Correspondence with Dallas and Sarah Cooper

The correspondence begins with the Hexagram, the “Star of David”:

Hello Victor:

The other day when I was over Paul’s house.  I heard  you talking about the star of David or Hexagram.  I wasn’t trying to pry, but it caught my attention for a second.  I was telling Sara that that star is a Hexagram, but I couldn’t remember much about it.  To my understanding, this did not become a symbol used by the Israelites until after their Babylonian captivity when they mixed the Torah with the Kabbalah.  So I went back to the site to re-familiarize myself with it and here are two links you may want to look at.

Dallas and Sarah wrote again after we talked about the subject on the phone:

Hello Victor:

I was thinking about our conversation on the phone yesterday about the Hexagram and we have some things we’d like you to consider about it.  I don’t think that we should use the symbol.  I’m not being superstitious as Paul suggested.  To me it is this simple:  This is not something ordained by God (like crosses and pictures of Christ).  Therefore, it is the works of men.

If the upside triangle represents the kingdom of heaven and the downside, the kingdom of men, aren’t these very concepts religious and spiritual by nature?  Aren’t you preaching the kingdom of Heaven to people?  So why should we carry a symbol (image) that alleges to represent that Kingdom, which is within and not without?

Sarah here,

I’ve been thinking about this symbol and your justification for using it, and it seems to be quite similar to a Christian justifying the celebration of Christmas.  “We’re not celebrating Tammuz, but Christ”, they say.  So in essence, since they have a different motive, they feel its OK.  Motive was stressed several times during the conversation, but regarding external symbols, is that what the Lord would have us judge by in this context?  I think not.

Someone (Paul, I believe) also mentioned that the state of Israel is in darkness.  Yet your position is that you stand with Israel.  Perhaps you can give me some clarification on just what you mean by that.  But as someone who professes to stand with the Light, how can you also stand with darkness?

2 Corinthians 6:15

Can Christ agree with the devil? Can a believer share life with an unbeliever? (GW)

It was pleasing to hear you say that if it offends Dallas, you would remove the symbol.  I was pleased because it demonstrated your effort not to offend us.  However, I think the more important principle here is what is pleasing to the Lord.  His Word doesn’t sanction any symbols and the hexagram clearly has religious connotation.  Believers can’t be a part of what is clearly against the Lord.

Dallas again,

I’d like to comment on what Sarah has brought up about standing with Israel.

Rom 11:28 – On the one hand according to the Gospel [they are] enemies on your* account, on the other hand according to His choice [or, election] [they are] beloved on account of the fathers. (ALT)

The scriptures do state that they are beloved for the fathers’ sake, but they are also enemies of the Cross of Christ.  How can we stand with those who are against the cross?  In God’s timing, they will be restored, but they are enemies of Christ presently.

Amos 3:3 – Will two walk together, except they have agreed?  (JPS)

And as you have stated many times, it is about the here and now.

Love Always,


We wrote back:

Hi Dallas and Sarah,

We have been discussing this issue here…Mark, Lois, Sara, Paul, Marilyn and I. I believe the others at the farm were discussing it as well. None have a problem with using the symbol, not that our not having a problem, in and of itself, makes it right.

I have no problem with you taking an apparently authoritative stand on an issue, if you have authority, but you are demonstrating none whatsoever. I say “none whatsoever” because neither fact, nor reason, nor confirming testimony, nor revelation speak for you.

For example, you say, “I don’t think that we should use the symbol.” Fine. Give me substance. You go on to say, “This is not something ordained by God (like crosses and pictures of Christ).” This is your opinion, but without substance. Give me substance. You say, “Therefore, it is the works of men.” What are you referring to as the “works of men”? You really don’t know what you’re talking about, but if you do, you don’t say. We are supposed to take your word for it, illogical, opinionated reasoning and all. Do you not perceive that in this stance, you are exactly performing the works of men? No, you don’t.

There are several points for consideration here:

One, we are not using the Star of David as a religious symbol, as many do with crosses and images. It is not at all involved in a spiritual worship context for our use.

Are you saying we are using it for worship purposes? That is the suggestion by your comparison. Your argument lacks both understanding and honesty. I merely suggested, though I did not insist, that we use the Star to mark the farm on the brochure. We could have used an “X,” a dot, a circle, or a five-pointed star or whatever. Even these have been, or likely have been, used in some mystical or religious way at one time or another, by one or several heathen entities. It doesn’t make these symbols evil.

Two, shall we not use it simply because the heathen have used it and imposed their notions upon it (assuming they have done so)? Do you know for a fact the origin of this symbol? Have you had revelation from God on its origin? Do you speak for God in condemning either it or our use of it? “No” is the answer to all three questions, Dallas. That alone disqualifies you from presuming to speak in authority. Let us go on:

Let us assume the Star did originate in Babylon. The fact that something comes from Babylon does not make it evil. Even Nebuchadnezzar, the emperor appointed by God over the most glorious empire the world has ever known, as specified in Daniel, was called “the Lord’s servant.” When he came to believe and to publicly proclaim the Lord God of Heaven, after God chastened (note, not destroyed) him, the Lord did not have him put Babylon, or his rulership over it, away, did he? God restored Babylon, and all that pertained to it, to him.

I am here to take the land, by commandment or prophetic Word of God, out of the hand of the enemy, not let him keep it, as you apparently presume should be. I am here to take the land back for God and make it a clean, good and godly land. What Satan has usurped, he must surrender. What God has permitted him to take, He has now commissioned us to take back. By His grace, I and those with me will do just that. That is the heritage of the saints.

You write, “If the upside triangle represents the kingdom of heaven and the downside, the kingdom of men, aren’t these very concepts religious and spiritual by nature?

First of all, I did not speak these representations. Two, these were not spoken quite as you word them. Three, many things can be red into the symbol, as you ought to know. Four, where are you drawing the line between religion and secularity, between spiritual and physical, and between good and evil? And what does “spiritual” necessarily have to do with worship, as you seem to suggest?

You then ask, “Aren’t you preaching the kingdom of Heaven to people?

Yes, I am, but not quite. I am preaching, “Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven.” I am preaching the reconciliation to God of all things. I am preaching His sovereign rule over all His creation. I am preaching that all things are His, and if we are His, then all things are ours. I am preaching the New Jerusalem coming down to earth and not the earth being destroyed or being taken up to Heaven.

I am preaching the Resurrection, the redemption and not the condemnation of the body. Jesus raised Himself from the dead bodily. His purpose was to abolish death, and not the things death destroyed. His purpose was to redeem that which death destroyed, not forfeit it, as you propose. He has opened the way for all mankind to be raised up from corruption to incorruption. He could have let all corruptible bodies perish entirely. Is it not written that in the flesh there is no good thing? Why then would the Savior of all mankind bother? Is it not from this very flesh that all sin flows? To destroy is not His choice, and it is not His way. You walk contrary to Him in your wicked ways, Dallas and Sarah. He did not come to condemn the world but to save it. You do not know what spirit you are of. You walk in the works of men.

How ironic, that you should presume to represent His interests, in His Name, yet represent only your own, accusing others of the very thing of which you are guilty. But that is the way of the flesh, asserting your righteousness by works. Yet, in spite of you, He will demonstrate His mercy on you, and deliver you from such foolishness, presumption and self-righteousness, just as He has the rest of us, who have all been in your shoes, as the Scriptures declare, and as we have known, because graciously shown.

You ask, “So why should we carry a symbol (image) that alleges to represent that Kingdom, which is within and not without?

You call it an “image.” We have discussed this already. Dallas, we are learning that you can be very self-righteous, stubborn, and deaf. God is not condemning all images, only those used in worship, and even there, only those He has not ordained. Even in a spiritual worship context, He has not condemned images entirely. There are the brazen serpent, the pomegranates, the almonds, bells and so forth. You two also appear to equate categorically symbols with images. In this you err.

