God’s Grace Leads a Woman Out of Babylon


From: Tanya 
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2016 10:44 PM
Subject: Hello Victor

Hello Victor,

I’ve found your website and have been reading a lot of what you and Paul have written. 

I feel that I would like to ask your opinion on something. I’ve recently just begun to have my eyes opened by the Lord. It has been a very emotional, hard time. I will give you a brief background. I’ve got friends who have attended the Bethel supernatural school for two years, so there was an overflow of their enthusiasm into my family (my husband and two young daughters) lives.  

I started listening to a lot of Kris Vallatton podcasts, Graham Cooke podcasts. I began having spiritual experiences and believed they were from God. It wasn’t until I attended the Sozo (Bethel) training that I began to suspect something wasn’t right, the training left me feeling uneasy. 

I began to do research and was stumbling across some blogs for example ‘Mkayla’s Korner’ and  I began reading other people’s testimonies. At first it made me angry and I thought they were just being mean and of a critical spirit. I decided to not read the ‘negative’ blogs anymore and I continued on my path in Charismania. 

Just to back track a bit my family and I had moved over to Australia from South  Africa and during these three years I’d been active in Volunteer work but no door had opened for paid work. It wasn’t until two months ago that a lady at church approached me about taking over her role in the church, she’s been there for nine years and wanting to retire so she’s training me to take over her admin role. 

Now this seems to me a miracle. I am over the moon that the Lord is moving on my behalf. I am ecstatic! My husband is so proud of me. Now during this time I’m still full of words from the Graham Cook podcasts and Bethel podcasts. And secretly in my mind I’m thinking the Lord is manoeuvring me into this position so I can share all the visions and messages he’s giving me. I’m going to be sharing God’s truths. 

And then I start to think about some of the things I read on Mkayla’s blog, and I go down on my knees and ask the Lord if I’m walking in deception to please show me. I stop listening to all podcasts, I stop reading all the books. I just start reading the bible. All the while going to work and being trained up and then God opens my eyes up to the church we are involved in and I’m devastated. The church movement is C3 and today I attended the C3 empowerment conference and I feel sick to my stomach.

I cannot be a part of this movement it is despicable and is a money making business.

What do I do as the lady who is training me is going away for a month in October and I don’t want to let her down. I have a meeting to see the head pastor of our church next Tuesday as I was going to ask a few questions, but I know there’s really no point as they all truly believe they are blessed by God and C3 is anointed by God. I shared a tiny bit of what I was feeling with the lady at work and her comment was that I must make sure that it’s not the devil whispering in my ear.

I have to be honest and tell you that I’m so scared, I’m so scared of sitting in front of the Pastor and telling him that I can’t be a part of this movement. I am scared that something bad will happen to me or my family and then all the people in the church will look at us and go ‘it’s because you dared to criticise us and what Gods doing in our movement’.

Thank you for taking the time to read this mail.

Kind regards

From: Victor Hafichuk
To: Tanya
Cc: Paul Cohen
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 10:16 PM
Subject: Re: Hello Victor

Hi Tanya, 

I hear you. Your experience has happened to all those the Lord Jesus Christ calls and chooses – the called of God go through this very crisis you describe. You can thank the Lord for it.

Here’s the good news, and there’s truly only good news and no bad when you obey the Lord. He has been gracious to you as He has been to few others. Yes, many are called, but few are chosen. He has called you out of men’s works. What you describe is a summons to come out of men’s kingdoms and into the Kingdom of Heaven; the two are antithetical to one another, the one presuming and pretending to be the work and essence of the other. 

When the call comes, it’s a struggle for everyone involved because it’s the revelation and presentation of His cross, a call to deny yourself, a call to death to the flesh, to near and dear, to this entire world. It’s a testimony against the world, and so the Lord would have it. Paul said:

“But may it never be for me to boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by Whom the world is crucified to me, and I to the world” (Galatians 6:14 MKJV). 

You’ve been searching and hoping. He has directed you to this place for good and not for evil, to grant you the desires of your heart. The conflict within you arises from two things: one, He is giving you proper definition to what you’re searching for; He’s qualifying what you should be searching for and what is at its core. Two, you have to surrender what you have, even who you are if you are to receive Him and His fellowship. 

It’s about Him, not working for Him. It’s about His serving you and not your serving Him. It is salvation. He’s the Savior, not us, though ultimately He calls us to enter in with Him to the work on behalf of all of creation. It’s the call out of men’s works to His work.

“Concerning the works of men, by the word of Thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer” (Psalms 17:4 KJV). 

But first, it’s our turn to be saved and equipped unto His work. This isn’t an instantaneous event, but a process, though there are identifiable and remarkable stepping stones, so to speak.

You need to come away from all your YouTube indulgences in famous and popular preachers like Kris Vallatton and Graham Cooke; they only serve to confound you with a mixture of truth and error. It is Babylon. That which is highly esteemed among men is abomination to God, the Lord says. Know it; it is very true.

What do I do as the lady who is training me is going away for a month in October and I don’t want to let her down. I have a meeting to see the head pastor of our church next Tuesday as I was going to ask a few questions, but I know there’s really no point as they all truly believe they are blessed by God and C3 is anointed by God. I shared a tiny bit of what I was feeling with the lady at work and her comment was that I must make sure that it’s not the devil whispering in my ear.

There is really no point, as you know and say it. All there will be those God is calling you away from so why would they be in agreement with your perspective and summons from above? You can be sure your situation isn’t as the lady you spoke to has suggested. Her words are those of “the devil whispering in [your] ear.”

