The Preacher’s Kid From Hell

From: Ken
Subject: other
To: Martin Van Popta

Who are you to say who is false preacher. Jesus is the only way to the father. I’m a preacher kid.
You best watch out that you don’t commit the ultimate sin that cant be forgiven. Blasphemy of holy spirit. Is a Hell bound sin. I say that I feel God in Todd White.
He is doing what Jesus did. Go on yhe streets of America and world and tell of the good news of God.
So best repent or face your forever eternity in lake of fire where you can’t die but wish it.
My spirit says he’s of God
This place isn’t for your not to judge.

From: Martin Van Popta
Date: Tue, Jun 29, 2021 at 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: New message at TPOT from Ken H
To: Ken, Victor Hafichuk

Hi Ken, I’m a preacher’s kid as well. My father, like yours, is a liar and peddler of Babylon’s whoredoms. It’s nothing to boast about, as though we should be impressed by your credentials. You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, and yet you strut around, babbling your incoherent nonsense like people should listen.

You say, I say that I feel God in Todd White.”

And, “My spirit says he’s of God.”

Tell me, Ken, what do your “feelings” have to do with the Truth? You come in the name of “your spirit”, and we come in the Name of Jesus Christ, Lord of All. Why should we take your words over His Word? 

You say, “This place isn’t for your not to judge.”

Read this sentence again. I don’t want to make an issue of your grammar, but you need to be shown how loose and drunk you sound, hammering our inbox with your hammered ravings. Read it with a drunken drawl in your mind and you’ll get an idea of what we’re dealing with here. You are a loud and obnoxious alcoholic, stumbling through the streets, cursing the authorities. You’ll be in the drunk tank for a long while. It takes many years to sober up from the Whore’s wine. And then there’s the hangover. You have so much to look forward to. 

IT ABSOLUTELY IS our place to judge Todd White and you with him. It is our appointment from above.

Ken, you’re the one committing the unforgiveable sin. 

However, it’s not as you understand it.

You’re currently in a state of stubborn pride and rebellion against Jesus Christ and His Body. You can’t be forgiven because you aren’t sorry yet. You’re current state is completely and totally unforgiveable. You’re sick and you need help.

However, the time will come when the demonic spirit of Todd White that binds you will be done away with. Then you will bend your knee with us, confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Until then, Satan will have his way with you.

You have lots to learn and you’ll be learning it the hard way.

Martin Van Popta

From: Ken
Date: Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at 6:14 AM
To: Martin Van Popta
Subject: Re: New message at TPOT from Ken H

Well now.  I’ll let God take care of you for your stupidity and hate.   You will face him and only two ways.  Heaven or hell 

Which will you be going to.

Me I’m going to heaven 

From: Martin Van Popta
Date: Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: New message at TPOT from Ken
To: Ken

Here’s something interesting to think about, Ken.

We agree that there are only two states to exist in. Heaven or Hell. Just like you said.

So, if you’re “going to heaven”, that must mean you are currently in Hell. After all, “we are either for or against him.” Believers or unbelievers. Gathering with Him, or scattering.

Which is exactly what we’re telling you. You are in Hell. We are already in Heaven.

You say, “Me, I’m going to Heaven”. I agree wholeheartedly! You will eventually get there, in the ages to come. But, the Lord will have to purge you of this rotten attitude you have, before you’re permitted to enter. 

You say, “I’ll let God take care of you for your stupidity and hate.”

Isn’t that just a fancy way of saying “God damn you to Hell”? What evil have we committed against you, Ken, that you should desire that we be roasted on your flames of vengeance for all ages to come? What is our heinous crime? What kind of madman are you, to lust after such a fate for us. All while you accuse us of hateful conduct. Bizarre!

You hate us, Ken. But we don’t hate you. When you receive us, the Lord will receive you. We look forward to it.


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