But even if the meaning of the “Star of David” is somewhat as you declare it (which I did not precisely do so, nor did the concept originate with me), tell me what is wrong with a symbol that can demonstrate or represent the reconciliation with, or repossession of the kingdoms of this world by, the Kingdom of Heaven?

There are kingdoms without and kingdoms within. The Kingdom of Heaven, being within, rules over all other kingdoms. It does not do away with them:

“Sing to God, kingdoms of the world, sing praise to the Lord” (Psalms 68:32 GNB).

“And the seventh angel sounded. And there were great voices in Heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ. And He will reign forever and ever” (Revelation 11:15 MKJV).

Paul did not suggest you are superstitious. He declared it. Mark declared it. I declare it. You are superstitious. By your works, you empower (in your own mind) and fear the creature rather than the Creator. You are an idolater.

As for you, Sarah, you say, “I’ve been thinking about this symbol and your justification for using it, and it seems to be quite similar to a Christian justifying the celebration of Christmas.

Perhaps you see me “justifying myself before men,” however, I am not justifying anything for selfish or spiritual worship purposes (if justifying at all) outside of God; I am trying to teach you something.

You say, “it seems.” Again, substance is in order here. Never mind what seems; give me substance. Where is the specific similarity? You don’t say; you only speculate and opine. That is not good enough. Don’t you know that?

The motive is perfectly important. The motives of those celebrating Christmas are faulty, no matter how they “justify” themselves. How is it you cannot perceive the difference between the objects of your comparison or the difference between false and true motives? It is because you are still in your own righteousness, which is at enmity with Jesus Christ, Whose righteousness alone is valid. I would repeat some of the things already spoken yesterday, but would I advance more than yesterday for your understanding?

You write, “Someone (Paul, I believe) also mentioned that the state of Israel is in darkness.

That it is. Yet they are known as God’s people, gathered in unbelief. He has kept and will keep His promises to Abraham. They are indeed the beloved for the fathers’ sakes. He has raised up the nation by blood and fire in our day, and the nation has survived against enormous odds. When I was in darkness, He did not condemn me. Instead, He laid down His life for me. As you stand here today in darkness, do we send you on your way or do we “stand” with you and lead you to the light, reasoning, preaching, teaching, and enduring? Would you rather that we condemn you? Is that what you propose with Israel? If you think about it, it certainly appears so.

You write, “Yet your position is that you stand with Israel.  Perhaps you can give me some clarification on just what you mean by that.

That I will. I stand with Israel because, in the world, they are Abraham’s children, beloved for his sake. They are God’s chosen in the world, an allegorical demonstration of the spiritual within us. To the pure, all things are pure. Do you deny that Israel stands hated and contradicted by the world for no good reason, but because of what God is doing?

Let me further clarify, if you will. You ask, “But as someone who professes to stand with the Light, how can you also stand with darkness?

Why would you accuse me of standing with darkness? It is perfectly obvious that you do not believe that we are genuine servants and ministers of God in His righteousness, or you would not use those words. Either that or you are very irresponsible in your language. Either way, we have need of much change, do we not?

Do I stand with your darkness? God forbid. Do I stand with Israel’s darkness? God forbid, but neither do I throw out the baby with the bathwater as you and Dallas are more and more displaying to be your approach and disposition. Does God stand with them or their darkness, Sarah? Is He standing with them at all? If not, how were they resurrected, and how did they survive to this day, outnumbered and outarmed fifty to one, surrounded by implacable, vicious enemies that seek their destruction? I regret Israel’s sins; I have every intention of speaking against Israel’s worldly ways and sins, Lord willing, and have done so, but I have no intention of speaking against Israel. I will do my best to save the baby, while rejecting the dirty bathwater. Those who speak against Israel sign their death warrants. It has been so throughout history and it is so today.

Better put, perhaps, is that I stand with the Lord, as He stands for Israel. This does not mean that I agree with their darkness. Because He stands with them does not mean He stands with their darkness.

On this matter, Dallas, you write, “How can we stand with those who are against the cross?

I speak against speech against Israel that is unjustified. I speak against Israel’s enemies. I identify with Israel even if the Jews hate me, even if they have rejected the Messiah. “He came to His own and His own received Him not.” According to your apparent thought, He should have annihilated them. The logic would carry in that direction if you consider honestly and reasonably.

You also seem to forget that He said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” And the Scripture: “While we were yet sinners, Christ [not only stood with, but] died for us.” You would storm out, just being asked to go to a meeting for your own benefit, scorning to this day the resultant teaching from the Lord growing out of that occasion, which occasion the Lord engineered to expose you two.

If the Jews had not been given over to unbelief by God’s predeterminate counsel and foreknowledge, I would not believe today. Granted grace to believe by their fall, I, a Gentile in the flesh, in the faith of the God of Israel, was sent to a Jew to redeem him. Now he stands with me in Christ before the world. God works all these things for His glory. Do not accuse me of standing with darkness. Nor do I “profess” to stand with the Light, as you unwisely frame your words. I am in the Light, and He is in me. He has taken me from among men, from darkness, and has prepared and appointed me to speak in His Name.

You write, “His Word doesn’t sanction any symbols and the hexagram clearly has religious connotation.  Believers can’t be a part of what is clearly against the Lord.

“Clearly against the Lord”? You speak foolishly. His Word does not sanction scarves, or electric lights, or refrigerators or chocolate cake or computers either. Let us toss whatever is not mentioned in “His Word,” shall we? You would toss guns, which today are the equivalent of swords, because “they that live by the sword, die by the sword.” You approach with blinders and your own preferred interpretations and reasonings. His Word does sanction images, as I have pointed out, but not those chosen or designed by men for use in worship.

You say the Star of David has religious connotation. Does it? By whom? You say it is “clearly against the Lord,” but how clear is it? Do you explain? No. I have given you far more substance than you two have given us, yet you are scornful of our substance. Shall we simply take your word for it? If the heathen did use that symbol, what did it represent? And does it matter? Excuse please, all the circles (o’s) in this letter. Sun worshippers used those, inscribing them on the ground, their temples and their bodies. Or would you rather stone me?

You write, “It was pleasing to hear you say that if it offends Dallas, you would remove the symbol.  I was pleased because it demonstrated your effort not to offend us.  However, I think the more important principle here is what is pleasing to the Lord.

You are right here. Though I have no desire whatsoever to offend you, the more important principle is not to appease you two or anyone else but to do that which is pleasing to the Lord. There are cases where it would be better to let go of something like this for the sake of those with weaker conscience. However, Paul and I agree that to do away with this little farm marker on our brochure would only feed your self-righteousness. It would solve nothing. That certainly would not be pleasing to the Lord, and therefore, we are all in agreement to leave it where it is, Lord willing, unless and until He directs otherwise. While it is woe to those who offend little ones, it is also true that Christ would offend in speaking the truth. “Blessed are they that are not offended in Me,” He said, but many were. Shall you blame Him too? In your thinking, you are.

(By the way, lest you should think that the farm is anything religious, it is not. But tell me, if you will: Is the farm physical or is it spiritual?)

Dallas, it is about here and now. Dallas and Sarah, this coincidence was not for the purpose you surmise, that of correcting us of error. Here and now, this coincidence of your take on the symbol and the use of it on the brochure has been ordained of God, even as the incident of the Real Food meeting was ordained of God, to expose your error and self-righteousness, your superstition, your fixation on the externals, your enmity with God in all your ways and thoughts. Repent.

By revelation and the Spirit of God in Christ Jesus,


Hi Dallas and Sarah, Paul here.

