A Child of Darkness Presumes to Teach

From: Jason
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2016 12:04 AM

Blessed are those who are poor in spirit. (Blessed are those who aren’t spiritually arrogant and think they know everything.) There is only one teacher his name is Holy spirit. Everything you do if you do it without Love it means Nothing. After reading through most of your website. After reading you criticize other ministers using scripture sections to twist things into your perspective. Then questioning the very Bible that you pulled the scripture from. Please spend some time alone with God ask Holy spirit to show you who you really are. It’s God’s goodness that leads men to repentance . It has nothing to do with pointing your finger at people at telling them that they are wrong. Bashing other ministries. And then wondering how the enemy might have worked his way in to the new Testament and corrupted it. How small is God to you? Pleas spend some time with God. Ask him to show you how big and how powerful he really is. You might even get to see something which will truly humble you. God bless and best of luck  on your journey.

From: Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
To: Jason
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2016 6:41 AM
Subject: Another Child of Contradiction

There is only one teacher his name is Holy spirit.

That’s a lie, hidden in the Truth.

“And God set some in the church, firstly, apostles; secondly, prophets; thirdly, teachers, then works of power, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, kinds of languages” (1 Corinthians 12:28 MKJV). 

The Big Lie Exposed

Are you not presuming to teach us, Jason?

After reading you criticize other ministers using scripture sections to twist things into your perspective.

On the contrary, we’ve proven what we say by the Scriptures. But you offer no proof whatsoever. This is another lie.  

Then questioning the very Bible that you pulled the scripture from.

We don’t question the Bible at all. We identify apocryphal additions or faulty renditions according to the Word of God. You offer nothing but an unsupported accusation, another lie.  

The rest of your letter is more confoundedness, concluding with wishing us “the best of luck.” It’s about luck to you because your god isn’t in control. You’re a child of darkness, wishing us well after dismissing us and what we say without justification. If you could receive the truth, you would do well to believe what God has given us and thereby enter into His blessing yourself. 

You’re the one not doing well. As it stands, you’re under God’s wrath, promoting the works of the destroyer. 

False Love – Satan’s Last Stronghold

Paul and Victor

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