From: Dawn
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2016 5:46 AM
Im interested in your meetings on Saturdays. I would be Pacific Time.
How can I join in and when? Thank You
From: Victor Hafichuk
To: Dawn
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2016 7:19 AM
Subject: Re: Saturday Meetings
Hi Dawn,
Register for the Forum on our site – you can click on it from any page, and we’ll send you to the instruction page there for how to join the Sabbath chat (which starts at 11:00 am your time and goes for several hours).
Tell us more about yourself, please!
From: Dawn
To: Paul Cohen
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2016 3:21 PM
Subject: RE: Saturday Meetings
Im not sure what type of info youd like about me. I grew up in West Michigan and was lead ( I believe by the Lord) in 2008 to Los Angeles. Its hard to explain my process in one email as it took years to come through and it continues.
I have struggled to find a fellowship of likeminded belivers as most believe in Hell ( eternal torment for those who ” dont believe in Jesus” or said the sinners prayer) if they also believe in some of the things I do. Dealbreaker for truth leadings for me! I see that your site has begun to not only set me free free from much of the calamity of confusion I have suffered by being led by false profetic churches ( HRock- Pasadena, IHOP -Pasadena and many of those within those and those similar). I finally “threw Christianity away” realizing it was total BS; they loved hypocritically ( those who lead especially) if at all and they followed beliefs my heart and spirit was knowing was rediculous ( god needs my money to further the kingdom- god blesses givers speach before every passing of the money holders, jeramia 10 is saying to not worship idols made of wood and has no reference to “Christmas” ( I actually was told this by a lady considered a great leader of truth at a Cell Group and SOO Much more).
I have a friend who has a site ( which focuses on similar points as your site yet he has a vision on his site I dont believe is of God and his teachings doesnt go as far or as wide as your does in the understandings I seek. Your site also has better articulation and less “arrogance” so I can understand truth more clearly through your words and explainations.
I found your site after looking up info on Todd White. I had viewed three videos on Netflix with him in it, the last being “Father of Lights” in which “God” healed a “random” man, a muslum, who would later be the key to getting Todd into the dome of the rock and the area of souls ( i forget the real name of the area within it). Quite a remarcable section of the documentary. I always question the “love” behind it all yet find the processes unclear if it is of God or not… I realized you had much to say about Todd, of which I wondered about myself ( the large assemblies, seeking money etc).
I could continue of course but I hope that gives you a bit about me. Feel free to ask anything. Blessings, Dawn
From: Ronnie Tanner
To: Dawn
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 1:10 PM
Subject: Fwd: Activate user account
Hi Dawn,
Were you ever able to get into the room with the password I provided? If not, you can try anytime and if you have questions or problems let me know and we can troubleshoot things before the next meeting.
From: Dawn
To: Ronnie Tanner
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 1:55 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Activate user account
Hi, I think I was able to get in. I will try again soon. Thank you.
From: Victor Hafichuk
To: Dawn
Cc: Paul Cohen, and Ronnie Tanner
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 6:33 AM
Subject: RE: Saturday Meetings
Hi Dawn,
You write, “I have struggled to find a fellowship of likeminded belivers as most believe in Hell ( eternal torment for those who ‘dont believe in Jesus’ or said the sinners prayer) if they also believe in some of the things I do.”
The true, living faith of God is a gift and it really has little to do with getting all your doctrinal ducks in order. Many people have some very good doctrine, including the Pharisees and it does them little good because they don’t have faith. I once believed in eternal torment while I had faith. Today, I know eternal (time or age without end) torment is a big lie concocted to frighten and overpower souls. But I still have faith. Faith is independent of doctrine, true or false.
You say you search for “like-minded” people. It seems you’re searching for people who believe like you do in doctrine, which will get you nowhere good. I tell you that those who have the true faith of God will not be pleased to fellowship with those whose emphasis is on doctrine and perhaps religious practice. Those of faith rejoice with those of faith – trust in God, believing on and obeying Him in all humility with accompanying life, joy and peace.
Do you understand what I’m saying?