I have seen you in superstition, and not only that, but what is worse, defending it and yourselves in stubbornness. Yesterday we answered, in essence, every objection you make here, yet now you come back to us with the same arguments, not even hearing or acknowledging the answers we have already given you. As Victor has pointed out, you provide no evidence for your assertions. What I would like to add here is that you have chosen to ignore the substantive answers we have already given you. Once again, Victor has been very gracious in his answer to you. I hope for your sake that this time you will not scorn the grace of God and mistake it for weakness of the wrong kind, or foolishness.

Sara tells me that when we were discussing the matter of the star of David on the phone yesterday that you, Dallas, were turning to Sarah and laughing. I noticed once that you gave Sarah a knowing look, like “these guys just don’t get it.” I would go so far to call it scornful, which is defined as:

contemn, despise, scorn, disdain
look down on with disdain; “He despises the people he has to work for”; “The professor scorns the students who don’t catch on immediately”

We are the students that do not catch on immediately, or, apparently, ever. So where do you go next? What comes after disdain?

What I see going on between you two is unholy. You use your marriage in a way not good, strengthening yourselves in self-righteousness and rejection of anything that comes against the knowledge you use to maintain that righteousness.

Dallas, you believe and trust in your wife, not God. You seek comfort and support from her, rather than seeking to obey God. She is your god, or one of them. Sarah, you encourage and feed this unwholesomeness. You relish being Dallas’ manager and guru. You act as if you know so much, when you know so little. The Lord has not entrusted Himself to you, nor does He do so with any that walk in the flesh and who serve themselves. He is not with you as you think.

You people think to have taken up your crosses? You speak to others, like your cousin, as if you have, and know about it in great depth. And you declare these things right after the other night, where a vivid demonstration was given of how truly far from reality such a notion is. I don’t hear you confessing yourselves sinners. You are on the other side of the world from the cross. You are firmly entrenched in the Pilot’s seat, not even budging an inch, and disdaining any that point out that while you are not certified pilots, there are those here that are, serving the Pilot of pilots.

Don’t worry; we will not be ever reminding you or “beating you over your heads,” with this, as you like to call it. The servants of the Lord are not called to strive. But we will tell you the truth, as long as we are given to do so.

I see that your proclivity for superstition is related to your belief in absurd conspiracy theories, like those regarding 9/11. In all of these things, whether superstitions or conspiracy theories, there are bogeymen and other objects of evil that serve to bolster your position of self-righteousness and offer excuse for any shortcomings on your part. These things allow you to focus on externals, as if evil is without, because you are not willing to face and confess that evil is within you, and to take responsibility for your part in the mess that this world is in. You say to us, and to the world, that you are victims, not perpetrators. It is that simple.

You are subject to finding evil in anything that can exonerate you from your culpability, and which can serve as excuse for you not to take responsibility and begin to be part of the Answer and the work of His redemption of the world. The true enemies of the cross are those such as yourselves that have personally been called to carry it, but who refuse. Today, what do the Jews in darkness know about God? You have heard and seen far more, yet you despise Him in your ways. You are the real enemies of the cross of Christ, despising it and those that are crucified with Him, right here, right now.



Sarah and Dallas replied:

Hello All,

Sarah here.  Your responses to our letter are indicative to my initial thoughts regarding the matter of the hexagram:  I should not judge.  Therefore, I will not judge what you do with the symbol.  You have been provided some evidence on the various ways the symbol is used, and also presented us with other meanings.  I am not here to strive and will cease from doing so regarding the hexagram, the state of Israel, and all other matters, through God’s grace.  Although I am able to produce substance as you state I have not, I think doing so would continue my striving with you, which would be wrong and against my conscience.

I do not hear you confessing yourselves sinners.

Regarding my sins, my darkness, my evil and wicked ways:  I acknowledge that I am a sinner, living in darkness, having no holiness or godliness.  None.  Perhaps my letter to Jeanecia did not convey this but I assure you, I did not intentionally “whitewash” my experiences as you called it Paul.  I tried to keep my responses in the letter in the context of the questions she asked me.  But I cannot recall even one live conversation with family and friends about the Lord, where I have not called myself a sinner, in present terms.  But your correction in the area reminds me that I should go even further and openly confess with specifics, which has been rare.

The Lord has clearly ordained these events and is working even now.  I am very thankful for that.  Praise the Lord!

Dallas here:

Victor you say, Fine. Give me substance. You go on to say, “This is not something ordained by God (like crosses and pictures of Christ).This is your opinion, but without substance.

This is not just opinion.  The better way would be for you to provide substance that it is ordained by God.  If it is but an opinion, where did God ordain it?  He has not.  What I am referring to by the works of men is that man created it himself.  That it is not something given to Israel by God, but by man.  Where is your substance that it is ordained by God?

One, we are not using the Star of David as a religious symbol, as many do with crosses and images.

Yet you said you would not use a cross, pentagram, or fish.  Why wouldn’t you use those things?  Is it not because of what they mean and their history?  What are the reasons that you would not use those things, and how do they not stand true for the hexagram (heart of Chakra) as well.  As Sarah said, Christians use the same justifications.  That they are just identifying with Christ.  That they don’t use it in worship, etc.

I merely suggested, though I did not insist, that we use the Star to mark the farm on the brochure. We could have used an “X,” a dot, a circle, or a five-pointed star or whatever. Even these have been, or likely have been, used in some mystical or religious way at one time or another, by one or several heathen entities.

That is a good point.

The fact that something comes from Babylon does not make it evil

The problem is not that it (hexagram) is evil.  If I were to accept your reasoning on this, then I would also have to accept some of the Christians I’ve encountered justification of the cross as well.  Because according to them, we don’t use it in worship.  They are just identifying with Christ.  I’m surpirsed you don’t see these things.

How ironic, that you should presume to represent His interests, in His Name, yet represent only your own, accusing others of the very thing of which you are guilty.

It was not my intent to accuse you of anything.  I was simply giving you reasons to consider not using it.  Maybe I missed it, but what are you saying I’m guilty of and accusing others of?  I said the symbol is the works of men (a reason why we shouldn’t use it), if that is what you are referring to.  I was not stating that you are following the works of man.  My thinking is that maybe they haven’t considered these things or learned about it’s history (which is not biblical in the slightest).

Even in a spiritual worship context, He has not condemned images entirely. There are the brazen serpent, the pomegranates, the almonds, bells and so forth. You two also appear to equate categorically symbols with images. In this you err.

Image – a physical likeness or representation of a person, animal, or thing, photographed, painted, sculptured, or otherwise made visible.

I’m speaking specifically about the hexagram.  I do not disagree that God ordained certain images and they are not all taboo the first time you told me that.  I’m not arguing against that.  Yet the serpent was destroyed later, for them worshippnig it right?  Look at all of the things the hexagram has been used for which are contrary to Him.  Also noting again, He never ordained this as with the serpent.  If you say this is just my opinion, where has He ordained it?

The definition of image is above.  Do you think that the Hexagram does not fall into this definition.  Is it not a representation of something (a star for one).

I am not being self-righteous or focused on works.  I only sent you those links and the letter for all of our benefit.

By your works, you empower (in your own mind) and fear the creature rather than the Creator. You are an idolater.

If I am guilty of this for wanting nothing to do with a pagan image, so be it.  I’m not afraid of it.  I’m disgusted by it just as with the other symbols of the many mysteries.

You say, “it seems.” Again, substance is in order here. Never mind what seems; give me substance. Where is the specific similarity? You don’t say; you only speculate and opine.

She did give some substance, but I’ll give you that she did not add the other side of the equation to it.  She only mentioned the Christmas side of it.  In essence, you are saying that’s not what this hexagram means to us like they say that’s not what Christmas means to us.  Protestants don’t accept it in the form of Christ-mass, as the Catholics do.  They don’t endorse the commercialism (some that is) Santa, mistletoe, and a number of the pagan practices that come with it.  To some, it is just about Christ, in their mind’s eye.  And you say it’s not about that to us.  Do you not see the similarity in these things?

