touch. I’ve been thinking maybe these signs of true believers just happen, without the believers even trying, or sometimes, like in this case, without even knowing. Many of them might not have known they were speaking a different language to me. I guess that’s how you know the fruit is real, since you can’t fake something you don’t even know about. I just started understanding all this yesterday.

I was sad at first when you said you wouldn’t pray for the devils to be cast out of me. I wanted to get rid of the devils as soon as possible once I knew about them and that’s why I asked you (and everyone) to help me with them. It’s finally starting to make sense to me what prayer and fasting actually mean now though. It was never about words or food. I’m pretty sure that the rest will come out with real prayer and real fasting (from what I understand so far they both refer to how you live).

I asked for everyone to carry me to Jesus like in Mark 2, but since then I’ve realized they’ve been doing that this whole time. Sounds like everyone is exhausted from me. They feel like they’ve been beating a dead horse, but they have not. The Truth never returns void. It brings the dead to life. It’s been healing me and casting out my devils.

I feel so horrible about how I treated everyone. I hate that that’s the kind of person I am. What kind of person acts like that? Apparently I do. I don’t want to be like that. It was disgusting that I vomited all over myself and everyone. I was being honest when I said before I want accountability though. It’s so painful and so helpful.

I’ve been considering Matthew 12 everyday since Martin gave me the verses about judgement day and about my words condemning me. Martin helped me finally understand what Ashley, Nick C, and Ingrid meant a while ago when they told me I should be slow to speak and quick to listen. It also made me realize I had been blaspheming before you said it.

You asked why I’m still here. I’m pretty sure Jesus is here. Maybe I’m wrong about that, but I’m still convinced enough to stay even with everything that’s happened, and with people here trying to pull me away after seeing all this. Even if there is more devilish work like you suggested, I know it will bring about good for those who remain in Him, but I’ll try my best to not to act stupid. I don’t want to cause any damage. I’ve never wanted that. I just need to know what the real Jesus wants me to do. It’s important.

I trust the Lord will bring forth good fruit from me in His timing. The next thing I’m working on is practicing real prayer and real fasting, now that I’m starting to understand them. I’m not sure if everything I said here is all right, but it’s my best attempt at being honest (again). I’ll answer any questions you have if something isn’t clear, and try to be direct with my answers. Or if I missed a question that you wanted me to answer, please let me know and I will.


From: Harvest Haven <>
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2023 9:37 PM
To: Amber M <>; Victor Hafichuk <>
Cc: Marilyn Hafichuk <>; Ronnie Tanner <>
Subject: Re: Amber Alert Response

Amber, it’s time for you to be quiet. Nothing you’re saying is of any value to anyone, including yourself.

Now read this email carefully three times before responding. I’m tired of you ignoring instruction. You’ve clearly never learned obedience of any kind.

You’re taking up for too much of our time. We have a lot of responsibilities and you’ve taken up hundreds of hours of our time already. You are being really selfish and inconsiderate. We’ve heard enough. We’re tired of the waste you’re causing. I called you a troublemaker. You’ve proven my point a few times over.

So here are your options.

1. You can remain silent. We don’t want emails from you, unless it’s very important and in that case, keep it under 100 words. We’ll decide if we want more information. No more rambling messages. NONE! We don’t want you posting on the forum, and we definitely don’t want you communicating privately with any of our flock anymore. You’re just wasting everyone’s time whoring after attention and worship.

You can continue reading at TPOT and learning from what’s written and the communication between others. Along with this, you can participate in what we do by giving offerings to support the Lord’s work in our midst.

I repeat. This option means NO MORE TALKING. NONE! We’ll call on you when we’re led to by the Lord.

This is the option we gave Lauren, that you thoroughly criticized. Hopefully, you can learn that it’s merciful not cruel.

2. You can go your own way and do your own thing out in the world and learn from them.

You need to learn humility, honesty, and consideration for your neighbor. If you submit and obey us, the Lord will be gracious and give you these things. If you resent or resist us, you’ll have hell to pay. You say you believe Jesus is here. Then obey us!
I don’t want you sending a long email in return.

