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Demanding the Gifts, Despising the Price

On June 26, 2018, Riesah Prock from Shamanik Healing responded to a recent newsletter she received from Harvest Haven.

From:  Riesah Prock (on behalf of Shamanik Healing)
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 7:39 PM
To: Harvest Haven
Subject: Re: Harvest Haven Happenings

Dear Martin, 

I’m not sure why you are perpetuating here the controversy over your post and all the rest that followed. I myself was quite turned off by your preaching on the newsletter you send out to customers who buy from you. I appreciate your agricultural efforts and results and enjoy eating them, but not with a side of righteous commentary, which would be better sent to your belief followers.

I am not one of them, but we have enjoyed some good conversation at the store and I appreciate that, even when we are not in agreement regarding the issue you made a point of raising; namely, abortion and all the associated beliefs, Christian rhetoric and such, I have my beliefs and you have yours. If you’d asked me first if I wanted to hear them, I’d have said no.

I felt quite put-upon by what you wrote and how you expressed your strong beliefs. I do not wish to argue the points, but am expressing here my own feelings relative to what you delivered to me in email by way of your Harvest Haven newsletter. It is yours and you may do as you wish, and here I am saying that I do not wish to receive another tract like that disguised as a store newsletter and served up with recipes.

I’m dismayed to hear you acting like a victim for the choices you’ve made and the actions that have stirred up people, whether Christian or otherwise. You have expectations that all Christians would agree with you or they’re not good people like you are. Actions that separate us instead of bringing us together do not further human life of any kind, nor all other life, in my opinion and experience.

I remain open to the news of your progress in the bakery, what is ripe and ready like your strawberries and other produce. What I do not want is the negative angry righteous energy you expressed going into the food I buy and eat from you. Further, this is the only time I will say this and I do not want to argue points, beliefs or anything further on this subject or any other. I see you’ve added more to your previous comments at the end of this newsletter.

I began to read it and then left the rest unread. If the next one is like this and the previous one, I will have to request you remove me from your mail list, as this is not what I want to have served up to me along with the glory of blessed food. This is my boundary with you. I hope you will respect it, and refrain from further argument in your newsletter or any other missive to me.

If you plan to use the newsletter as a platform to continue delivering your Christian morality tales, please go ahead and delete my name from your mail list. Thank you.

With respect,

I am,


Marilyn commented on Riesah’s email (not sent to Riesah):

I had these thoughts on this email this morning:

  • God brings us into oneness in our lives; Satan divides, “I appreciate your agricultural efforts and results and enjoy eating them, but not with a side of righteous commentary.
  • God sends a sword to divide; Satan’s favorite lie, “Actions that separate us instead of bringing us together do not further human life of any kind, nor all other life.
  • Jesus says, “Shout the Truth from the housetops;” Satan says, it “would be better sent to your belief followers.
  • God says, “Be bold as lions;” Satan says, “I felt quite put-upon by what you wrote and how you expressed your strong beliefs.
  • His Life and ours are intertwined; Satan seeks to divide that, but can’t: “I remain open to the news of your progress in the bakery, what is ripe and ready like your strawberries and other produce. What I do not want is the negative angry righteous energy you expressed going into the food I buy and eat from you.
  • God is our Source; Satan threatens us with loss of business if we don’t do as he says, “I hope you will respect it, and refrain from further argument in your newsletter or any other missive to me. If you plan to use the newsletter as a platform to continue delivering your Christian morality tales, please go ahead and delete my name from your mail list.

With respect,” but “don’t tell me what to do.”

Martin replied to Riesah:

Forget it! Here’s the reality, Riesah. We have every right to express the Truth and you have no business arguing with us. In fact, the only reason you’re upset with what I had to say, is because it is undeniably true.

What you said – “I appreciate your agricultural efforts and results and enjoy eating them, but not with a side of righteous commentary.

What you really mean – “I appreciate you serving me, but I have no interest in righteousness”.

What you said – “Actions that separate us instead of bringing us together do not further human life of any kind, nor all other life.

What you really mean – “I don’t agree with separating right from wrong, because it makes me uncomfortable”.

What you said – “I felt quite put-upon by what you wrote and how you expressed your strong beliefs.

What you really mean – “I’m the only one who has the right to spread my beliefs. Don’t you dare oppose me.”

What you said – “I remain open to the news of your progress in the bakery, what is ripe and ready like your strawberries and other produce. What I do not want is the negative angry righteous energy you expressed going into the food I buy and eat from you.

What you really mean – “I’ll accept you on my terms only, because I’m the authority here. I have no use for your annoying insistence that justice and fairness have any use. We’ll do as we please, and you won’t tell us we’re wrong!”

Riesah, you’ve been drawn out to be judged by Jesus Christ, at Whose Name every knee will bow, including yours. You couldn’t help but respond to us because your self-appointed position of power in your realm of darkness and rebellion was challenged, and whether or not you’ll admit it, the Word of Truth has defeated you.

Today, your power and your strongholds have been laid waste. They were given to you for a time and now that time is up. You’ve come against the Lord Who created you. You’ve come with a ministry of awakening the dead but Jesus Christ comes to raise the dead. You create and empower zombies. He comes to bring new life and bring it abundantly. You awaken minds while the body remains dead and decaying, Jesus Christ gives a new heart and a new mind. Only He can bring True and Eternal Life. What you’ve been selling is a hoax. A temporary high.

The Great I AM is the Almighty Lord of lords, Jesus Christ, a Name you thoroughly despise, yet you are nothing beside Him.

We won’t argue with you, and we will remove you from the newsletter.

Harvest Haven
(403) 329-9157

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