Satan Allowing Hinn to Destroy His Wife

From: Steven
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 9:40 AM
Subject: Message from a Website Visitor


Thank you for your website.  I have been having a disagreement with my wife for some time about Benny Hinn.  In particular, I wanted her to watch a CNN documentary that called into question his healing ministry.  I have also attended two of Mr. Hinn’s events, which have raised further concerns in my mind about his ministry.  Yet, coming upon your site in an internet search revealed to me that I need to love my wife like Christ loves the church and focus less on our disagreement about Benny Hinn.  Mr. Hinn will stand before God, and God knows his heart.  I am not his judge.

Importantly, I realized I do not want to be like you or your website and spread a message that is without love.  Yes, even through wrong God can accomplish good.

From: Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
To: Steven
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 7:14 AM
Subject: Re: Message from a Website Visitor

So, Steven – Benny Hinn can spiritually rape your wife and consign her soul to Hell, but you’ll leave Hinn’s judgment to God? Wow, such a nice, loving, and understanding spiritual guy you are! 

God will judge you as worse than Hinn, because you, knowing better, give your wife over to this murderer in the name of your father, the Devil. 

False Love – Satan’s Last Stronghold 

You serve the destroyer, not the Savior. 

Paul and Victor

From: Steven
To: Paul and Victor
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 8:21 AM
Subject: Re: Message from a Website Visitor


Yes, I will leave Mr. Hinn’s judgment to God, that is biblical.  I am not his judge.  

My email stated I would love my wife like Christ love’s the church, that is biblical.  A husband who loves his wife like Christ loves the church will be more influential than a televangelist in her life.  

I will continue to pray for you.



From: Victor Hafichuk
To: Steven
Cc: Paul Cohen
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 6:51 AM
Subject: Re[3]: Message from a Website Visitor

So will you really love your wife as Christ loved His Body? You lie, Steven. What, for instance, did Christ do with Ananias and Sapphira because He loved the church? What did He do with Agag by Samuel because He loved the church? What did He do by Elijah with the 450 prophets of Baal because He loved the church? What did He do with Herod who glorified himself, because He loved the church? 

No, you are the self-righteous, religious asshole who thinks to be Christ’s, following “another Jesus,” and in that delusion, you’ll gladly allow Hinn to rape your wife “because you’re not his judge.”

Certainly, you have no judgment at all, being in the dark and incapable of judging righteous judgment. Is it any wonder your wife goes whoring after charlatans? Sure, let her go make sacrifices to Baal and Ashtoreth! Why not? You’re not her head; you‘re her reluctant tail. Be sure your “love” will find you out.


From: Steven
To: Victor Hafichuk
Cc: Paul Cohen
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: Re[3]: Message from a Website Visitor


Faith, hope, and love.  I pray you find these.

You may find it helpful to enroll in a hermeneutics course from a reputable Christian institution; however, learning requires an open mind and good temperament.  

Regardless, I will continue in prayer for you but I will not respond to vulgar responses in the future.



From: Victor Hafichuk
To: Steven
Cc: Paul Cohen
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 9:06 PM
Subject: RE: Re[3]: Message from a Website Visitor

No doubt I can be “rough around the edges,” but your ignorance of duty and callous disregard for your wife angered me. You are SUCH a damned religious fool.


From: Steven
To: Victor Hafichuk
Cc: Paul Cohen
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 9:15 PM
Subject: RE: Re[3]: Message from a Website Visitor


Remember, Matthew 22:36-40.  

I prayed for you tonight.

I Hope You Find Peace,


From: Paul Cohen
To: Steven
Cc: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 6:49 AM
Subject: Re[5]: Message from a Website Visitor

Steven, obviously you haven’t red what we’ve given you as the antidote to your life-robbing delusion: False Love – Satan’s Last Stronghold

Victor spoke truly when he called you a religious asshole, because like an asshole, you can take in nothing of value. You instead expel a continuous stream of noxious gases and excrement. This would be okay if it came out your anus, but since it comes out of your mouth as self-righteous and pietistic flapdoodle, Heaven is vexed, utterly repulsed and disgusted. 


From: Steven
To: Paul and Victor
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 10:25 AM
Subject: Re: Re[5]: Message from a Website Visitor

Paul & Victor,

I see you are committed to a particular manner of delivering a message that I find repulsive.  The purpose of my original message was to suggest you sprinkle your message with love, empathy, and respect for the recipient.  Instead, you continue to arrogantly do the opposite.  As such, I will bring my participation in this conversation to a close.  



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