Just let us know whether you’re picking option 1 or 2 with a one sentence email.

Back to the top now to read this again two more times.

Obedience or hit the road!

On Apr 29, 2023, at 22:45, Marilyn Hafichuk <> wrote:

We totally agree, Martin!

Victor and Marilyn

From: Amber Michaelis
Date: Sunday, April 30, 2023 at 3:26 AM
To: Harvest Haven <>
Cc: Hafichuk Victor <>, Ronnie Tanner <>, Marilyn Hafichuk <>
Subject: Re: Amber Alert Response

Martin! Hi!! I didn’t know if I would hear from you again ?

I did what you said. I didn’t know you spent so much time on me ☹️ I wasn’t trying to say things of value, I just usually tell everyone what I’m learning because I like to know what they’re learning too. I’m sorry it’s been inconsiderate. I’ll be quiet. I commented on Jeannie’s FB yesterday before I saw this, but I’ll stop commenting on FB too. This will be my last email until I hear from you. I appreciate you being direct. Thank you for everything you do. Hope to hear from you again. Have a great day!


From: Harvest Haven <>
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2023 9:56 AM
To: Amber Michaelis
Cc: Victor Hafichuk <>; Ronnie Tanner <>; Marilyn Hafichuk <>
Subject: Re: Amber Alert Response

I said, “Just let us know whether you’re picking option 1 or 2 with a one sentence email. Back to the top now to read this again two more times. Obedience or hit the road!”

This is sad.

I guess it’s option 2, then, Amber. I couldn’t have been more clear.

We’ve stretched out our hands and stretched out our hands to you, but you will not. You’ve never believed or obeyed a single word we’ve said, even for a moment. The Lord is long suffering, but He won’t be mocked.

We’re finished with you.

Into the outer darkness you go.


On Apr 30, 2023, at 11:39, Victor Hafichuk <> wrote:

Amen. We have no other choice.


From: Amber Michaelis
Date: Sunday, April 30, 2023 at 12:43 PM
To: Harvest Haven <>
Cc: Ronnie Tanner <>, Marilyn Hafichuk <>, Hafichuk Victor <>
Subject: Re: Amber Alert Response

I only saw until this part, I read the first part three times and thought there was only one option and tried to keep it at 100 words, I wanted option 1 ?


From: Harvest Haven <>
Date: Sunday, April 30, 2023 at 5:45 PM
To: Amber Michaelis <>
Cc: Ronnie Tanner <>, Marilyn Hafichuk <>, Hafichuk Victor <>
Subject: Re: Amber Alert Response

*Read this whole email*

Amber, I’ll be honest. I don’t believe you.

I told you I was giving you options, why would you stop after reading only one option? And who bothers to use numerical bullet points and then stops after one number? It doesn’t make any sense.

You say, “I wanted option 1.” All I see here is that you want to leave being able to pretend that we hoofed you unjustly because of a misunderstanding. You’ve been accusing us the whole way, playing the hero and the victim at the same time.

Since, I’m not interested in you being able to walk away justifying yourself I’ll say the following.

The Lord knows your heart. I’ll be glad to be proven wrong.

If you’re being honest with us, and you truly have a heart to obey, and it really was a simple mistake, then you’ll continue in silence giving offerings to the Lord in us. And you’ll do so obediently until we call on you. And you’ll also perfectly understand that since you’ve been lying the whole way through this “relationship”, that it would be damned foolishness to take you at your word.

Your words are worthless at this point. Only fruits will persuade us.

The only response we’ll accept is “I will obey” followed with obedience. No other words are welcome. Anything else will further demonstrate your rebellion.


From: Amber Michaelis
Date: Sunday, April 30, 2023 at 5:57 PM
To: Harvest Haven <>
Cc: Ronnie Tanner <>, Marilyn Hafichuk <>, Hafichuk Victor <>
Subject: Re: Amber Alert Response

I will obey


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