As to your fears:

I have to be honest and tell you that I’m so scared, I’m so scared of sitting in front of the Pastor and telling him that I can’t be a part of this movement. I am scared that something bad will happen to me or my family and then all the people in the church will look at us and go ‘it’s because you dared to criticise us and what Gods doing in our movement’.

“Let your way of life be without the love of money, and be content with such things as you have, for He has said, ‘Not at all will I leave you, not at all will I forsake you, never!’ so that we may boldly say, ‘The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do to me’” (Hebrews 13:5-6 MKJV). 

“But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and with no reproach, and it shall be given to him. But let him ask in faith, doubting nothing. For he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven by the wind and tossed” (James 1:5-6 MKJV). 

We have posted some instruction concerning C3:

C3 Church – Following the Prince of This World
C3 Church – The Path of Truth Forum

Avail yourself, Tanya and bless the Lord by obeying Him. Let come what may; let people condemn you, and they will, no matter what happens – that’s the nature of the beast and the work of the enemy. It’s part of the price we must pay. They said those things to us when the Lord called us out 40 years ago and the things they declared would come on us came on them instead. 

God grant you the grace to obey Him. He’s Faithful and True.


From: Tanya
To: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2016 9:51 PM
Subject: Re: Hello Victor

Hi Victor,

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my e-mail.  I appreciate it so very much.

Kind regards

From: Victor Hafichuk
To: Tanya
Cc: Paul Cohen
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2016 10:29 AM
Subject: RE: Hello Victor

We’d appreciate hearing how things turn out for you, Tanya. Give thanks all the way:

Psalms 100:1-5 MKJV
(1)  A Psalm of praise. Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all you lands.
(2)  Worship the LORD with gladness; come before His presence with singing.
(3)  Know that the LORD, He is God. He has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture.
(4)  Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise; be thankful to Him, and bless His Name.
(5)  For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endures to all generations.


From: Tanya
To: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2016 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: Hello Victor

Hi Victor,

I thought I would email to let you know how things are going.  

On the 24th September I let them know at the church that I could no longer work for them, the pastor did try and convince me with many right sounding words that I was mistaken in what I was thinking about the church being a business and being a mixture of spirits.  

It really made no difference to me, he was speaking and the words were just bouncing off.  I knew that God had spoken to me and shown me.  What I was not expecting though was to be politely walked out of the building immediately and that to be the abrupt ending of my job just like that.  It was prompt and quick and I felt free.  Since leaving my job I have been looking for other part time work but no doors have opened.  I’ve only had a few moments of anguish, mainly the fear of man, and worrying about what my husband’s family are going to think about me and the fact that I walked away from a paying job.  All the women in his family are very hard working and all are career women. 

Ive been scared that I’m lazy and lack ambition but I have pushed myself by walking into stores and chatting face to face with the managers and handing my resume in.  Lacking ambition, goals and a purpose has always been something I’ve struggled with in my life.  From a young age I’ve always been jealous of friends who have had talents and especially those who have made money from working at something they are good at. 

This is something that I’ve had to pray about and accept that God has made me the way I am.  During this time I’ve come to the conclusion that I really have walked through life with a huge chip on my shoulder (something my mother used to always say to me).  I’ve also realised that I’ve been very bitter about my family, my upbringing and thinking it should have been different to what it was.  It is painful but it feels good to be honest and not hide behind lies and pretences which I’ve made a habit of doing from a very young age.

This has been a 15 month strange, winding journey, 15 months ago I moved the lounge around, chucked out the big tv that was in it as it really did seem to dominate the space, and I began every day to seek the Lord, reading the bible, reading other christian books, listening to podcasts.  

My main question was “is there something in this life for me to do? Do I have a talent, is there a job out there for me?’  Four months later I decided to study a Chaplaincy Diploma (the first time studying), I was so excited to have some kind of direction.  The C3 Church we were attending has a community Centre behind the church building, this was where I began doing my practical work, every Friday.  I felt excited, here is a plan carved out for me.  

How funny to think that at the end of September I finished my chaplaincy diploma and I’m on a completely different path.  I know that I could never pursue being a ‘chaplain’. I know that I cannot be a part of the C3 church movement. It feels like I’m back at square one but at the same time it doesn’t. 

Another thing I think I should mention is that I also felt led to stop praying in ‘tongues’.  Something inside of me just came to the conclusion that it wasn’t the real gift of tongues . This is something that I used to spend a lot of time doing, I would walk up and down praying in ‘tongues’ daily for sometimes two hours.  I feel a lot cleaner and more free since stopping this. 

I also want to say thank you for the great teachings on your website as well as your Theo-Autobiography.  I realise that I know nothing about God and the way He really is.  I appreciate the honesty and frankness of your writings.

Kind regards

From: Victor Hafichuk
To: Tanya
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2016 8:30 PM
Subject: RE: Hello Victor

Hi Tanya,

Thank you for reporting what’s been happening with you. I appreciate it.

Be assured of this: The Lord honors those who honor Him. I see you earnestly seeking to do His will, to honor Him. He will show you the way and without a doubt you’ll know it when the time comes for you to know it. He’s Faithful and True, Tanya; rest in Him; you have nothing at all to fear. 

The Lord reigns supreme over all.

I’d appreciate you being in touch. Thank You, Lord, for Your grace to this lady.


From: Tanya
To: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 4:10 PM
Subject: Re: Hello Victor

Thank you Victor for your reply and encouraging words.  I will keep in touch.

Kind regards

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