Is that [condemning them] what you propose with Israel? If you think about it, it certainly appears so.

Appearances are not always how it is, as you assert in your letter to us.  We don’t condemn Israel or Muslims or anyone.  We cannot stand with those who are enemies of the cross here and now.  The same call Jesus a liar and an idolator.  And calls Mary a whore, though not all Jews follow the Talmud.  God did raise up the nation of Israel, as we know them today, but we should not become respecters of person just because they call themselves Jews.  I do acknowledge that you said you stand against the unjustified things done to them as well.  Still, there will be a time when the Hebews and believers can truly stand together.

According to your apparent thought, He should have annihilated them. The logic would carry in that direction if you consider honestly and reasonably. You also seem to forget that He said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”

Not in the least, do I think He should have annihilated them.  I am not talking about holding the past against them.  I’m talking about the now.

Better put, perhaps, is that I stand with the Lord, as He stands for Israel

Now, this is a completely different statement than merely saying, “I stand with Israel.”

It would solve nothing. That certainly would not be pleasing to the Lord, and therefore, we are all in agreement to leave it where it is, Lord willing, unless and until He directs otherwise.

Are you not saying here, “we will do as we have determined unless God tells us otherwise?”  I don’t believe I need to reiterate things you said regarding this stance.

Paul, you said: Yesterday we answered, in essence, every objection you make here, yet now you come back to us with the same arguments, not even hearing or acknowledging the answers we have already given you.

Paul, this is false.  We said nothing about the upside and downside of the hexagram.  We said nothing about standing with Israel.  So do you still think that this is true, even in essence these were not discussed?  We said nothing about the Kingdom of Heaven Saturday as well.  There are new arguments.  You seem to be so focused on me being superstitious (which I can be and am at times) that you fail to see other issues being presented here.

You say: What I would like to add here is that you have chosen to ignore the substantive answers we have already given you

Paul again you are speaking falsely.  We have considered the things that you have said.  I have not only been pondering “my” thoughts here.  Or are you saying that disagreeing is ignoring?

You said: Sara tells me that when we were discussing the matter of the Star of David on the phone yesterday that you, Dallas, were turning to Sarah and laughing. I noticed once that you gave Sarah a knowing look, like “these guys just don’t get it.” I would go so far to call it scornful…”

Sara is telling the truth.  I did look over at Sarah and smile a couple of times.  Is that necessarily a bad or rude thing?  Why was I smiling?  What was my motive to smile?  Do you even know?  You can call it scornful, but that was not the case.  I was not looking down on any of you.

You seek comfort and support from her, rather than seeking to obey God.

That is true, I have sought/ do seek comfort and support from her, in some ways that are not right in God’s eyes.  There’s no doubt about that.  Wanting comfort and support from your wife is not a bad thing, but there are times when it has gone to a sinful depth.  Whether or not I’m seeking to obey God, I will not judge.  That is in His hands.

You relish being Dallas’ manager and guru

Maybe it is because you are lacking understanding and information about our past and present relationship, but you don’t know what you are talking about.  Not that you will take my word for it.  Remember, we don’t have the Spirit, you do.  We are the ones down here.  Yet you find me to be looking down at you with disdain.

The Lord has not entrusted Himself to you, nor does He do so with any that walk in the flesh and who serve themselves. He is not with you as you think.

I do not disagree with this first part in anyway.  Regarding the last sentence, tell me, in what way do I think that He is with me?  You don’t know do you?  It seems like you think I think of myself more than I do.

I see that your proclivity for superstition is related to your belief in absurd conspiracy theories, like those regarding 9/11.

What are those regarding 9/11?  If taking the word of eye-witnesses over those of officials and “experts” is absurd conspiracy, you have every right to feel that way.  What are the facts that I learned about it?  What did the eye-witness testimonies of the people I heard from say?  I guess you would tell those eye-witnesses to believe the experts and not their lying eyes and ears huh?  It is your opinion that it is absurd.  Is this not right?  Are you just going by “facts” presented in the video you were telling me about?  Do you know what really happened to say? No, you don’t.  So why call something absurd, when your position is no more credible than eye-witness accounts?   Or maybe you believe you know more about what happened than the people who were actually there.

In all of these things, whether superstitions or conspiracy theories, there are bogeymen and other objects of evil that serve to bolster your position of self-righteousness and offer excuse for any shortcomings on your part.

Exactly what excuse have I given these things to excuse my shortcomings?  Give me substance.  What specifically are you talking about?  Opinion will not cut it.

You are subject to finding evil in anything that can exonerate you from your culpability, and which can serve as excuse for you not to take responsibility and begin to be part of the Answer and the work of His redemption of the world.

How am I exonerating my self from accountability?  How am I using the externals for excuse not to take responsiblity?  When have I blamed someone or something else for my wrongs?  Give me specifics and substance.

Ex 20:16 – Do not accuse anyone falsely. (GNB)

I have already pointed out things stated falsely from you Paul.  But as you have been showing us for some time now, even when you’re wrong, you KNOW you’re right.  I am not mad or bitter about this situation.  I am thankful for it.  I hope and pray that you will be able to consider yourself as well as teaching others to consider themselves.  This is for your good.  I see that you still have”beating over the head” on your mind.  It’s time to let go.

Love Always,


Victor replied:

The Lord rebuke you, and I rebuke you, Satan.

Dallas comes back, defiant as ever:


I am still waiting for the substance proving your assumptions and false accusations true.  If those things you accused me of (that I told you were false) are true, bring your evidence to the open.  You don’t know what you are talking about, God is my witness.


I am still waiting for the substance proving God ordained the hexagram.  Things are not as they seem with those you wish to stand with.

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia: “Khazars, a medieval people, probably related to the Volga Bulgars, whose ruling class adopted Judaism during the 8th cent. The Khazars seem to have emerged during the 6th cent., from the vast nomadic Hun (Turki) empire which stretched from the steppes of Eastern Europe and the Volga basin to the Chinese frontier. Although it is often claimed that allusions to the Khazars are found as early as 200 C.E., actually they are not mentioned until 627 . . . most Jewish historians date the conversion of the Khazar King to Judaism during the first half of this century [A.D.]. . .”

The primary meaning of Ashkenaz and Ashkenazim in Hebrew is Germany and Germans. This may be due to the fact that the home of the ancient ancestors of the Germans is Media, which is the Biblical Ashkenaz . . . Krauss is of the opinion that in the early medieval ages the Khazars were sometimes referred to as Ashkenazim . . . About 92 percent of all Jews or approximately 14,500,000 are Ashkenazim.

The Bible relates that the Khazars (Ashkenaz) Jews were/are the sons of Japheth not Shem: “Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood. The sons of Japheth; . . . the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz . . .” So the Bible verifies that the Ashkenaz Jews [Khazars] are not the descendants of Shem and cannot be Semitic.

Even the encyclopedia of the “Jews” admit they are not Abraham’s seed.  They are proselytes who hold the Talmud over the Torah.  These proselytes don’t even follow God so what does that make them but Gentiles?  Why identify with the flesh?  Can you prove the “Jewish” encyclopedia wrong or will you continue to trust your own understanding of a prophecy you think was fulfilled in 1948?

If you really have a love for the truth, I can give you a lot more substance scripturally and historically that those you wish to stand with are not Abraham’s seed.  I can also give you substance that the same things you speak about the Muslisms are taught in the Talmud (the Jewish Koran, in some teachings).  And I can and will back up every statement, if you are willing to bear the truth.

