From: Carol
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2016 10:02 AM
Subject: If Gods Holy Spirit inspired Luke and all the authors to write everything in the Bible, and this Bible has survived through generations, (:I believe all of what God is telling the world). If it’s not in the bible and written in mans letters you should que
From: Paul Cohen
To: Carol
Cc: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2016 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: …
Your message in the subject line was truncated, Carol. Would you like to try again using the body of the email this time to make sure we get your entire letter?
Are you aware that the original Gospel of Luke isn’t available? Today’s Bibles are translations derived from different manuscripts a hundred years or so later than the original texts. And did you know that these manuscripts sometimes differ from one another? Are you suggesting the Holy Spirit inspired those who changed or corrupted the original manuscripts – that God isn’t in agreement with Himself?
Also, read this: In Defense of ExtraBiblical Inspiration of God
From: Carol
To: Paul Cohen
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2016 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: …
The Bible is the whole word of God, and he is perfect, why would you think that God would hide any of his words, like another book if it’s important for man to follow, none of the books contradict each other, the authors tell some stories in a different way, that’s all.
If you ask the Holy Spirit to give you understanding you will see it all come together.
From: Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
To: Carol
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2016 7:31 AM
Subject: The Word of God Made Flesh
“The Bible is the whole word of God,” Carol
“Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written” (John 21:25 ESV).
How is the Bible the whole word of God, when even during His earthly lifetime, the Lord said far, far more than is recorded for us in the Scriptures? Are all the other things He spoke not the Word of God?
And did Jesus stop acting and speaking there? For you He has, because you don’t hear His voice. In fact, for you, He never began to speak because you’ve never heard from Him. If you were hearing Him, you’d know that the Word of God still communicates with His people, and is by no means limited to the Bible in doing so.
“And because of this we give thanks to God without ceasing, that having received the Word of hearing from us, you welcomed it as of God, not as a word of men, but as it is, truly the Word of God, which also works in you, the ones believing” (1 Thessalonians 2:13 LITV).
The testimony of Paul and those with him was received as the Word of God by those who believed, which Word it was and is. The same goes for all servants of God who testify by His Spirit of Jesus Christ – “for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (Revelation 19:10 MKJV).
Jesus Christ is the Word of God. Only by having Him do we have the Whole Word of God – or any of it, because without Him, you know nothing of God no matter how perfect the Scriptures you have are, or how many times you’ve red them.
“First, you must understand this: No prophecy in Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation” (2 Peter 1:20 GW).
Many in the days of the Lord’s flesh had His Perfect Word in Scripture, but it profited them not a whit because they didn’t believe on the Father, just like YOU don’t believe on Him as we speak by Him.
So you’ve been born again of paper and ink? We’ve been born again of God, also known as the Word of God made flesh:
“…having been born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, through the living Word of God, and abiding forever” (1 Peter 1:23 MKJV).
“I write to you, fathers, because you have known Him Who is from the beginning. I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, and the Word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one” (1 John 2:14 MKJV).
“For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world–our faith” (1 John 5:4 ESV).
Your god is a book, but our God is the Living Resurrected Lord of All.
You’ve specified the Gospel of Luke being inspired by the Spirit of God, likely because you disagreed with the corruption we’ve noted occurring in this book with the addition of a “deathbed conversion” of one of the criminals at the Lord’s crucifixion. You defend all Scriptures being valid, including this apocryphal story in Luke, by saying:
“…none of the books contradict each other, the authors tell some stories in a different way, that’s all.”
But it’s exactly for this reason that the deathbed conversion in Luke must be invalidated as a latter addition by unscrupulous souls. Not only isn’t it noted in any of the other Gospels, but it’s also flatly contradicted in two of them, Matthew and Mark, as noted in our writing. Have you red it?
The Book of Luke Corrupted: A Deathbed Conversion Tale
And note what we say at the end:
IMPORTANT: We must solemnly remind you that while there are spurious passages in the Scriptures, they are few and far between. Furthermore, there are many apparent inconsistencies in Scripture which have valid explanations (not rationalizations, but true, Scripturally-sound explanations). Our only assurance of understanding and discernment between true and false is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ, by Whose Spirit we are given to know the Truth He is.
The Holy Spirit has given us understanding, Carol, which is in harmony with all sound reason according to the revelation of Jesus Christ. You need to ask yourself why you aren’t in harmony with Him and why you aren’t receiving the Word of hearing from us. We’ve given you the answer, but you need to know it for yourself.
Paul and Victor
From: Carol
To: Paul Cohen
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2016 6:19 PM
Subject: Re: The Word of God Made Flesh
I’m not going to argue with you, Jesus is the light of the world, ask him into your heart and allow his word to be real to you. His HOLY SPIRIT is alive and powerful.
From: Paul and Victor
To: Carol
Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2016 7:14 AM
Subject: Re[2]: The Word of God Made Flesh
You ARE arguing with us, Carol. See how readily you lie? It’s your nature to lie. So that’s the not the Holy Spirit in your heart – it’s the man of sin, spawn of Satan the liar and murderer.
Paul & Victor
From: Carol
To: Paul Cohen
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2016 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: The Word of God Made Flesh
If you knew Gods truth you wouldn’t be calling me a lier Paul, may God forgive you and I pray you will ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in your speech and life
Please do not get in touch with me again, as you only want to argue your point just to say you are right, and that is not of God.