Blessings from the Philippines

From: Richard
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2016 4:49 PM

Dear Victor,

I have spent days from you website and the many websites over the years, yours is by far the best of the best. With so many false teachers listed, and of those of yesteryear, and in the future about so many of these false teachers. It reminds me that “many are called but only a few will be chosen.” These false teachers will be judged at the judgment seat of Christ. You have done so much research and study. It is just amazing! Whether you may never respond to my emails, I do understand. I am not part of hate mail that you may have encountered over the years.



Metro Manila, Philippines 

June 20, 2016

“One life will soon be past, only what is done for Christ will last”

From: Richard
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2016 12:44 AM

Dear Victor,

From the Book of Jonah, chapter two, was Jonah in the belly of the great fish for 3 days and 3 nights, being dead and at the end, God commanded the fish to vomit Jonah having been resurrected. There is so much controversy over this fish story.

Thanks you!


June 17, 2016

Metro Manila, Philippines

From: Richard
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 7:56 AM

Dear Victor,

From you Sitemap, with each there is PDF. That is a big help for me. I agree with you about these false teachers and there are so many of them. You website is well organized and it has been a help to me. 

God bless always,


From: Richard
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 3:33 AM

Dear Mr, Hafichkuk and Mr. Cohen,

There is so much info from you Sitemap. From the Sitemap and the hundreds if false teachers from your apologetics. are there really Christians left? Those individuals, church denominations, doctrines of beliefs, there is not much left, is there? Whether I agree or disagree is not so important because it will be Christ at His judgement seat and He will be the finally one to judge, not man. I have received a few years ago listing these individuals and church denominations. The first was from a Calvinist Baptist, The other is from a former Seventh day Adventist, both under the cloud of apologetics. With your list, pales from their list and it is a long list. In the end, your is much truth to be spoken from The Path of Truth. Please keep me in touch or to be placed and your email list.


June 16, 2016

Metro Manila, Philippines 

From: Richard
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 11:31 PM

Dear Mr. Victor Hafichuk. 

I see so many of the apologetics from the Internet, and with so many of there articles judging other Christians for what they believe. There are 34,000 Christians denominations worldwide, and they cannot agree among themselves about doctrine, interpretations, thousands of opinions, bible version. I left the Roman Catholic Church when I was 19, Today, 76. I began studying the bible for myself, Then in 1962, I joined the Worldwide Church of God, founded by Herbert W. Armstrong. Though after his death, many splinters with different names as Church of God. They they biblical truth, much of what I have read from your website, The Path of Truth. There are many who share the most of their beliefs. I the thousands of denominations, my “thorn in the flesh? as to be the worst with their theology as Calvinist Baptist. They must be reading from the reverse version with their interpretation of the bible which is so far fetch to the truth of God’s Word, I have been part of the Chruch of God for over 50 years and that will never change for me.

My the Lord bless you always, Victor,


June 14, 2016

Metro Manila, Philippines

“One life will soon be past, only what is done for Christ will last?

From: Paul Cohen
To: Richard
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 3:19 PM
Subject: The Path of Truth

Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Richard!

We’ve received several emails from you and aren’t ignoring you. For now I just want you to know we have been very busy with a recent move, travel, visitors, and visiting, so haven’t kept up with all the mail we’ve been receiving from many. I’m putting all your letters in a file to share with Victor and we’ll be responding further, Lord willing. We thank Him for the miracle of faith in those who believe. 

Paul Cohen 

From: Richard 
To: Paul Cohen
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2016 5:28 PM
Subject: Re: The Path of Truth

Dear Paul.

Thank you so much for your email of June 24th, Philippines. I want you to know, Paul, and Victor, that The Path of Truth is the finest website,  I tell you with such gratitude Over the years, from your list of false teachers, I have to agree. Yes, “many are called but a few are chosen.” The MKJV is better than the KJV of 1611/1769. For me, over 40 years, the theology of the Calvinist Baptist, the KJV Onlyites has been my “thorn in the flesh.” My personal study Bible as been the Hebraic Roots Bible in English, a literal translation, the Modern King James Bible and the Amplified Bible. The Calvinist Baptist reject all other versions of the Bible. The say these versions are counterfeit and corrupted versions of the Bible. I like the Sitemap from your website.



June 24, 2016

Metro Manila, Philippines

“One life will soon be past, only what is done for Christ will last”

From: Victor Hafichuk
To: Richard
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2016 7:36 AM
Subject: Jesus Christ, Lord God Almighty, Our Present Savior

Richard, this may sound pretentious or presumptuous to you, but this site is the Lord’s and not ours. He personally has taught us what we preach and compels us to bring it to the entire world, without charge or respect of persons. 

You say, “I have been part of the Chruch of God for over 50 years and that will never change for me.

If that doesn’t change, woe to you. Richard, there was much error in the WWCG, particularly in spirit. All that must go if you are to have eternal life. You need to, or at least, are able (He willing) to come to know the Lord Jesus Christ in Person, here, now.

He is the Lord God Almighty. See our section: Jesus Christ Is God. Also see The Baptism in the Holy Spirit.


From: Richard 
To: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2016 8:12 AM
Subject: Re: Jesus Christ, Lord God Almighty, Our Present Savior

I agree with you in what you said in your email. Thanks


From: Richard 
To: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2016 5:25 PM

Dear Victor,

Fifty years ago, you did not have your website as today, I also learned over the years to agree even though I would disagree. There is so much hatred among Christians and their apologetics. In the end of our life’s journey, it will be God that will judge and not man with their apologetics. I have much from the SDA and I tell them, I agree. With the Mormons, etc. since we have thousands of denominations and it seem all are perfect with their understanding of the scriptures. Yes, you have an excellent website. Yet, there are others who would disagree with The Path of Truth. I just read in what they say. So much has to do with interpretation, doctrine, denominations, bible versions. That will never change. I have been bedridden most of the time. That is the truth. Honestly, I am sick and tired about disagreements. Much easier to say, I agree.



June 28, 2016

From: Richard 
To: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 3:06 AM

I have read a few years ago apologists defining so many false teachers. One is from a Calvinist Baptist, the other is from a ex SDA. They call themselves Christians? What they are doing is judging other Christians. Jesus said, “Judge not lest you be judged.” Who can know the heart of a man, or a Christian man but God Himself. The Path of Truth  has also many apologetics. Let God be the Judge and not a mortal man. Yes, there will be a Payday Someday! From your email mentioning HWA. So what, let God do the judging. True, a long list of false teachers and again, it will be God who will do the judging. HWA is not perfect and neither are the both of you. Yes, and excellent web on The Path of Truth. But what is truth, really? They all have their own interpretations you will see thousands of opinions. As for me, being disabled, bedridden nearly all day and night. I can judge you, only God can and that is the path of truth.

God  bless the both of you,


June 29, 2016

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