1 Peter 2:6 – Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.

If you truly love truth and wish to know it, I can give a whole lot of substance as I’ve already said, (scriptural and historical).  If you just want to hold on to your thoughts about the matters, so be it.  But know that the Jewish historians know that they are not Abraham’s seed and confess this openly, and yet, people believe what they want to.

Love Always,


Victor addresses Satan’s fruit:

Dallas and Sarah,

There is a spiritual line of demarcation with you, as we have witnessed your lives since you arrived here in our vicinity. There has been a significant change from the day that you were asked to go to the meeting on October 23. On that day, Dallas, you were filled with rage and blasphemed. From thenceforth, there has been a great difference in your spirit. I will tell you what has happened, beginning with a prophecy of which I was reminded, dated February of 1998:

To all those who shall come: I have made a sacrifice of a sweet-smelling savour unto Myself and I bring you to dine, to reap where others have sown, to feast where others have served, to rest where others have laboured. I have brought you to laugh for joy where others have wept for sorrow, to enjoy where others have suffered.  But mind you, you shall not take these things and make light of them. Know your places for I will not honor those who despise that which I have not lightly esteemed. By fire and blood have these come for My sake, theirs, and yours and by fire and blood shall you go if you should but ignore that which I have given you freely but for which has been paid a handsome price. Freely have you received and freely shall you give, that My house and My city shall be filled with the glory of the Lord and with His people and nations from roundabout. Behold, I do a new thing and shall the earth not know it?

“For any soul who is not humbled in that same day, he shall be cut off from among his people. And any soul who does any work in that same day, the same soul will I destroy from among his people” (Leviticus 23:29-30 MKJV).

Your spirit is now one of the very essence of Satan, full of unbelief, pride, arrogance, impudence, blasphemy, lies and rebellion. On October 23, 2006, God delivered you over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that you might learn to not blaspheme. I did not do it; indeed, it did not even occur to me, but God is finished winking with any who presume to come into our presence, His Presence, and determine all things as though they were God. He has immediately stepped in, just as the prophecy foretold.

I am reminded of the father of the boy with the devil that was seeking to destroy him. The devil you have received seeks to destroy you, and you will experience the tormenting impact of its actions, until you come to cry out, as did the father on his son’s behalf, “Lord, I believe! Help my unbelief!” At the moment, it is the very opposite with you.

Lois too received that the day you rebelled in the matter of the meeting, you were blocked from receiving any more from the Lord by us. As I have written, it was more than a “blocking.”

In the dream you had, you were not in the driver’s seat. Though you act otherwise, you are not in the driver’s seat, and you will know it.


Satan’s taunts continue:


God has already revealed that this would happen to me (rejection), whether you believe it or not.  Yet, you have still failed to produce any substance to prove I’ve lied, and that the hexagram is something ordained by God.  Paul has failed to provide substance regarding the absurdity of the peoples’ testimonies and evidence I’ve witnessed about 9/11, the reasons I was smiling at my wife, and in what way I’ve used externals to excuse me of my faults.

You could not bring these accusations against me in an earthly court.  Does the Heavenly one not desire more than just your word?  Or does that only apply to those who have no substance when speaking about you?

I am not fooled.  You have no substance to produce and therefore, you avoid it altogether.  It’s strange that you should be the one on the side without substance, yet constantly stress it’s importance to others.  Even with your statement.

The Lord rebuke you, and I rebuke you, Satan.

Jud 1:9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.

If the Lord has rebuked me, what need is there for you to rebuke me as well?  Was the Lord’s rebuke not sufficient?  Did high and mighty Victor have to add his 2 cents to give the Lord’s word power?  The archangel saw no need to add his own rebuke, but Victor has to.  You two have no substance and if you attempted to prove your accusations, you would be exposed as you are even now.

Know this, when the truth is rejected, the bearer of it is not the one being rejected but the Author of truth is.  It is as Sara said about Paul, she said he said to her, “I’m not going to change.”  At the same time he confesses to have infirmities and weaknesses, but has yet to be specific or acknowledge it when confronted.  Is that the Spirit of God?  No wonder he always calls me stubborn.  Our sins are the ones we often accuse others of.  Like he said, “I’m not going to change.”  Then you will never grow.  Growth requires change.

Regardless of your digressions, the point is that you have no substance.  Truth is not on your side and you are already confounded, having no way to prove your claims, yet you hold on to them.  I wish that you were able to hear, but it is clear that God has hardened your hearts from receiving the truth about yourselves.  I was hoping that you could take your heads out of the clouds for a moment but His will be done.  God be judge between us.

I understand what you are going through as well.  I was at that point in life before when I was right so much and so consistently about things that I couldn’t see myself being wrong.  If I was sure of something, I just knew it was right because I was rarely wrong.  Yet, God delivered me from that way of thinking and He will deliver you as well when you humble yourself and remember that you are a servant and not the Almighty.

Love Always,

And in a second email:


God has shown me that I have no need to fear any of your words.  You say a devil has entered me?  Why did it not obey your rebuke then?  Surely if the Lord had spoken, it (satan) would have obeyed.  God has assured me that those were your words and not His.  But this is His word:

Acts 7:43 – Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

If you have any humility left, look up what this star of Remphan is and you will find your hexagram.  I suppose you’ll say I’m still enraged but the truth is this is saddening to me.  I held you and Paul in such high regards only to find out that you are only more church-goers without a church building, preaching but not walking in that which you preach.  Regardless of how many truths you’ve spoken, correction you’ve given, good that I’ve witnessed, you don’t practice those things you correct other of.

If you’ve fallen for one false-prophecy, do you think it is beyond you to fall for more of them?  I can honestly say that their is no resentment for you all in my heart.  I wouldn’t just pass you and not speak.  Even now, I’m still trying to warn you about the direction you are headed in.  But you despise my love for you.  May God be judge.

Love Always,


Paul wrote to Sarah:

Sarah, the Lord gave Victor this paper on the issue of the Star of David. We’re sending it to you knowing that you’ll share it with Dallas, however we cannot see that there is any point in our sharing anything with him.

We don’t necessarily have a problem with your not understanding what we’re doing, or even that you disagree with our doing it. While, thus far, you haven’t understood where we stand regarding the Star of David, or more importantly, why we stand there, and have openly expressed your disagreement, you have not, to our knowledge, blasphemed against the Holy Spirit, as has Dallas, who does not simply disagree with us, but blasphemes and mocks the work of the Spirit of Christ in us. We cannot forgive Dallas because it’s not against us, but against the Lord Jesus Christ, Whose work we are, that he blasphemes, despising and ridiculing His Presence.

Dallas says that he knew we would reject him. Does God reject the blasphemer, or has the blasphemer rejected God? You know the answer. We didn’t reject Dallas; he rejected us inasmuch as he despised and condemned the Word of God, Who spoke through us when we advised you regarding the recent health meeting. Dallas rebelled against God’s counsel and grace, giving himself completely over to do evil, which he now works fervently, enslaved by an evil spirit as an implacable enemy of Christ. That is where he is at. Where are you?

The Star of David: A Better Perspective


Sarah replied:


I have read Victor’s writing and do not agree with it.  It is a failed attempt to justify using an image that the Lord has directly condemned.  That is an abomination to Him.  Acts 7:43 is brushed over as though there is some evidence he has found that does not link Remphan to the symbol.  But even before the Lord showed us that scripture (we found it while reading together having left the issue alone), I knew in my heart that it was not right.  The Star of David was named after David al-Roy, father of Zionism.  I urge you to look into that and consider if your stance is pleasing to the Lord.

Furthermore, historical evidence (as well as many Jews) demonstrates that roughly 90% of modern day Israelis are Ashkenazi Jews and have no blood linkage to Abraham.

