Veganism: A Proselytizing Cult in Worship of Earth

From: Mata
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Monday, November 07, 2016 5:40 PM
Subject: Abusive vegan teenagers

I didn’t mind that my two teenage girls became vegan, it meant less sweets and more veggies. After a short while they became very aggressive to me insisting that I follow there path.!. My remark to a string of abusive words were: ‘stress kills…..don’t stress me out.’

They were both more polite and kind before turning vegan. 

A frustrated mum.

From: Paul Cohen
To: Mata
Cc: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2016 7:28 AM
Subject: Re: Abusive vegan teenagers

Perhaps you should mind that your daughters joined the pagan cult of veganism, Mata. You wouldn’t approve of other harmful practices in your home, would you, like smoking crack? Veganism is more insidious, because it destroys physically and spiritually while its practitioners are proud of the destruction they’re sowing and reaping. Crackheads rarely try to convert their mums.  

If your daughters’ diets were poor in the past, veganism could be an improvement, no doubt, but to a degree and only for the short term. You’re already seeing fallout from this diet, because its philosophy is gravely corrupt and affects all levels of being. You should be looking into and implementing true principles of health for yourself and your family, as much as possible. Do you not believe in your Lord and Creator, Who put you on earth to live and prosper according to His laws and ways?

Christian Physical Diet 

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From: Mata
To: Paul Cohen
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2016 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: Abusive vegan teenagers

Hi Paul.

Thank you for a very clear insight. My Pastor paid our home a visit, and said my daughter needs intercession prayers, I never told him about the veganism.

I certainly believe in the Lord, that we should take dominion of the earth….not worship it!

God Bless you for the support.


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