Gen 10:2-5 The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras.  And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah.  And the sons of Javan; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim.  By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.

There is much more evidence both scripturally and histrically to show this as fact, but clearly you do not wish to accept this.  I was surprised that neither you nor Victor responded to the excerpt Dallas gave you from the Jewish encyclopedia.  But it was God’s doing, as He has been revealing your fruits since we arrived in Helena, well before the infamous date of October 23.

Beyond the rejection of truth such as regarding the star and those whom you identify with, I have noticed that you conduct yourself in questionable ways Paul.  You make judgments after hearing one side of the story, judging an unrighteous judgment.  You acknowledge that you have faults and shortcomings, yet have not been able to admit one when specifically confronted about them.  These are not the fruits of the Spirit.  I cannot therefore submit to you.

I suppose that now, I too will be condemned by you and delivered to Satan by you, but as I have told you several times now, I am going to be honest with you.  I am not going to lie and flatter to save face.  I have been hurt by the way things have been handled in various situations throughout October by both you and Sara.  But I do not hold any malice or ill-will towards any of you.

I am thankful for the things I learned from you all, the correction I received from you, and the next steps the Lord has ordered for me.  As evidenced from the lack of communication from all of you these past couple of weeks, I assume that we will not visit with each other anymore.  That is not our wish, but I understand that you feel we have rejected the Lord and so on so there is no more room for visiting.  Please correct me if I am incorrect in this assumption.

Please respond to both Dallas and I in the future, as we are one, not only in the sense of being married, but also on the aforementioned issues.

Yours truly,


And Dallas chimed in:


It is written:

Amos 5:26 – But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.

Yahweh says man made it (the hexagram) themselves, but you all say:

Jeremiah 44:17But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: for then had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and saw no evil.

Do you not remember Victor giving me this scripture?

Isaiah 57:1 – The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come. He shall enter into peace: they shall rest in their beds, each one walking in his uprightness.  But draw near hither, ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the whore.

It was not as we (you all and us) thought it to be.  It is about the here and now, and not the past.  Also:

Jeremiah 51:27 – Set ye up a standard in the land, blow the trumpet among the nations, prepare the nations against her, call together against her the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashchenaz; appoint a captain against her; cause the horses to come up as the rough caterpillers.

God did not call the Ashkenazi the nations in vain.  I could site many more scriptures and prophecies that confirm King Joeseph’s (a Khazar in the tenth century) testimony that he and his people are decesdants of Japheth, not that you would accept the truth.

2 Thessalonians 2:9 – Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

You are looking to a false sign (1948).  How fitting is it for the Muslims to build the Temple of the Rock in the wrong location?  Also, how fitting is it for false Israelites to take upon themselves the symbol of a false god (Chiun, Saturn, and Remphan), name it after a false messiah, David Al-Roy, and follow a false belief system (the Talmud) rather than the Commandments of Yah?  God is great and His ways are past our understanding, regardless of how much we make of ourselves.

Revelation 3:9 – Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

How can one love the truth while living a lie?  No wonder you cannot forgive me.  The truth hurts.  Will you continue to run and hide from the truth as you did when I confronted you of your false accusations, having no evidence or substance to stand up for what you said?  Or will you continue to believe your opinions regardless of you lack of anything other than opinion?  Or will you repent?  You are already forgiven for your acts against me even though you run from accountability.  I have not blasphemed as you suggest.  What were my exact words of blasphemy?  Neither was I enraged.  You have never even seen me angry more less infuriated, unless the Canadian definition is different from the American.  May Yah be judge between us.

Love Always,


Paul records:

Just before this letter came in I had a vision. I saw Dallas and Sarah at their apartment. Dallas was on the floor, not of his own volition, but put down by an angel of the Lord. The angel, who was invisible, had his foot on Dallas’ neck, as Dallas lay on his side, I believe it would have been his left side to the floor. Although Dallas wanted to move, or to get up, he was not able to do so, and was getting frantic. Sarah was disturbed, losing her confident demeanor and stance, and having nowhere to turn for help.

Victor found this Scripture:

“And when they had made those kings come out to Joshua, Joshua sent for all the men of Israel, and said to the chiefs of the men of war who had gone with him, Come near and put your feet on the necks of these kings. So they came near and put their feet on their necks. And Joshua said to them, Have no fear and do not be troubled; be strong and take heart: for so will the Lord do to all against whom you make war. Then Joshua had them put to death, hanging them on five trees, where they were till evening” (Joshua 10:24-26 BBE).

Dallas also wrote to Sara Schmidt:


What do you think of Victor’s writing on the Star and what Amos and Acts says about it?  If this is the case, why not use the cross, the fish, the pentagram, celebrate christmas, halloween, and all things, since he’s claiming it back for God?  You know what this reminds me of.  When the Prophet Muhammed broke the same laws that he gave and people confronted him about it, soon after he would recieve a revelation from Allah justifying him.  Is Victor not like Muhammed with this writing?  Living contrary to the very thing he preaches and when confronted, he  “recieves” from the Lord justification.  Why does he not follow what God has stated?  And why do you follow someone who lives contrary to God’s word?  Being afraid will not justify you.  No man is infallible.  Repent of your idolatry and I’m not talking about the Star.

Love Always,


p.s. What would Victor say to a christian who gave his excuses for the cross?  Do you think he would accept, “I’m claiming it back for God?”  Think for yourself.

And to Victor:


I know that you’ve grown tired of hearing from me and that is fine.  I will not bother you again after this, if you read it.  Yet let us reason together here. First, I must apologize for one thing and that is, I have not been myself.  I’ve been being a reflection of you and how you talk with people in your correspondences.  That is my fault in this and I hope you can forgive me for it.  With that being said…

When we first talked about the issue of the hexagram, you asked for substance, for me to show you where God is clearly against it.  I have done that.  Were you just saying that, not really caring whether I had substance or not (though it was giving to me afterward), determined to do what you want?

Amos 5:26 – But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.

Does the scriptures say that man made it?  Reason with me here.  What do you think I’m misunderstanding?  How can you claim back for God, that which was never His and that which He has always been against?

Let me share with you how I came upon Acts.  Sarah and I was reading from this site and it was talking about the Israelites coming out of Egypt.  They were considering whether or not they were in bondage for 400 of the 430 years they spent there.  So they talked about Ex. and I was reading every scripture they cited.  Then they came to Acts 7:6.  So we read it, but was not getting their point.

Continuing to read we came to verse 43, I kept reading, not paying it much attention to the specifics of the verse.  Then Sarah said, “Remphan.”  I heard her, but paid her no mind and kept reading.  Then she said it again.  I believe even a third time she said it.  So I said, “ok… let’s see what this guys about.”  I still didn’t even notice the “Star of.”  I simply ran a quick search on Remphan and the hexagram comes up.  So I looked at a couple of different sources, all of which linked Remphan a.k.a Chuin, Moloch, and Saturn to the star.  So we praised Yah and thanked Him for substance.

Act 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

Stephan is talking about when Moses brought them out of the land of Egypt, right?  What is this saying?  From the very beginning of Him calling them out to be a nation, Yahweh was against this image you plan to “take back” for Him.  One cannot take back a graven image for the Almighty.

Victor, you have people following you who are basically putting thier souls in your hands.  Who trust in your ability to lead and in your discernment.  They will not stand against you regardless of what you do.  Don’t you think you owe it to them to put your pride aside and consider if God is for this move.  This is a fire Victor.  As you told Mark about the weeds, but this is a graver threat than losing a few crops.

You brush me aside as Satan, fine, so be it.  But I have not given up on you.  Where is the person I saw writing the IOLs?  The one that I thought loved God and Truth?  The scriptures are clear that Yah is against this image.  Why should one take it to themselves when God was filled with wrath against the natural branches for such a deed?  The branches grafted in do not have more leadway, but the natural branches downfall was for your benefit, to learn from.

God has brought you thus far and you are willing to throw it all away for the sake of not being wrong about something or corrected by me.  Victor, this is not about me or you at all, but about Him.  You told me to remember that I was not driving the car in the vision.  Yet, you are not acknowledging that I am not driving the car, He is.  You are acting as if I am.  God has said one thing, don’t trust in your reasonings to say another thing, contrary to Him.  Have you come so far that you feel it right to trust in what you think about the matter?

Amos puts it in black in white that this is not of God but man.  Acts is a second witness against the star.  God is driving the car Victor.  I remember.  Why don’t you?  I have not given up on you Victor and don’t count you as an enemy, though you cast me off as Satan.  As long as we’ve been conversing, when have I not accepted correction.  Yes, there were two times when I reacted wrongly, even sinfully and both of those times (including Oct 23), I accepted the correction from you and Paul.  I would not be taking this stance if I were not 100% sure of what I’m saying.  But you are wrong about this.  Why is it hard to believe that out of two years of correspondence you are wrong once?  Is it that big of a deal?

I’m being honest and sincere.  These words are from the heart.  If you are still in your stance, so be it.  But I have done all I can.  As I end all of my letters “Love Always,” it is not about me saying I love this person or that.  But that we should do all things in love.  That is something I believe.  Do you love those who follow you?  Then don’t be prideful about this because their lives are in your hands, in that they follow you, regardless of what you do or say.  They accept your words as God’s.  Yet will you continue to look at this weak vessel talking with you?  Or will you look at and consider what’s being said, for He is truly driving the car?

Love Always,


Sara’s reply to Dallas:

“This is the word which Jehovah has spoken concerning him: The virgin, the daughter of Zion, has despised you and laughed you to scorn; the daughter of Jerusalem has shaken her head behind you. Whom have you mocked and blasphemed? And against Whom have you raised your voice and lifted up your eyes on high? Even against the Holy One of Israel” (Isaiah 37:22-23 MKJV).

Victor’s reply:

“But God says to the wicked, Why should you recite My commandments? Why should you talk about My covenant? You refuse to let Me correct you; you reject My commands. You become the friend of every thief you see, and you associate with adulterers. You are always ready to speak evil; you never hesitate to tell lies. You are ready to accuse your own relatives and to find fault with them. You have done all this, and I have said nothing, so you thought that I am like you. But now I reprimand you and make the matter plain to you. Listen to this, you that ignore Me, or I will destroy you, and there will be no one to save you. Giving thanks is the sacrifice that honors Me, and I will surely save all who obey Me” (Psalms 50:16-23 GNB).

The Word of God Against Dallas

“Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon” (Acts 7:43).

“But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves” (Amos 5:26).

I have asked you for substance. This is what I mean: we rely on the Word of God and not on the word of men. While you quote me the Word of God, you are not rightly dividing it. Therefore, using it prejudicially to serve yourself, you render it useless in the way that God intended. While you quote Amos and Acts, one of which specifically mentions the star of Remphan, the Word of God does not so much as suggest the star is the hexagram. So God does not say it.

Next, in any links or sites you have sent us, which contain the words, surmisings, speculations, opinions and deceptive authoritative stances of men, we find no conclusive proof that one, the hexagram was used as the star of Remphan; two, the hexagram originated for that purpose, or three, the hexagram was not used previously for other purposes, then borrowed for worshipping Remphan. In any court of law in the world, your case is thrown out without difficulty, not meeting the demands of proof, equity and justice.

Therefore, not only does God, by His Word, not identify the hexagram as the star of Remphan, neither does the word of man, which could not be trusted anyway.

Who or what is Remphan to us? While it is nothing to us, it is everything to you.

Concerning those in Israel, you contradict yourself. You say we ought not to identify with them because Paul said of his brethren, the unbelieving Jews, in Romans 11:28: “Indeed as regards the Gospel, they are enemies for your sakes.” You go on to say: “How can we stand with those who are against the cross?” Yet in another letter you say that these are false Israelites, not the seed of Abraham to begin with. Which then is it going to be? You cannot have it both ways.

Concerning the present nation of Israel, you say they are of Ashkenaz, not Abraham’s seed. Sarah declares that 90% of those calling themselves Jews are Ashkenazi Jews, with no blood linkage to Abraham. By simple logic, it seems she is suggesting that perhaps 10% of Israeli “Jews” are Abraham’s seed.

Consider then, that God was prepared to spare the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for the sake of 10 righteous souls. That, I believe would constitute considerably less than 10% of their populations. For God to do other than spare, Abraham says this:

“That be far from Thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from Thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” (Genesis 18:25)

While the Sephardic Jews are not righteous by faith, they are righteous by election, beloved for the fathers’ sakes. As Paul said:

“(For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of Him that calleth;) It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger. As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated” (Romans 9:11-13 KJV).

But your heart is on the flesh, on race because you are of the flesh, having nothing to do with the Spirit of grace. Satan, get behind us. Again, the Lord rebuke you and we rebuke you, in and with Him, as is our power and right, being one in Him, Whom you have never known.

Your spirit and attitude would destroy the Ashkenazim, and the Sephardim with them, though in your deception, you would deny it. You two are liars and murderers, Dallas.

In your last letter, I see your “conciliatory” approach as disingenuous, subtly accusatory and hypocritical. To display your righteousness, you apologize for speaking to me, “as I have spoken to others,” thus suggesting some culpability on my part for your ways, not because you copied me (you do not say that is my fault), but that you should conduct yourself in an unworthy manner, as though I have. You are not able or prepared to consider that I was speaking to false professors of faith, to false brethren, to liars and hypocrites, and that often we were “fighting with beasts at Ephesus,” while on the other hand, whether you agree with us or not, believe it or not, you were speaking to elders. Paul and I are elders, appointed of God, and as such, the conduct prescribed by the Word of God is clear:

“Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren” (1 Timothy 5:1).

Your conduct has been nothing short of despicable. How is it you determine an elder? Is one an elder provided he agrees with your doctrine and way of seeing things? The Word does not say that. Is one an elder according to your standards of judgment as to what are the will and revelation of God? You are as the sons of Korah, gainsaying.

“Love always,” Dallas? I don’t think so, not at all. Satan, liar, accuser of all true Jews, your time is finished. We see you and know to whom we speak.


Dallas retorts: “Yah is greater than man…”


My last letter was geniune.  No hidden messages, intended pun, or joking speech.  Every word was from the heart.  It was not an attempt to appease or regain friendship.  The fact of the matter is that after repenting of our idolatry of exalting you and Paul, God delivered me from my masturbation.  After not accepting your reasonings over His word, the desire for cigarettes has been deminishing quickly, even assurance that it will be gone permanently soon.

There is nothing more for me to say regarding the matter.  You have already made up your mind and you will do as you have determined, regardless of anything given to me (though I hope otherwise).  So call me Satan all you wish.  I know Who gave me this testimony and Who is driving, even being delivered from some of my sins, by Yah’s grace.  You said I was recieving a demon of torment, but God is delivering.

Love Always,


Paul replied:


You say you have stopped masturbating, but what about all of your other sins? How about lying, for example? Before you came out you told us you were only tempted to masturbate, and had not mentioned falling back, or remaining in, this particular sin. So you were lying to us, even if by what you did not say.

You also lie about being in idolatry of us. There was never anything like that happening here. You and Sarah are making this up as an excuse to not obey the Word of God spoken by us to you. You call obedience idolatry, removing any responsibility on your parts to submit to those over you. Did you not know that liars are not found in the city of God? So you are also lying about hearing from Him, because where you are at, He is not talking to you, except by us, who are with Him.

How about your sin of laziness? You come to the farm and while everyone else is up and working or visiting you sleep, or do what, masturbate? You never once asked if you could help with anything, or if your presence was needed anywhere. Might you be excused because you come from a background of gross ignorance? That is possible, but only if you were willing to listen, submit, and learn, turning from the indolent and wicked ways of your fathers. However, you insist that you know better, and are wiser than seven men that can render a reason. That is pride, Dallas, another sin. We do not see a change of heart or repentance, either, quite the opposite. Here is how the Scriptures describe you:

“For there are indeed many insubordinate men, empty talkers and mind-deluders, especially those of the circumcision, whose mouth you must stop, who overturn whole houses, teaching things which they ought not for the sake of ill gain. One of them, a prophet of their own, said: Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons” (Titus 1:10-12 LITV).

What about your sin of ingratitude? Sara and I arranged an apartment for both of you, the landlord agreeing on our recommendation of you as tenants. Furthermore, it was Sara’s place. She gave up a good place and at a very good price. Though we talked about downsizing, we had no intention of moving, except that it seemed to be a help to you and that was our first concern. Not one word of thanks from either of you. But you did find room for complaint, and insinuation, if not accusation, that we simply “dumped” an undesirable place on you. How wicked and hard you people are!

We put you up at our places, fed you, and not one word of thanks about that either. Instead, you complain that we charged you too much on rent. Not only do we go to the personal expense in all these things, but the greater expense is our time and care that has been expended on your behalf (even to this very moment, writing this letter, telling you the truth that you hate to hear), for all of which you have shown absolutely zero appreciation. In fact, you have been in the minus range, as already mentioned, accusing us, and vaunting yourselves as if you know things and we should be thanking you. Evil beasts, indeed!

Sarah complains about the exchange rate at the farm, that she was not given the extra 10 cents on the dollar, which amounted to maybe two dollars, total. You people strain at a gnat and swallow a cow. Had you any idea of what was given you, simply in physical things, never mind the much more valuable and precious spiritual, you would not have dared to even begin to make such a complaint. You would have died of shame at the mere thought of it. Instead, you march ahead like the brute beasts that you are, spouting accusations and making pompous assertions about your righteousness, as if we should be impressed. Impressed indeed! We marvel at your audacity and hardness of heart.

While you count the two dollars to be an egregious overcharge, Victor and Marilyn gave up the master bedroom for your stay. We accommodated you as though at a luxury bed and breakfast. Victor paid $30 for testing Sarah for potential food issues. We gave you two dozen eggs when we got home. We paid for gas and used our car for the trip. Never a mention of these expenses, Sarah. Why? You are an accountant and count the pennies when they are on your side of the ledger. What about the dollars on the other side? Don’t they count? Sara Schmidt paid for part of your utility bill. Do you mention that, or care? No. She tries to bless you, but all you can do is find fault with her and what she does as you wickedly pursue self-justification for what you do. A fault finding generation indeed!

“Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities….these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves” (Jude 1:8,10 KJV).

Dallas, how about your sin of insubordination? The Scriptures say not to rebuke an elder, but rebuking is not enough for you. You must also mock. What do the Scriptures say about that?

“The eye that mocks its father and despises to obey its mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, the sons of the eagle shall eat it” (Proverbs 30:17 LITV).

How can you escape the judgment of God for all of your sins? If idolatry of us has kept you in masturbation, what kept you there, with your pornography addiction, before you met us? If you are being delivered from cigarettes because not believing us about yourselves and your stupid superstitions regarding whatever (you have had many), then what kept you in bondage to your cigarettes before, when you could self-righteously believe whatever you wished without our influence? Liars! Self-serving fools! You are spiritual masturbators, pleasuring yourselves in your spiritual delusion and self-aggrandizement. You cannot help but sin. The apostle Paul warned us and described you to us as follows:

“For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away” (2 Timothy 3:2-5 KJV).

“Cretans are always liars” and everything that comes out of your mouths are lies. Another lie is that you have not given up on us. The only thing you have not given up on is trying to convince us you are right. You are trying to convince yourself that you are right. That you have not given up on. You are the one who is a pope. You expect everyone to believe you simply because you say it is so. Your word and revelation are infallible, even negating the Word of God. We all noticed once again that you didn’t answer anything from Victor’s last letter, or of the Scriptures he has given you. That goes for our previous letters, too.

What about your sin of theft, Dallas? You steal what God has graciously given us to make yourself equal to God, yes, even to transcend Him. You take and use what you have received from us, using it not only against us, but against God. This is another major transgression: “You shall not steal.”

So what that you go a few days without masturbating and smoke a few less cigarettes? Does this demonstrate that God, and His grace, is with you? But we know that God does not hear sinners, so what exactly is going on here? Just as I was writing these very words Ingrid called me from the farm, to remind us that Pascal said the same thing that you have about your masturbating, after he received an evil spirit, two weeks before he died. He said to Victor that God it must have been the Spirit of God that he had received, contrary to the Word of God that we spoke to him, because he was no longer masturbating, not having the urge to do so. He had even apologized to Ingrid for having visited prostitutes in the past. How delivered from his sins was Pascal, that God slew him in the shower? How great was his proof of deliverance, that two weeks after declaring it he was dead, leaving his wife a widow, and children orphans, even one of them yet unborn?

Sarah, if Dallas is of the tribe of Judah, as you prophesied, then we will also believe that the pornography he looks at is the Holy Scriptures. That is the equivalent. Dallas has nothing to do with the Lord, or His family, and neither, in your wickedness, do you. You speak from an evil imagination. You have formed Dallas to be twice the child of hell that you are. You say you cannot submit to me, but you are supposedly willing to submit to the one formed by you, who has been in all manner of sin, and still is? That’s because he is a reflection of you, a foolish woman full of sin. You serve Dallas to serve yourself. You are a witch. Yes, you are one with Dallas, as you are one with Satan. You have the rewards of your labor, with much more to come.

“A wise woman builds her house, but the foolish plucks it down with her hands”

(Proverbs 14:1 MKJV).

Both of you are in great evil. I have trembled in the fear of God for the way you have spit in His face.

“Then the glorious LORD All-Powerful ordered me to say to the nations that had raided and robbed Zion: Zion is as precious to the LORD as are His eyes. Whatever you do to Zion, you do to Him” (Zechariah 2:8 CEV).

If you can proceed in peace, then the Lord has not sent us. If you cannot, then you, and all others, will know that it is the Lord Whom you have provoked.


Dallas replied:

Paul, I have read this much of your letter.

You say you have stopped masturbating, but what about all of your other sins? How about lying, for example? Before you came out you told us you were only tempted to masturbate, and had not mentioned falling back, or remaining in, this particular sin. So you were lying to us, even if by what you did not say.

This is a qoute from the letter I wrote before I came out here.

That being that I’m still having problems with smoking, porn, and masturbation (at times).  I say at times because sometimes when I recieve the urge to do so, I am able to bear it.

You should stop skimming what you read.  I said at because SOMETIMES… I am able to beat it.  You are reading irresponsibly and calling me a liar because you are not deligent.  If I am able to bear it sometimes, doesn’ that mean I am not able to other times.  Again you have become a false accuser.  If you wish for me to know the rest of your letter, talk to me in person.

Love Always,


The conversation ends:

Ok, Dallas. I see that you are right; you did say sometimes. I didn’t realize you were still masturbating after you arrived here. I did not re-read your letter, but went with my impression that you had said you were successfully resisting the temptation. I certainly had hoped that for you. I apologize for saying you were lying here.

However, this does nothing to diminish your other lies, or the overall message of my letter, which is that lying is your nature, not your intention. Whether you read on or not is your choice. Regardless, you will be held responsible for what has been said to you.


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